Management and MarketingPlan of Work
Taylor County CES
Management and Marketing
Enhancing Livestock and Crop Profitability
Agents Involved:
Pat Hardesty
Grain Crops
Grain Crops
Agriculture producers must continue to improve management/marketing skills to remain profitable and sustain a strong agricultural economy. Beef, dairy, grains and tobacco generate approximately $29 million. With these production systems, protecting the environment is also a responsibility producers are challenged with! With guidance from the Extension Council, the Taylor County Cattlemen’s Association directors and dairy committee, educational programs are planned which highlight management/marketing skills, protecting the environment and providing local foods.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Producers will sustain profitability through enhanced management and marketing skills by the implementation of technology, marketing strategies, BMP’s and management of expenses.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Producers will enhance profitability through the adoption of best management practices and marketing skills while controlling costs.
Initial Outcomes:
Producers will gain knowledge of how new technology improved practices and marketing strategies will enhance profitability.
Initial Outcome: Producers shall begin to enhance profitability through gained knowledge of improved management and marketing skills
Indicator: Producers are motivated to adopt best management of production and marketing.
Method: Surveys, Observation
Timeline: Throughout the year
Intermediate Outcome: Producers adopt recommended practices that were learned through educational programs.
Indicator: Producers will implement management practices
Method: Surveys, Observation
Timeline: Throughout the year
Long-term Outcome: Producers will improve profitability through enhanced management and marketing skills and adoption of new technology.
Indicator: Profitability is enhanced by using technology, enhanced management and marketing
Method: Ag. statistics, savings, observation
Timeline: Throughout the year
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Tobacco Producers
Project or Activity: Tri-County Tobacco Meeting
Content or Curriculum: Float Bed Management, Fertility, GAP Training
Inputs: Specialists, Agents, Publications
Date: February 2019, 2020, 2021
Audience: Dairy Producers
Project or Activity: Tri-County Dairy Shortcourse
Content or Curriculum: Nutrition, Calf Barns, Dry Cow Management
Inputs: Specialists, Agents, Publications
Date: February-March 2019, 2020, 2021
Audience: Grain Producers
Project or Activity: Tri-County Grain Meeting
Content or Curriculum: Persistent Weeds, Technology, Farm Bill, GPS, Ag. Apps
Inputs: Specialists, Agents, Publications
Date: December 2018, 2019, 2020
Audience: Grain Producers
Project or Activity: Variety Research Trials
Content or Curriculum: Variety Selection
Inputs: Cooperator, Industry, Agents
Date: Summer 2019, 2020
Audience: Grain Producers
Project or Activity: Grain Marketing Group
Content or Curriculum: Marketing Strategies
Inputs: Specialists, Agents, Publications, Commodity Challenge
Date: Quarterly throughout the year
Audience: Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Pasture to Plate
Content or Curriculum: Feeding techniques from weaning to finish, carcass evaluation, consumer preference
Inputs: Specialists, Agents, Publications
Date: Throughout the year
Audience: Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Taylor County Cattlemen's Association Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Management and Marketing Topics
Inputs: Specialists, Agents, Publications
Date: September 2018- April 2019
Audience: Grain Producers
Project or Activity: State Water Hemp Control Research Plot
Content or Curriculum: Herbicide and Timing Selection
Inputs: Specialists, Agents
Date: Summer 2018
Audience: Farm Families
Project or Activity: Farm Family Field Day
Content or Curriculum: Beef, Grain, Farm Safety, 4-H, Family & Consumer Sciences
Inputs: Specialists, Extension Staff, Host Farm, Leaders, Sponsors
Date: May 2018 - August 2019
Success Stories
Waterhemp Research Trial
Author: Patrick Hardesty
Major Program: Grain Crops
After glyphosate was introduced in the mid 1970’s, it was used primarily as a burndown herbicide in corn and soybeans. Since the introduction of Roundup Ready crops in 1996, glyphosate has been used widely for burndown and in-crop weed control with the increase in use and many dropping pre-emerge herbicides from their weed control program weeds have become resistant. Two weeds, palmer amaranth and waterhemp, were identified as resistant in 2005. These pigweeds are very a
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Enhancing Beef Production
Author: Patrick Hardesty
Major Program: Beef
The Taylor County Cattlemen’s Association and Taylor County Extension Service provides educational beef production and management topics for beef producers to enhance their profitability. Topics included cow-calf profitability, bale grazing, nutrition, mineral supplementation and fly control.In the cow-calf profitability session, the discussion led into how to move from year round calving to a planned breeding season. In the fly control session, a fly gun was demonstrated as a
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Center of Kentucky Backgrounding Shortcourse
Author: Patrick Hardesty
Major Program: Beef
With approximately 12,000 cows in Taylor County, a Backgrounding Shortcourse was developed in cooperation with Adair and Green County Extension Service. Approximately 24 producers participated with a 90 average head backgrounded. Participants gained knowledge in nutrition, health and marketing. On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, participants rated factors affecting profitability an eight where they learned to use futures for targeting a profit per head. Approximate
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment