Ag in the ClassroomPlan of Work

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Elliott County CES

Ag in the Classroom
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
Ag Agent
Farmer's Markets
Local Food Systems
Commercial Horticulture

During the 2009-2010 academic calendar year Vocational Agriculture Education was removed from the Elliott County School system. During the 2015-2016 school year one vocational agriculture course was offered to Elliott County High School student’s grades 9-10. According to the 2012 Census of Agriculture there is 56,336 acres of farm land in Elliott County involved in some type of agriculture practice. Therefore, the CEC, Ag Council, Farmers Market and Soil Conservation Board’s felt that Agriculture in the school system was extremely important.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Student’s academic performance will improve because of their exposure to hands on Ag in the classroom activities.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Students will engage with one another and their peers and link the Ag in the classroom lessons with what the teacher has been teaching during lectures and throughout the school year.

Initial Outcomes:

Students enrolled in a vocational agriculture course will increase their knowledge on basic agriculture concepts.


Initial Outcome:

Indicator: Students 9-12 grade will increase their knowledge on basic agriculture concepts.

Method: Pre-test and observations.

Timeline: Before the start of each session.

Intermediate Outcome:

Indicator:Students will engage with one another and their peers and will link the Ag in the classroom lessons to what is being taught throughout the year.

Method: Observation and word of mouth from teachers.

Timeline: After each lesson

Long-term Outcome:

Indicator: Students academic performance improves because of exposure to hands on Ag in the classroom activities.

Method: Teachers grades, Post-test and word of mouth from teachers.

Timeline: End of academic calendar year.

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 9-12 grade high school students enrolled in a vocational agriculture course at Elliott County High School.

Project or Activity: Where your food comes from (Meat Science)

Content or Curriculum: KFB and University of Kentucky

Inputs: UK Extension Specialist, UK Animal Scientist, 4-H Livestock Kit and Field Trips

Date: January-March

Audience: 9-12 grade high school students enrolled in a vocational agriculture course at Elliott County High School.

Project or Activity: Community Garden

Content or Curriculum: Gardening/Junior Master Gardner

Inputs: Ag agents, Farmer's Market vendors and vocational agriculture teachers

Date: April-October

Audience: 9-12 grade high school students enrolled in a vocational agriculture course at Elliott County High School.

Project or Activity: Genetics

Content or Curriculum: Oklahoma Ag in the classroom

Inputs: 4-H Livestock Kit, Field Trip to Kentucky State Fair and North American International Livestock Exposition and Ag agent

Date: November-December

Success Stories

Ag in the classroom "Mini Farm"

Author: Keith Center

Major Program: Sustainable Agriculture

Ag in the classroom "Mini Farm"

A mini farm at Elliott County High School is teaching students business and entrepreneurship skills they can use in their future careers and showing residents how they can use agriculture to improve their lives.The mini farm is a project of Gary Selby, the high school’s agriculture teacher, and Keith Center, an agent with the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service. They started the project to rekindle interest in agriculture among the county’s young people. After a six-

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