Farm Worker SafetyPlan of Work
Calloway County CES
Farm Worker Safety
Production Agriculture
Agents Involved:
M. Chadwick V. Harper
Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests
Pesticide Safety – Livestock Pests
Farm Management
Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Producers in the county continue to increase the amount of acreage in their operations, with this increase comes also an increased need for additional labor. Producers need to provide efficient, accurate, and timely training to their labor force for each component of their operation. In addition, tobacco producers in the county seek a reliable bilingual training opportunity for their seasonal H2A labor force to meet the requirements of their GAP certification.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Long term downward trend of on farm accidents accross the region.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Producers will train workers in a timely manner about each component of the opperation.
Initial Outcomes:
-Producers and farm workers will understand the value of timely safety trainings.
Initial Outcome:Producers and farm workers will understand the value of timely safety trainings.
Indicator: A more cautious attitude of producers, and farm workers
Method: One on one interaction
Timeline: Fall 2016
Intermediate Outcome: Producers will train workers in a timely manner about each component of the operation.
Indicator: Reduced severity and quantity of on farm accidents
Method: One on One communications and observation
Timeline: 2017-2018
Long-term Outcome:-Long term downward trend of on farm accidents across the region.
Indicator: Statisitacal evidence
Method: Monitoring Statistical reports
Timeline: 2016-2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Purchase/Calloway Agriculture producers and citizens.
Project and Activity: Private Pesticide Applicator Training
Content or Curriculum: Videos Provided on University entomology webpage
Imputs: Agents, Videos, KDA
Date: As Needed
Audience: Producers, Farm workers
Project or Activity: Tobacco Workers Safety Training
Content or Curriculum: Tobacco Workers Safety training video
Inputs: Agents, Video
Date: As needed
Audience: County Youth
Project or Activity: Farm Safety for youth
Content or Curriculum: Ag Safety
Inputs: Volunteers, Agents, Safety Equipment
Date: Annually
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Success Stories
GAP Tobacco Workers Training,
Author: Matthew Chadwick
Major Program: Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests
The Calloway, and Graves county extension services Co-Hosted a regional tobacco workers safety training with GAP connections in earlyaugust. The purpose of this training was to provide farmers with a simple andeffective outlet for training their Hispanic workers that migrate annually towork in the tobacco crop. In August farmers receive large amounts of workers toassist with harvest and at times, it is difficult to find the time to traineach individual to OSHA standards. By providing this traini
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