Commercial HorticulturePlan of Work

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Metcalfe County CES

Commercial Horticulture
Ag Awareness, Production and Marketing
Agents Involved:
Bell, Blankenship
Commercial Horticulture
Commercial Horticulture - Crop Marketing
Farmer's Markets

The Metcalfe County Ag Advisory Council has identified Commercial Horticulture as a Priority.  There are many established fruit and vegetable operations in the county as well as operations that are new or in the establishment stage.  Metcalfe County leads the state in the number of blueberry farms.  Over 20 producers have constructed high tunnels as a result of the USDA EQUIP grant program.  Orchards, nurseries and horticultural field crops can be seen throughout the landscape of the county.  In order for these operations to remain sustainable, producers must be able to efficiently produce high yields, high quality and have a marketing plan that will allow them to be profitable.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Long-term Out Producers will increase yields, extend the growing season, realize a positive net income and continue to make a profit growing horticultural crops in Metcalfe County.  

Intermediate Outcomes:

Producers of fruits and vegetables will use Best Management Practices, Integrated Pest Management, Variety and Yield Data and University of KY Recommendations in the production and marketing of commercial horticultural crops.

Initial Outcomes:

Producers of horticultural crops will learn what they can do in the future to improve commercial operations by using research based information and recommended practices in their fruit and vegetable operations


Initial Outcome: 


Method: Increased Knowledge

Timeline: Fall/Winter

Intermediate Outcome: 

Indicator: Changed Practices

Method: Farm Visits/ Observation

Timeline: Ongoing

Long-term Outcome:

Indicator: Profitability

Method: Survey

Timeline: Ongoing

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Vegetable Producers

Project or Activity: High Tunnel/ Vegetable Short Course

Content or Curriculum: UK Research

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, UK Publications

Date: Winter 2019

Audience: Fruit Producers

Project or Activity: Pruning Field Day

Content or Curriculum:  UK Research


Date: Winter 2019

Audience: Fruit and Vegetable Producers

Project or Activity: Metcalfe County Farmer's Market

Content or Curriculum: KDA Farmer's Market Manual and Guidelines


Date: April - October

Success Stories

High Tunnel Short Course

Author: Gary Bell

Major Program: Commercial Horticulture

A High Tunnel System, commonly called a “hoop house,” is an increasingly popular conservation practice for farmers, and is available with financial assistance through the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s (NRCS) Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP).  Since the establishment of this program many high tunnels have been built throughout the state. As these high tunnels are being constructed many producers have questions. It is a new

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