Nurturing Parenting, Family Time Challenge 2018Plan of Work
Rockcastle County CES
Nurturing Parenting, Family Time Challenge 2018
Nurturing Families
Agents Involved:
Hazel Jackson, John McQueary
Nurturing Parenting
In Rockcastle County, grandparents are increasingly becoming guardians of their grandchildren when the parents have addiction problems or are incarcerated.
Spending meaningful time together is an issue for today's busy families. Families will be given opportunites during 2018-19 to spend time together during family-oriented extension activities. The summer hiking program will give opportunites for families to hike together with an organized activity during the hike.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Families will plan actiivities that will allow family members to exercise together, Eat meals together and form holiday traditions that will be carried on from yea to year.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Families will eat together at least 2 times per week, youth who participate in Super Star Chef and food stamp programs will prepare food with their parent or will prepare a meal that the family will eat together.
Initial Outcomes:
Participants grandparents as parents workshops will show an increase in their knowledge regarding the development and safety of their children.
Families will be mailed evaluations and emailed evaluations to show changes they have made.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Parents and children
Project or Activity: Family Time Challenge
Content or Curriculum: Couch Potato Challenge, Saturday hiking program, Family Mealtime, Super Star Chef
Holiday Traditions
Audience: Grandparents as Parents
Project or Activity: Monthly group meetings
Content or Curriculum: special speakers and discussion
Success Stories
Cooking Together Eating Together helps families bond
Author: Hazel Jackson
Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
It the beginning of April, Rockcastle County FCS hosted its first Cooking Together/Eating Together Dinner Social. 5 adultl/child groups attended the new program an additional 4 children attended with a friend and his/her parent. The children ranged in age from 4 to 12 years old; 4 youth attended with a parent and 1 attended with a grandparent. The FCS agent recruited 2 volunteers to assist as well. The children were active in preparation of the dinner meal and made the d
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment