Making Healthy ChoicesPlan of Work
Bracken County CES
Making Healthy Choices
Nutrition and Wellness for Bracken County Residents
Agents Involved:
4-H, FCS
Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
The Centers for Disease Control found in a nationally representative survey that only 29% of high school youth participated in at least 60 minutes of physical activity on each of the seven days before the survey. Participation in physical activity decreases as we age.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth maintain positive health habits.
Youth are at a lower risk for serious disease and illness.
Youth are at a lower risk for physical and emotional distress.
Youth are competent, capable, contributing adults as a result of their participation in 4-H Health programs.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth adopt healthy behaviors that lead to a healthy lifestyle that include making healthy lifestyle choices, not engaging in risky behavior and handling stress.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth identify healthy lifestyle choices.
Youth understand risky behaviors and their consequences.
Youth aspire to have higher self-esteem.
Youth identify healthy ways to handle stress.
Initial Outcome: The number of youth that report making healthy lifestyle choices.
Indicator: evaluation results, testimonials, follow-up programming
Method: Post-program evaluations, client/parent/teacher testimonials
Timeline: 2018-2019
Intermediate Outcome: Youth adopt healthy behaviors that lead to a healthy lifestyle that include making healthy lifestyle choices, not engaging in risky behavior and handling stress.
Indicator: Evaluation results, testimonials, program feedback
Method: evaluations, client/parent/teacher testimonials
Timeline: 2018-2019
Long-term Outcome: Youth maintain positive healthy habits, including more physical activity, making healthy food choices, handling stress, and contribute to their community.
Indicator: observation and testimonials
Method: evaluations, follow-ups, client/parent/teacher testimonials
Timeline: 2018-2019
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 8th graders in Bracken Co.
Project or Activity: Truth and Consequences Event
Content or Curriculum:Truth and Consequences
Inputs: Ext. agents, school staff, community partners
Date: Spring 2019
Audience: 4th and 5th graders
Project or Activity: FOOD FITNESS FUN CLUB
Content or Curriculum: My Plate, Health Rocks, Food & Fitness
Inputs: 4-H, FRYSC
Date: Spring 2019
Audience: Day Camps
Project or Activity: Cooking, Get Moving
Content or Curriculum: My Plate, Professor Popcorn,
Inputs: 4-H, FCS, Teens
Date: Summer 2019
Audience: Afterschool Programs
Project or Activity: Self Esteem
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications,4-H Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H, FCS, FRYSC
Date: School Year 2018-2019
Audience: Elementary Students
Project or Activity: Germ Buster
Content or Curriculum: UK publications
Input: 4-H, FCS, FRYSC
Success Stories
Make it Take it Try it
Author: Shannon Smith
Major Program: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
The Center for Disease Control reports that 33.2 % of Kentucky residents are obese with Bracken at 32.4%, 46.2 % consume fruit less than 1 time per day and 24.9% consume vegetables less than 1 time per day. In fact, adults in Kentucky rank among the highest for poor consumption of fresh and vegetables. As in most rural counties, Bracken, has very limited opportunities for women and mothers to socialize. The Bracken County Family and Consumer Science Agent created a fun ni
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment