Agriculture Awareness InitiativePlan of Work

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Logan County CES

Agriculture Awareness Initiative
Promoting Agriculture Awareness
Agents Involved:
Leann Martin
Agritourism Planning
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Local Food Systems
Farmer's Markets

The average person is 3 generations from production agriculture. It is important to educate the public and our youth about where their food comes from and emphasize food safety.

Long-Term Outcomes:

- Logan County residents will make the local farmers' market a staple in their grocery purchases.

- Citizens will be well educated and help defend against accusations of GMO/Conventional production, animal welfare, and other Ag. hot topics

- Producer become more involved in the Chamber of Commerce

Intermediate Outcomes:

- Both producers and citizens learn to appreciate each others' time on the road and share the road especially during harvest/planting seasons

- Customers purchase meat or other goods based on the information learned

- Customers are able to make an educated decision about the food they eat and purchase

- Citizens help promote/support local farming businesses/farmers' market/road stands

Initial Outcomes:

- Increased knowledge about GMO/Organics/Natural/Conventional

- Increased knowledge about anti-hormone/anti-antibiotics, etc.

- Increased awareness of our farming community in the eyes of "city" citizens

- Citizens seek out the local farmers' market


Initial Outcome: Citizens seek out and attend farmers' market

Indicator: increased attendance at market

Method: tally/count

Timeline: Summer 2016

Intermediate Outcome: Consumers are able to make an educated decision on grocery purchases based on their desire for conventional/natural/organic and the knowledge they gained by knowing the difference

Indicator: satisfaction of purchases

Method: interviews/follow up/grocery simulation

Timeline: 1 year

Long-term Outcome: Citizens are able to defend their opinions of the type of food they purchased (organic/natural/conventional) based on true facts and not on emotion


Method: observation

Timeline: 1-3 years

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Logan County Citizens/Chamber Members
 Project or Activity: Agriculture Appreciation Breakfast
 Content or Curriculum: Agriculture Leader speaker
 Inputs: Extension Agent time, Volunteers' time, Chamber of Commerce, Speaker, Producers, Sponsors, Facility, Technology, Breakfast
 Date: January 2017, Jan. 2018, Jan. 2019

 Audience: Logan County Agri-Tourism Producers/Hosts
 Project or Activity: Agri-Tourism Commission and Classes
 Content or Curriculum: Small Business Enhancements; Agri-Tourism Marketing & Communications
 Inputs: Extension Agent time, Specialist's time, Small Business Development Center, CEDIK
 Date: Summer/Fall 2016, Summer 2017, Summer 2018

 Audience: Consumers & Citizens
 Project or Activity: Farmers' Market Highlighted Events
 Content or Curriculum: Plate it Up, UK Nutrition Information
 Inputs: Extension Agent Time, Volunteers, Farmers' Market Vendors,
 Date: Summer 2016, Summer 2017, Summer 2018

Audience: Russellville High School Students
 Project or Activity: Career Day/Environment Elective Class
 Content or Curriculum: Environment publications, Sustainable Agriculture Publications
 Inputs: Extension Agent time, Specialist's time, High School Teachers & Students; Technology; Volunteers
 Date: Spring 2017

Audience: Logan County Citizens/Chamber Members
 Project or Activity: Tour of Logan County Agriculture
 Content or Curriculum: Visiting Farms in Logan County via video
 Inputs: Extension Agent time, Volunteers' time, Chamber of Commerce, Producers, Sponsors, Facility, Technology,
 Date: Summer 2017, Summer 2018

 Audience: Logan County Citizens/Chamber Members
 Project or Activity: Leadership Logan Ag Day (Youth & Adult)
 Content or Curriculum:
 Inputs: Extension Agent time, Volunteers' time, Chamber of Commerce, Producers, Sponsors, Facility, Technology,
 Date: Aug & Sept. 2017, Aug & Sept. 2018, 

Audience: Consumers & Citizens
 Project or Activity: Family Fun at the Farmers' Market
 Content or Curriculum: Plate it Up, UK Nutrition Information, Home Gardening, 4-H Agriculture, Kindergarten Readiness
 Inputs: Extension Agent Time, Volunteers, Farmers' Market Vendors,
 Date: Summer 2016, Summer 2017, Summer 2018

Audience: Adults at Lifeskills Industries
 Project or Activity: Lifeskills’ Garden Project
 Content or Curriculum: Plate it Up, UK Nutrition Information, Home Gardening, Gardening in Small Spaces

Inputs: Extension Agent Time, Volunteers, Lifeskills’ volunteers, Lifeskills’ employees
 Date: Spring & Summer 2018

Audience: Citizens & Producers
 Project or Activity: Agriculture Safety & Awareness
 Content or Curriculum: State Safety Instructions & More

Inputs: Extension Agent Time, Volunteers, Producers, State Safety Instructors, Film crew

Date: Spring & Summer 2018

Success Stories

"Farm to Table" Container Garden & Nutrition Education

Author: Leann Martin

Major Program: Local Food Systems

Locally grown fruits and vegetables are not only healthier, they are also much fresher than produce bought from a grocery store. Even thou the idea of local foods is easy to understand, limited resources and limiting budgets tend to hinder the practice of consuming them. The concept of “Farm to Table” is based on the idea of knowing exactly where the food you eat comes from or growing food for yourself. The Agriculture Extension Agent and Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Edu

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2018 Preschool Pumpkin Days

Author: Leann Martin

Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture

It is through our valued partnership with the Allen, Logan, and Simpson Community Early Childhood Council that we, the Logan County Cooperative Extension Service, seek to improve school readiness in Logan County by educating, encouraging, and engaging families. Kindergarten readiness means that each child enters school ready to engage in and benefit from early learning experiences that best promote the child’s success. The kindergarten screener measures readiness in five important dom

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