HorticulturePlan of Work
McCreary County CES
Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Master Gardener
Commercial Horticulture
Farmer's Markets
According to Kentucky Ag Statistics Service McCreary County ranks 110th out of the 120 counties in total agriculture receipts which were $105,400,000 in 2010. We have no tobacco and approximately 50 acres of grain. We have a beef/forage based agriculture situation. There is a need for education the horticulture industry. Our Farmers Market is two years old and slowly to grow. Interest has picked up in the production of small fruits and vegetables to sell to local citizens. Citizens of the county can also participate in the Grow Appalachia program.
Long-Term Outcomes:
McCreary County farmers and gardeners are able to help sustain their agricultural operation by being profitable giving them a better quality of life and producing local foods for themselves and the community.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Horticulture producers will become better stewards of their horticulture enterprises thus increasing income or reducing expenses. Commercial Horticultural producers will continue to expand in size and numbers and will bring people to McCreary County to purchase their produce. Home gardeners will produce better quality and more produce through the use of recommended practices thus reducing the dollars that must be spent of food.
Initial Outcomes:
Producers will gain knowledge in the following areas; alternative crops, marketing, and safety. Commercial horticulture producers will become informed on current and new production practices that will make them more profitable. Home gardeners will gain knowledge about composting, raised beds, weed, disease and insect control, and food preservation. Home and commercial fruit producers will gain knowledge on small and large fruit.
Outcome: Production of commercial horticulture will expand.
Indicator: Number of acres in commercial horticulture production, amount sold through the Farmers Market, number of gardens through Grow Appalachia
Method: Surveys and farm visits
Timeline: March - October
Outcome: Home gardeners becoming more knowledgeable.
Indicator: Number attending raised bed field day, number of raised beds constructed
Method: Surveys and observations
Timeline: March - October
Outcome: Farmers Market
Indicator: Number of sellers, amount of money taken in,
Method: surveys, attendance at market, observations
Timeline: May-October
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Farmers, homeowners, and youth.
Activity: Apple Grafting Workshop
Content or Curriculum: How to graft apple trees
Date: March
Audience: Farmers, homeowners, and youth.
Activity: Conduct fruit pruning workshop
Content or Curriculum: How properly prune fruit crops
Date: March
Audience: Farmers, Gardeners
Activity: Grow Appalachia
Content or Curriculum: Monthly meetings with gardeners
Date: January - October
Audience: Farmers and public
Activity: Farmers Market
Content or Curriculum: Open and operate a Farmers Market
Date: May - October
Audience: Farmers, homeowners, and youth.
Activity: Newsletters, social media and News articles
Content or Curriculum: All Agriculture Topics
Date: July -June
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment