4-H and Youth DevelopmentPlan of Work
Barren County CES
4-H and Youth Development
Enhancing Youth Development
Agents Involved:
Tarry, Schalk, Stith, FCS Agent (TBA)
4-H Youth Development Programming
4-H Youth Development is part of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. Extension’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of Kentucky citizens through non-formal education for the entire family. Extension agents and volunteers take the results of university research and explain it in such a way that different age groups can learn and apply the information to their own lives.
4-H is a youth organization committed to building outstanding leaders with marketable skills to succeed in today’s global society. 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults.
According to 2014 population estimates (census.gov) there are 233,463 youth living in households in KY in the recommended 4-H age range. Also, according to the Kentucky Department of Education (2014), the graduation rate for Kentucky students was 88.0 %, which did not meet the state goal.
Research also shows us developing a strong sense of personal identity, responsibility, caring, compassion, and tolerance are essential first steps toward being engaged at the community level (National 4-H Council, 2014)
In order to provide the best opportunities for current and future success, youth need to develop personal capacity life and leadership skills. They need to learn to interact with others and to make a difference by becoming engaged members of their communities. In order for youth to be prepared to work in partnership with adults, they need to develop and/or enhance their leadership skills. Youth development education prepares youth to manage time, work as a team, set goals, start conversations, facilitate meetings, and make effective presentations. Promoting youth development is a great way to promote positive life skills learning.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Youth will contribute to self, family, community and to the institutions of our society.
-Youth will have reduced risky behavior now and in the future.
-4-H alumni will be successful in a global society.
-4-H youth will successfully enter the workplace and/or institution of higher learning.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Youth will use scientific decision making techniques to make decisions on a daily basis.
-Youth will express themselves to others in group settings and on an individual bases.
-Youth have a positive bond with a caring adult who believe in their success.
-Youth apply the skills learned in 4-H in other activities at home, school and in the community.
-Youth set and achieve goals through a 4-H program.
Initial Outcomes:
-Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the decision-making process.
-Youth learn skills need to communicate with others.
-Adult mentors will understand elements of positive youth development.
-Youth learn and develop life skills though 4-H. -Youth learn steps in goal setting and developing a plan of action.
Outcome: Youth will demonstrate contributions to community and society
Indicator: Number of individuals in vital roles for their families and communities
Method: observation
Timeline: : July – June
Outcome: Youth will demonstrate learned behaviors
Indicator: Number of youth serving in leadership roles
Method: observation
Timeline: July - June
Outcome: Youth will gain personal development skills
Indicator: Number of youth participating in activities and programs
Method: observation, survey
Timeline: July - June
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H participation in projects, programs, and activities demonstrating their leadership and communication skills such as: 4-H Achievement Program, Scholarship Programs, Judging Contests, Communications, Camps, Shows, Workshops, Contest, 4-H A Capitol Experience, Day Camps, Leadership Programs, and Service Learning.
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Resources, Volunteers, Community Groups and Organizations
Date: July – June
Audience: 4-H Program Participants, Parents, Volunteers
Project or Activity: Awards and Recognition
Content or Curriculum: Awards, scholarships
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Community Groups, Organizations,
Date: July-June
Audience: 4-H Program Participants, Parents and Volunteers
Project or Activity: Science, Engineering & Technology Training on Global Positioning Systems, Robotics
Content or Curriculum: 4-H and approved EIPN curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Community Groups, Organizations, Youth Service Council
Date: Programs conducted in schools and community as requested
Audience: 4-H Program Participants, Parents and Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Communication Programs and Expressive Arts (4-H Talk Meet Workshop and Contest, 4-H Demonstrations Workshop and Contest, 4-H Horse Public Speaking and Demonstrations, 4-H Country Ham Public Speaking, 4-H Variety Show)
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communication Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Community Groups, Organizations, Youth Service Council
Date: March, April, May
Audience: 4-H Program Participants, Parents and Volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Public Advocacy and Leadership programs - 4-H Teen Leadership Programs, 4-H A Capitol Experience, Barren County Citizenship Day, 4-H Citizenship Programs, 4-H Service Learning programs; County 4-H Officer Training
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Community Groups, Organizations, Youth Service Council
Date: July-June
Audience: Resource deprived youth
Project or Activity: 4-H and Extension Workshops, Activities and Camps
Content or Curriculum: SNAP, 4-H, Natural Resources, Horticulture, EFNEP
Inputs: Agents, Assistants, Teen 4-H Leaders, Community Partners
Date: June
Success Stories
Achieving 4-H Camp Goal!!!
Author: Paula Tarry
Major Program: Summer Residential Camps
According to the KY 4-H Camp website, “the mission of Kentucky 4-H Camping is to improve people through intentional life skill development. This will happen through collaboration with local, state, and national partners, research-based methods and programming, service-oriented practices, long-term strategic planning, and play.” 4-H Camp provides an opportunity for 4-H'ers and leaders to make lifelong memoriesAn email to the Barren County 4-H Youth Development Agent from KY State
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A Proud 4-H Agent Moment!!!
Author: Paula Tarry
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming

On social media “10 Reasons Your Child Should Join FFA or 4-H” was posted by JoAnn Alumbaugh“The skills that our youth learn by participating in these organizations are:1. Leadership skills. 2. Knowledge of agriculture.3. Healthy living.4. Confidence. 5. Good sportsmanship. 6. Work ethic.7. Community service. 8. Lifelong friendships. 9. Scholarship opportunities.10. And many
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A Mooing Experience!!!
Author: Paula Tarry
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
Mitch Daniels, Contributing columnist of Washington Post, June 11, 2019 wrote in his article “In farm children, I see virtues that one sees too rarely these days” “Along with the rise of women and the expansion of civil rights, the most important social transformation of America’s first quarter-millennium has been the triumph of modern agriculture over famine and the ceaseless, backbreaking effort simply to feed one’s self that had been the dominant fact
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"I pledge my Hands to larger service"
Author: Paula Tarry
Major Program: Volunteer Engagement
Community service projects has been an important part of 4-H for many years. In 1927 the 4-H pledge was adopted and included the importance of service in the third line. “I pledge my Hands to larger service.” Ever since then, every time a 4-H member or volunteer recites the pledge, they are reminded of the importance of serving their “club, community, country and world”.Due to recent floods in Nebraska, KY Extension was ask to join with the KY Department of Agriculture to
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Coming Back to America
Author: Paula Tarry
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum
One of the goals of the LABO International exchange program states “KY 4-H Families and youth have the opportunity to make a lasting connection with a child from a different culture”. That goal was achieved in the Spring, as one of the LABO students who had stayed eight years ago with a Barren County 4-H family returned for a two week visit. He commented to the newspaper reporter that he “wanted to see the difference in us after so many years. Big difference.”
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment