Family and Individual Well BeingPlan of Work
Bracken County CES
Family and Individual Well Being
Enriching Family Lives
Agents Involved:
Embracing Life as We Age (general)
Keys to Great Parenting
Nurturing Parenting
Blue To You
Healthy couple and parenting relationships and resulting family stability benefit the well-being of adults
and children. Co-habiting, same-sex, divorced, widowed and single households are the new majority. Stresses on
military families are more difficult and prolonged because of the demands on military personnel to serve multiple
deployments, frequently in combat zones. Children who live absent from their biological fathers are two to three
times more likely to be poor, to experience educational, health, emotional and behavioral problems than their peers
who live with their married, biological (or adoptive) parents. In 2009, 26 percent of Kentucky children lived in
poverty, ranking Kentucky 48th in the nation. Children who start kindergarten with delayed development and fewer
assets are by far more likely to repeat grades, get tracked into lower-tier classes and drop out of high school than
more advantaged children. More than half of Kentucky’s 56 judicial circuits have some form of mandated divorce
education; more such education is needed
Long-Term Outcomes:
Care for the physical and mental health and well-being of each individual over the long term
Build personal strengths and self-control, interpersonal communication, life skills including wise decision-making.
Reach out with empathy to people of diverse cultural, ethnic, racial groups and those experiencing severe stress
Foster the optimal development of children and youth
Practice parental leadership skills
Access community resources when needed
Become volunteers to make their community a better place to live for everyone.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Serve healthy snacks and meals
Set and used family rules, routines and limited screen time
Eat family meals four or more times a week
Reduced stress levels, make time for selves, and/or made wise decisions about money, time, etc.
Played with child daily
Report child’s developmental progress over time
Identify realistic expectations for child’s tasks
Report using preventive and positive discipline techniques in response to misbehavior, and setting and enforcing logical consequences
Practice skills to strengthen and sustain relationships
Accessed community agencies when needed
Engage in community activities
Initial Outcomes:
Intends to keep healthy snacks on hand
Commits to set family rules regarding eating together, limiting screen time, active play and exercise, set routines
Intends to manage stress; make time for self; listen, talk, bond with family
members; read with child daily; teach responsibility in use of money, time, etc.
Describes child’s developmental levels relative to averages
Verbalizes realistic behavior expectations
Lists developmentally appropriate playthings
Discusses discipline vs. punishment, and preventive and positive discipline techniques
Commits to using logical consequences for misbehavior
Intends to contact community agencies for assistance
Intends to participate in volunteer activities
Initial Outcome: Participants attending programs have realistic expectations
Indicator: number of people reporting change in knowledge or skills
Method: program evaluation per attendees
Timeline: 2018-2019
Intermediate Outcome: Practice skills to maintain and strengthen relationships
Indicator: number of participants demonstrate informed decision making
Method: immediate program evaluation, word of mouth
Timeline: 2018-2019
Long-term Outcome: Care for the physical and mental health and well being of each individual over the long term
Indicator: Number of informed and effective decision making
Method: Program evaluation for short term and long term
Timeline: 2018-2019
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Seniors
Project or Activity: Monthly Lessons
Content or Curriculum: eXtension resources, Ky CES publications, Nurturing Parenting, Embracing Life as you Age
Inputs:FCS Agent
Date: Monthly 2018-2019
Audience: Homemakers
Project or Activity: Leader Trainings with CES publications
Content or Curriculum: Blue to You
Inputs: FCS Agents
Date: 2018-2019
Audience: Families
Project or Activity: Family Time, Baby Gala, Monthly Lessons
Content or Curriculum: Keys to Great Parenting
Inputs: FCS Agents
Date: 2018-2019
Audience: 4 & 5 graders
Project or Activity: Self Esteem Afterschool Program
Content or Curriculum: UK publications, 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: FCS, 4-H
Date: Fall 2018
Success Stories
21st Century an Afterschool Enrichment Program
Author: Shannon Smith
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Accordingto data from a 2011 Census study, 32.5% of children ages 12-14 providedself-care during after school hours. If that’s not frightening enough, thenconsider the children that are alone and do not participate in after schoolprograms are at a greater risk of violent crimes, substance abuse, antisocialbehavior, poor academic performance, and dropping out of school. So when approachedby the Bracken County School system on becoming a partner agency with a 21stCentury Learning Center at B
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A Day with Dad
Author: Shannon Smith
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
For the second year, the Bracken County Extension Office collaborated with the local Family Resource Youth Service Center (FRYSC) to offer “A Day with Dad.” The focus of this event is to offer an opportunity for fathers to spend quality time with their children. Often times bonding, experiences between parent and child are focused on the mother as the primary caregiver. However, studies have shown that children are more successful when fathers take an active role in
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment