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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Making Beneficial Lifestyle ChoicesPlan of Work

Metcalfe County CES

Making Beneficial Lifestyle Choices
Activities Promoting Wellness, Safety, Self-care and Security.
Agents Involved:
Blankenship, Branstetter, Bell
Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Faithful Families
Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)
Health 4-H Core Curriculum

The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Kentuckians. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancers. The obesity rate in Kentucky increased 90 percent over the last 15 years. Thirty percent of individuals in the Commonwealth report no leisure-time physical activity. Increased consumption of unhealthy food, stress, and built environments that promote physical inactivity are largely responsible for the obesity epidemic. As a result, Kentuckians are dying from heart disease and cancer at higher rates than all Americans and they have a lower life expectancy, 75.5 years, compared to 78 years for Americans. Minorities and individuals residing in Appalachia bear a heavier brunt of the obesity and chronic disease burden.

Kentucky Health Facts reports that 37% of Metcalfe County adults report having less than good health, overall and that 31% of Metcalfe Co. high school aged youth report that they smoke.

The prevalence of Diabetes in Metcalfe County is high, at 20%. Metcalfe Co. also has a high prevalence of hypertension (37%) and colorectal cancer (25%). Metcalfe Co. presents a higher number of annual deaths, attributed to stroke and heart disease, than the state rates.

According to American Fact Finder of the U.S. Census bureau, 18.9 % of Metcalfe Co. adults are without health insurance coverage. 20.1 % of residents ages 65 and older have annual incomes below poverty levels, 15.7 % of all families in Metcalfe Co. have income below poverty levels and 37.8 % of families with related children under 5 years of age, are living below poverty level. These numbers are even more dismal for female headed households with related children under five years of age, 68% have annual income below poverty levels. The incidence of pre-mature death is high in Metcalfe County as compared to State and Country levels.

Long-Term Outcomes:

•Individuals will practice the necessary skills, to manage weight and nutrition related disease, through dietary intervention.

•Individuals will decrease or eliminate consumption of beverages with added sugars and/or artificial sweeteners

•Individuals will increase their physical stamina.

•Individuals will check their skin regularly for signs of skin cancers/abnormalities and go to a dermatologist when they find something has changed.

•Fewer high school students in every grade, will use harmful and or illegal substances.

Intermediate Outcomes:

•Individuals will prepare home cooked meals, weekly utilizing fresh fruits and vegetables and minimally processed ingredients.

•Individuals will engage in healthy hydration practices.

•Individuals engage in regular physical activity.

•Individuals will utilize water resistant, broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher when engaging in activity outdoors.

•The majority of High School Freshmen who participate in Truth and Consequences, will choose not to partake of harmful and illegal substance use.

Initial Outcomes:

•Individuals will participate in Extension provided wellness and family meals programs, gaining increased knowledge and hands-on skill in preparing balanced meals with fresh ingredients.

•Individuals will recognize the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

•High School Freshmen participating in Truth and Consequences develop a better understanding of the consequences of substance abuse (legal, health, emotional, and financial) Number of students indicating that they developed a better understanding of the risk and harm of substance abuse


Long-term Outcome: Individuals will increase their physical stamina.

Indicator: Increase in the number of individuals reporting the ability to engage in physical activity for a sustained period of time.

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS. Changes in physical activity data from the Kentucky County Healthcare Profile Data.

Timeline: 2017-2020

Long-Term Outcome: Individuals will practice the necessary skills, to manage weight and nutrition related disease, through dietary intervention.

Indicator: Increase in the number of individuals reporting healthy weight loss and lower incidence of need for insulin injection or other medication to manage blood sugar levels.

Method: Changes in diabetes incidence and obesity numbers in the Kentucky County Healthcare profile data. Evaluation data from related programs conducted.

Time-line 2017-2020

Long-Term outcome: Individuals will decrease or eliminate consumption of beverages with added sugars and/or artificial sweeteners.

Indicator: Increase in the number of individuals reporting a significant decrease or elimination of soft drinks consumed.

Method: Making healthy beverage choices and other related program evaluation and follow-up surveys.

Time-line: 2017 – 2020

Long-term outcome: Individuals will check their skin regularly for signs of skin cancers/abnormalities and go to a dermatologist when they find something has changed.

Indicator: Lower incidence of deaths from skin cancer in County health data.

Method: Sun safety and skin cancer awareness pre and post surveys and review most current County health and mortality data.

Timeline: 2017 - 2020

Long-term outcome: Fewer high school students in every grade, will use harmful and or illegal substances.

Indicator: Lower incidence of youth reporting use of illegal and harmful substances on the anonymous KYASAP youth substance abuse surveys.

Method: Review of most current KY data on adolescent substance abuse, from the U.S. DHHS office of Adolescent Health.

Timeline: 2017 - 2020

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals engage in regular physical activity.

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting participation in regular physical activity.

Method: KERS program attendance reports. Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS Reports.

Timeline: 2017-2020

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals prepare home cooked meals, weekly utilizing fresh fruits and vegetables and minimally processed ingredients.

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting preparation of home cooked meals weekly, using fresh ingredients.

Method: Program evaluations, follow-up survey info, Web-NEERS reports.

Timeline: 2017 - 2020

Intermediate outcome: Individuals will engage in healthy hydration practices.

Indicator: Number of individuals indicating consumption of adequate water intake on pre-program evaluation. Number of individuals indicating on the post program evaluation that they will increase consumption of water or other unsweetened, clear, non-caffeinated beverages and decrease or eliminate consumption of soft drinks, daily for improved health and weight.

Method: Pre and post evaluation, post program follow-up surveys.

Timeline: 2017 – 2020

Intermediate Outcome: Individuals will utilize water resistant, broad spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher, when engaging in activity outdoors.

Indicator: Number of individuals indicating that they use appropriate sun screen when engaging in outdoor activity, number of individuals that indicate that they intend to begin using spf 30 sunscreen when engaging in outdoor activity, number of individuals indicating that they use sunscreen daily as a part of their normal skincare routine.

Method: Pre-program evaluation; post-program evaluation, observation and verbal surveying.

Timeline: 2017 – 2020

Intermediate Outcome: A majority of High School Freshmen who participate in Truth and Consequences, will choose not to partake of harmful and illegal substance use.

Indicator: Number of MCHS Freshmen who report using tobacco products and other substances on pre-program evaluation will decrease after the Truth and Consequences program.

Method: Observation, Kentucky High School adolescent substance abuse data from the most recent Centers for Disease Control and Prevention High School Youth Risk Behavior Survey. Truth and consequences program evaluation data. Local adolescent substance abuse use anonymous surveys conducted by the local KY ASAP.

Timeline: annually in the spring, 2017 – 2020

Initial Outcome: Individuals will recognize the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting understanding the importance of physical activity related to a healthy diet.

Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS Reports.

Timeline: 2017 – 2020

Initial Outcome: Individuals will participate in Extension provided wellness and family meals programs, gaining increased knowledge and hands-on skill in preparing balanced meals with fresh ingredients.

Indicator: Number of participants in Extension/SNAP wellness and food preparation programs. Increase in knowledge and skill in food preparation and wellness activities, reported by participants and observed by program facilitators.

Method: Pre and post program evaluation data. Observation, verbal surveys.

Timeline: Ongoing - 2017 – 2020

Initial Outcome: Individuals will recognize the importance of physical activity as part of a healthy lifestyle.

Indicator: Participants in Extension and community partner programs with a focus on physical activity and its benefits can verbalize and record the importance of physical activity, as a part of their healthy lifestyle during program activities and on program evaluations.

Method: Observation, verbal surveys and program evaluation activities

Timeline: Ongoing - 2017 – 2020

Initial Outcome: High School Freshmen participating in Truth and Consequences develop a better understanding of the consequences of substance abuse (legal, health, emotional, and financial)

Indicator: Number of students indicating that they developed a better understanding of the risk and harm of substance abuse

Method: Pre and post program evaluations, discussions with parent and adult volunteers during the program activities and post program classroom discussion content.

Timeline: Annually in the Spring 2017 – 2020

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Metcalfe County Residents

Project or Activity: Wellness, obesity prevention, physical activity programs

Content or Curriculum:

•Mind Body Exercise

•UK NEP Adult Curriculum

•USDA and other U.S Government Agency created materials

•Steps to a Healthier Teen Curriculum (youth)

•Power Panther (youth)

•We Can and other NHLBI materials

•Jump into Food and Fitness (youth)

Inputs: Extension Agent/SNAP-ED Program Assistant time, location/space for program, community partners such as the schools, child care, Homemakers, farmers market, library, local government, local employers, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources, SNAP food reimbursement, SNAP incentive items, grant opportunities/resources

Date: Annually, ongoing as needed and upon request

Audience: Metcalfe County Residents

Project or Activity: Programs for improved health and wellness

Content or Curriculum:

•Extension health and wellness publications;

•Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices materials

•Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes materials

•HEEL materials

•RAYS Awareness Skin Cancer prevention program from the Skin Cancer Foundation

Inputs: Extension Agent/SNAP-ED Program Assistant time, location/space for program, community partners such as the schools, farmers market, library, local government, local employers, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources, SNAP food reimbursement, SNAP incentive items, grant opportunities/resources

Date: Annually, ongoing as needed and upon request.

Audience: Individuals employed all three shifts at Sumitomo of Edmonton

Project or Activity: Worksite Wellness

Content or Curriculum: Extension health and wellness publications;

•Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices publications & Accessing Nutrtious Food publications

•Taking Ownership of Your Diabetes materials

•HEEL publications/materials

•RAYS Awareness Skin Cancer prevention program from the Skin Cancer Foundation

Inputs: Sumitomo of Edmonton and Carhartt  location/space for program, community partners such as the farmers market, library, local government, local employers, volunteer time/resources, SNAP food reimbursement, SNAP incentive items, FCS Agent and SNAP-Ed program assistant time

Date: 9 - 10 sessions annually, ongoing as needed and upon request

Audience: Metcalfe County High School Freshmen and Volunteers

Project or Activity: Truth and Consequences the Choice is Yours for MCHS Freshmen

Content or Curriculum: Extension FCS Truth and Consequences program run by Metcalfe County Schools Community Education

Inputs: Community Education and Metcalfe Co. High School staff, KY ASAP members, Extension Agent/SNAP-ED Program Assistant time, location/space for program, community partners such as the schools, local law enforcement, local mental health agencies, local faith community, local judicial system, farmers market, library, local government, local employers, grant opportunities/resources

Date: Annually in the spring

Audience: Metcalfe County Homemakers & Residents

Project or Activity: Healthy Snacks Homemaker Leader Training

Content or Curriculum: FCS Agent compiled, research – based materials and UK Extension publications related to this topic.

Inputs: Extension Agent, Extension office location/space for program, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources

Date: September 2018

Audience: Metcalfe County Homemakers & Residents

Project or Activity: Mediterranean Lifestyle & Cuisine Leader Training

Content or Curriculum: FCS Agent compiled, research – based materials and UK Extension publications related to this topic.

Inputs: Extension Agent, Extension office location/space for program, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources

Date: October 2018

Audience: Metcalfe County Homemakers & Residents

Project or Activity: Staying Safe In and Around the Home

Content or Curriculum: FCS Agent compiled, research – based materials and UK Extension publications related to this topic.

Inputs: Extension Agent, Extension office mail budget and office stsaff time for mail - out lesson, Homemakers: volunteer time/resources

Date: January 2018

Audience: Metcalfe County High School Freshmen 9th grade Students

Project or Activity: Freshmen Health and wellness program

Content or Curriculum:

•HEEL materials

•RAYS Awareness Skin Cancer prevention program from the Skin Cancer Foundation

•Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices materials

•FCS Agent compiled, research based materials

Inputs: Extension Agent/SNAP-ED Program Assistant time, location/space for program, Freshmen Health teacher & MCHS, SNAP food reimbursement, SNAP incentive items, grant opportunities/resources

Date: 2 - 3 sessions annually during the school year as scheduled with the Freshmen Health teacher. 2017 – 2020.

Audience: Metcalfe County Middle & High School Freshmen  8th & 9th grade Students

Project or Activity: Mind Body Connection for Teens 4 lesson Teen stress reduction series

Content or Curriculum: Mind Body Connection for Teens Curriculum that is in - process for publication and is being piloted, FCS Agent compiled, research based materials

Inputs:  FCS Extension Agent time, Metcalfe County Schools location/space for program, Freshmen Health teacher & MCMS host teacher time

Date: 4 sessions annually with 6, 8th grade class sections, during the school year as scheduled with the 8th grade MCMS host teacher

Audience: 4-H Youth

Project or Activity: Health and Fitness Club

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Teachers

Date: August 18- May 19

Audience: 4-H Youth 6th grade

Project or Activity: 4-H Dollars & Sense

Content or Curriculum: Dollars and Sense Curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Community Members, Staff Support and Teachers

Date: November 2018

Audience: 4-H Youth 7th and 8th grade

Project or Activity: Reality Store

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Reality Store Curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Community Members, Staff Support and Teachers

Date: Fall 2018

Audience: 4-H Youth 5th grade

Project or Activity: Mini Society

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Mini Society Curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Staff Support and Teachers

Date: Fall 2018

Success Stories

Sumitomo of Edmonton Worksite Wellness program

Author: Lynn Blankenship

Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)

Sumitomo of Edmonton is a factory that manufactures car parts.  Employees often work long shifts, in a fast paced, detail oriented setting.  Employees work at times, up to seven days a week during periods of high production demand.  Many Sumitomo employees have suffered from stress related health impacts such as Type II diabetes, overweight, obesity and cardiovascular health issues, but they are all working on improving their wellness.  For over 10 years, this FCS Extension A

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The Mind Body Connection for Teens curriculum pilot

Author: Lynn Blankenship

Major Program: Promoting Healthy Homes and Communities (general)

The Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences Education in Metcalfe County, compiled a four unit curriculum in 2014/15, which has been actively in the pilot process, for fine tuning and revision; prior to submission for publication through University of Kentucky Family and Consumer Sciences Extension publication process.   The Metcalfe County FCS Agent piloted it first, with freshmen and subsequently with eighth grade students, over the past four years.  For the 2018/19 program

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Stories, Songs and Stretches

Author: Lynn Blankenship

Major Program: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices (general)

This Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences education, attended the certification training offered through FCS Extension in December 2018, for Stories, Songs and Stretches a Yoga informed active story time, language and movement enrichment program, designed for use with preschool populations.  This Extension Agent completed the post training requirements of creating, running and completing an evaluation, for three sessions of Stories, Songs and Stretches with both of the Metcalfe

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