Healthy Lifestyle Choices in the Kitchen, the Home, and Rural LivingPlan of Work
Hancock County CES
Healthy Lifestyle Choices in the Kitchen, the Home, and Rural Living
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Agents Involved:
Lisa Adkins
Get Moving Kentucky (Physical Activity Based Programs)
Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Kentucky adult obesity rates rank among the 10 highest in the US; and, Kentucky youth rank among the 10 highest for obesity in the US. Thirty percent of Kentucky adults report not participating in any physical activity. The CDC also reports Kentucky adults rank in the 10 highest for poor consumption of fruits and vegetables in the US. In addition to these health indicators, according to the US Census, approximately 19% of Kentucky’s total population is living in poverty; and, approximately 27% percent of children and youth under the age of 18 live in poverty.
The Green River District Health Department Community Health Improvement Plan (May 8, 2015) states 34% of the Hancock County adult population is obese and 30% report no or little physical activity.
More persons aged 1-34 years die as a result of injuries than any other cause of death and motor vehicle crashes accounting for approximately half of those deaths (National 4-H Healthy Living Task Force).
Long-Term Outcomes:
•Individuals will reduce their risk for nutrition-related health problems.
Intermediate Outcomes:
•Individuals engage in regular physical activity.
•Individuals demonstrate food preparation skills
•Individuals engage in good food safety practices.
Initial Outcomes:
*Individuals will describe food preparation techniques.
*Youth will be able to describe food safety practices.
*Youth and adults will recognize the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.
*Youth will recognize hazardous situations and know how to avoid them.
Initial Outcome: Individuals will be able to identify the components of a healthy diet as defined by the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting an increase in knowledge related to the components of a healthy diet.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports.
Timeline: conclusion of culinary arts and afterschool club meetings
Initial Outcome: Individuals will describe food preparation techniques.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting an increase in knowledge related to food preparation techniques.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation, observation
Timeline: May 2018
Initial Outcome: Individuals will recognize the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting understanding the importance of physical activity related to a healthy diet.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS Reports.
Timeline: September 2018
Intermediate Outcome: Individuals demonstrate food preparation skills.
Indicator: Number of individuals who implemented food preparation practices and behaviors.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation, observation
Timeline: May 2018
Long-term Outcome:
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4-H Culinary Arts Club
Project or Activity: monthly club meetings: food prep, food safety, nutrition
Content or Curriculum: Super Star Chef, Plate it Up, Teen Cuisine, 4-H Poultry Barbecue, 4-H Foods Core Curriculum
Inputs: Hancock County Middle School, Hancock County High School, Community Education, Hancock County Youth Services Center
Date: August 2018-May 2019
Audience: Afterschool 4-H Clubs
Project or Activity: monthly club meetings: healthy snacks, foods, and physical activity
Content or Curriculum: Professor Popcorn, 4-H Health Curriculum, etc.
Inputs: NHES Afterschool program, SHES Afterschool program
Date: September 2018-May 2019
Audience: Middle School 4-H Clubs
Project or Activity: Club meetings: healthy snacks, healthy lifestyle choices
Content or Curriculum: Health Rocks!, 4-H Health Curriculum
Inputs: Hancock County Middle School
Date: October 2018-April 2019
Audience: 4-H Teen Club members
Project or Activity: club meetings: distracted driving, impaired driving, healthy snacks
Content or Curriculum: 4-H foods Core Curriculum, FCS 4-H Core Curriculum
Inputs: Hancock County High School
Date: September 2018-April 2019
Audience: Youth Ages 9-18
Project or Activity: Super Star Chef Summer Day Camps (3 days)
Content: Super Star Chef Curriculum
Input: UK Snap-Ed, local church
Date: July 2018
Audience: 4-H Cloverbud Club
Project or Activity: Monthly club meetings, healthy snacks, foods, and physical activity
Content: 4-H Health Curriculum
Inputs: Volunteer Leader
Date: September 2018-May 2019
Audience: Youth, 5th grade elementary classes
Project or Activity: In school farm safety day event with rotating stations
Content: Farm Safety Topics
Inputs: Volunteers, School Leaders, Local Agriculture Organizations.
Date: September 2018
Indirect Learning Opportunities:
•Chop Chop Magazine
•Nutrition Education Newspaper Articles
•Community Event Fairs
•Newsletter Distribution
•Website/Social Media Educational Message
•NEP Calendar Distribution
Success Stories
4-H Youth Shine in the Kitchen with Super Star Chef Camp
Author: Lisa Hagman
Major Program: Health 4-H Core Curriculum
Sauté, dice, chop, roast and whip! These are all cooking techniques Hancock County 4-H youth learned through the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service’s Super Star Chef camp. Over the course of the three days, the youth gained hands-on cooking experience and were introduced to new foods and recipes as they prepared healthy dishes like fresh salsa, fruity parfaits, tasty veggie pizza and oven-baked calzones. They learned cooking skills and how to make healthy cho
Full Story
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