Beef CattlePlan of Work
Trimble County CES
Beef Cattle
Increasing Agriculture Awareness and Profitability
Agents Involved:
Pesticide Safety – Livestock Pests
Ag Marketing
Beef cattle production is now one of the largest agriculture enterprises in Trimble County. According to the 2012 Agriculture Census, 89% of county animals sales are made up from the sale of cattle and calves. The Trimble County Cattleman's Association has given several requests for programs that will assist in enhancing their operations.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Cattle producers will use their existing and new procedures in making their operations more successful.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Putting into use more effective ways of managing cattle.
Initial Outcomes:
Producers will increase knowledge,learn methods that can be implemented into their operation.
Initial Outcome: Knowledge gained by producers.
Indicator: Number of producers who adopt recommended practices.
Method: Direct contact with producers.
Timeline: Fall 2018
Intermediate Outcome:Knowledge used by producers to improve operations.
Indicator: Number of practices used.
Method:Follow up survey.
Timeline: Spring 2019
Long-term Outcome: Producers will become more efficient and confident in their practices.
Indicator: Number of producers who adopt new practices.
Method: Producers testimonies.
Timeline: Fall 2018-Spring 2019
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Beef producers
Project or Activity: Educational Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Reproduction,Marketing, Nutrition
Inputs: Specialists, Industry Reps, UK pubs
Date: July, Oct, Jan, April
Audience: Beef producers
Project or Activity: Regional Beef field Day
Content or Curriculum: Pasture Management, Safe Handling Equipment
Inputs: Farm facilitator, Specialists, Agents
Date: Sept. 27
Audience: Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Beef Quality Assurance
Content or Curriculum: Consumer Assurance and Better Manage Practices
Inputs: BQA Manual, Agent, UK pub
Date: Fall 2018
Success Stories
Regional Beef Field Day
Author: Kevin Perkins
Major Program: Beef
Trimble County, like many other former tobacco dependent counties, has had a renewed push towards beef production. According to the 2012 Census of Agriculture, Trimble County has nearly $800,000 in beef animal sales yearly, so the Henry County Extension Office joined with the Oldham County Extension Office, Shelby County Extension Office, and Trimble County Extension Office to host the 2018 Regional Beef Field Day. The 2018 Regional Beef Field Day was held at Allison Acres Charola
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