Targeting Life Skills and Family LivesPlan of Work
Clark County CES
Targeting Life Skills and Family Lives
Enriching Family Lives
Agents Involved:
David Davis, Heather Cassill, Shannon Farrell, Clay Stamm, FCS
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Securing Financial Stability (general)
Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
In the current economy, the security and management of basic human needs of food, clothing and shelter dominate the needs of families as they work to improve their lives. There are many skills necessary for individuals and families to acquire in order to strengthen their family life. By utilizing Extension programming individuals and families can build personal strengths and develops basic life skills such as cooking, sewing, food accessibility and financial management. Clark County Extension will promote programming such as Master Gardener, Character Education, financial education, Community Life skills, Farmers’ Market, home horticulture, summer youth enrichment activities so that families can develop strong values, make wise decisions and encourage a supportive environment.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Improve quality of life for families
-Families are able to care for the physical and mental health and well being of each individual over the long term
-Build personal strengths and self-control, interpersonal communication, and development of basic life skills.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Practice skills to strengthen and sustain relationships
-Demonstrate basic life skills such as sewing, cooking, personal care
-Securing basic family needs
Initial Outcomes:
-Identify basic family needs
-Learn best practices related to self-control and positive interpersonal communication
-Increase in knowledge of basic life skills: sewing, cooking, personal care needs
Outcome: Knowledge of basic life skills: sewing, cooking, personal care needs
Indicator: increase quality of work produced by individuals engaging in development of basic life skills needs: sewing, cooking
Method: Self-Evaluation and Danish Ribbon Results
Timeline: After Project Completion
Outcome: Self-control and positive interpersonal communication
Indicator: Increase of number of individuals indicating an increase in learning/developing skills in basic family needs best practices
Method: Reduction in repeat families in utilizing community needs services
Method: Survey of Participants
Timeline: Monthly Reports of Services Utilized
Outcome: Individuals gaining knowledge of how to plan and implement gardening budgets/purchasing best practices
Indicator: Increase in number of individuals utilizing budgets in home gardening
Method: Survey of Participants,
Timeline: Monthly, Annually
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 6th Grade Students
Project or Activity: 4-H Dollars and Sense
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Dollars and Sense
Inputs: Clark County 4-H, Public School, Community Volunteers and Agencies
Date: Spring 2019
Audience: 8th Grade Students
Project or Activity: 4-H It’s Your Reality
Content or Curriculum: 4-H It’s Your Reality
Inputs:Clark County 4-H Staff, Public School Staff, Community Volunteers and Agencies
Date: Fall 2018
Audience: 4-H Age Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Sewing
Content or Curriculum: KY 4-H Sewing Curriculum
Inputs: Clark County Cooperative Extension Facilities and Equipment, 4-H Staff, Master Clothing Volunteers, 4-H Volunteers
Date: 2018-19 program year
Audience: 4-H Character Education
Project or Activity: 4-H School Enrichment K-4th Grade
Content or Curriculum: Character Counts, Manners, Take a Stand
Inputs: Schools and 4-H Program Assistant
Date: 2018-19
Audience: Youth age 9-14 years old
Project or Activity: 4-H Summer Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Content
Inputs: Clark County Extension Staff, 4-H Camp and Staff, 4-H Volunteers, Clark County 4-H Program Support/Materials
Date: Summer 2018
Audience: 4-H age youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Cooking Club
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Approved Curriculum
Inputs: Clark County Cooperative Extension Facilities/Materials, 4-H Extension Staff, 4-H Volunteers
Date: 2018-19
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Gardening Classes & Workshops
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications and Specialists
Inputs: Master Gardener Volunteers, Clark County CES Facilities, Community Garden Locations
Date: Spring, Summer, Fall 2018-19
Audience: Financially insecure individuals
Project or Activity:Community Life skills Workshop
Content or Curriculum:UK Curriculum
Inputs:Clark Co CEC facilities, staff, UK curriculum and resources
Audience: 5-8 yr olds
Project or Activity: Cloverbud Club
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Content
Inputs: 4-H Extension Staff/Facilities/Materials, 4-H Volunteers
Date: 2018-19
Audience: 11th Graders
Project or Activity: American Private Enterprise System
Content or Curriculum: 4H Core Content
Inputs: School Administration and staff, Extension Staff, Community leaders
Date: Fall 2018
Audience: Adults
Project or Activity: Farm Enterprise Creation/Expansion
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, UK Specialist and Community Resources
Date: Spring, Summer, Fall 2018-19
Success Stories
It's Your Reality
Author: Shannon Farrell
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum

On November 21, 2018; nearly 350 8th grade students participated in the 4-H It’s Your Reality financial series. Partnering with the 8th grade counselor at Campbell Jr. High, materials for the curriculum were distributed to the 14 classroom teachers. Students receive lessons in Needs versus Wants, Budgeting Basics, and Financial Goal Setting. As the culminating exercise, the students work with community partners and volunteers to keep track of an expense ledger at 19 diffe
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American Private Enterprise Youth Program established in Clark County
Author: Brandy Calvert
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
Recognizing the need to establish programming in Clark County that focuses on financial literacy and allows potential young leaders and entrepreneurs opportunities, Clark County 4-H Agents established the American Private Enterprise Youth Program (APES) in 2019. Clark County 4-H received a $500 start-up scholarship from the Kentucky Council of Cooperatives to help get the program founded. The high school juniors (Youth Scholars) and seniors (Junior Leaders) who participate in The Ameri
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Truth or Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Author: Shonda Johnston
Major Program: Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
There is a strong need for continued substance abuse prevention and intervention in Clark County. Substance use/abuse issues continue to negatively impact a large number of families in the community. According to the recent Kentucky Extension Community Assessment, “issues related to drugs and substance abuse were raised as pressing issues for Clark County” The assessment also indicated that “Drug abuse impacts the individuals and families directly affected and carries economic
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Truths and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Author: David Davis
Major Program: Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Addressing substance abuse has been identified as a main goal for many organizations in Clark County. At numerous forums, community planning meetings, community economic development planning sessions, and much more substance abuse keeps reoccurring as a main community concern. This is because substance abuse has impacted almost every individual indirectly, and most directly. Substance abuse has become such a large scale community issue in recent years that community health serv
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Truth & Consequences impacts youth and community partners
Author: Brandy Calvert
Major Program: Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
There is a strong need for continued substance abuse prevention and intervention in Clark County. Substance use/abuse issues continue to negatively impact a large number of families in the community. According to the recent Kentucky Extension Community Assessment, “Issues related to drugs and substance abuse were raised as pressing issues for Clark County.” The assessment also indicated that “Drug abuse impacts the individuals and families directly affected an
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment