FCS Life SkillsPlan of Work
Rowan County CES
FCS Life Skills
FCS Life Skills
Agents Involved:
Embracing Life as We Age (general)
Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
People are living longer. Kentucky's current population of seniors is 13.3%, a number that is expected to double in the next 40 years due to the Baby Boomers.
The goal of Embracing Life As We Age Initiative is to develop programs and work with other FCS initiatives to help individuals, families and communities manage the challenges and discover the positive aspects of life transitions and growing older.The need to developing life skills in our youth has been made a priority by FCS and homemaker Program Councils and the County Extension Council. We will be utilizing the model though teaching skills under the category of Giving, Working , Being, Living, Thinking, Managing, Relating and Caring. Life Skills help youth become competent, capable and contributing individuals, while Practical Life skills help them in a competitive world.
Agriculture receipts are over $ 5 billion for the first time. Consumer and producers interest in rebuilding community food systems is significant. Our County Extension Offices can play a significant role in helping food producers, entrepreneurs, buyers and consumers work in rural areas. Strong food systems help everyone eat a healthier diet while benefiting the local economy and community. Teaching youth to give back to the elderly in a food situation would teach a multi of skills and life efforts.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Change in social, economic, and environmental issues related to healthy aging, independent aging and quality aging.
Improve healthy homes and communities.
Build strong KY families
Build interpersonal skills and knowledge.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Clients will practice safe cooking skills at home.
Clients will practice safety in their home against falls and injury.
Clients will become healthier with knowledge obtained.
Initial Outcomes:
Change behavior to decrease in falls.
Improve health and wellbeing.
Increase communication and enhance relationships and social support.
Work as a family to acknowledge and embrace aging issues.
Initial Outcome: Clients will practice life skills and knowledge gained through extension program
Indicator: Change habits and practice new skills learned.
Method: Participation in activities and survey.
Timeline: 2017-2018
Intermediate Outcome: Follow up surveys will be given at class or mailed.
Indicator: Will be measured through personal evaluation indicating their skills gained in leadership.
Method: Written evaluations
Timeline: 2018-2019
Long-term Outcome: Live longer, better health greater self-esteem.
Indicator: Knowledge obtained through classes and use evaluations.
Method: Evaluations sheets.
Timeline: 2018-2019
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: County Senior Citizens, youth, community helpers and extension.
Project or Activity: "Grow your Vitamins" for the Elderly. This summer Morehead State University, Maysville College and Technical Center, Public schools systems, Fleming County and Rowan County Extension are teaming up with a new ideal, "Grow your Vitamins" where youth will grow sweet potatoes and give to the elderly. This nutritious food will assist the elderly to meet vitamin needs.
Content or Curriculum: Plate it Up
Inputs: UK Cooperative Extension Service, FCS Agents, MSU, MCTC, Public schools
Date: 2018-2019
Audience: General Public and Homemakers
Project or Activity: Programs on Aging and Stand up to Falls
Content or Curriculum: Embracing Life as We Age
Inputs: UK Cooperative Extension Service, FCS Agents
Date: 2018-2019
Audience: Eighth Grade students
Project or Activity: Truth and Consequences
Content or Curriculum: UK program
Inputs: Public School, Legal authorities, Extension and Volunteers
Date: 2018-2019
Success Stories
Farmers Market Day at the Health Department/WIC program/Rowan County
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access
Farmers Market Day at the Health Department/WIC program/Rowan County Making Healthy Life Choices Eating/nutritious low calorie snackKentucky high school students have the highest rate of overweight/obesity in the Nation. Obesity rate as of 2015-16 was at its record high of 33% in our state. The Cooperative Extension in cooperation with the Rowan County Health Department, Kentucky State University SNAP Program and local farmers from the Farmers Market sponsored a summer promotion of support
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Get Moving Kentucky Rowan County with Jared Lorenzo
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Get Moving Kentucky (Physical Activity Based Programs)
Get Moving Kentucky Rowan County with Jared LorenzoA lifestyle lacking with physical activity and or proper nutrition continue to be an issue with the youth of Kentucky. Kentucky student’s obesity rate as of 2015-16 was at its record high of over 33% in our state. Kentucky is rated fifth in Type 2 Diabetes and sixth in abnormally high blood pressure. The Rowan County Cooperative Extension Family and Consumer Science Agent collaborated with Parks and Recreation Summer
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Grow Your Own Vitamins-Sweet Potato Project 2018
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access
Grow Your Own Vitamins-Sweet Potato Project 2018 Rowan County has a population of 20,898 as of 2010 census, 3057 (15%) are seniors that are 55 or older. 18 % of the seniors live in poverty in Rowan County and have limited access to fresh produce. FCS Agent initiated a program in 2017 called Grow Your Vitamins with goal of increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables. Being in its second year, Extension collaborated with the Rowan County High School FFA, and More
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Relatives and Grandparents raising other’s children!
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Grandparents and Grandchildren Together
Relatives and Grandparents raising other’s children!The Rowan County Extension Agent for Family and Consumer Sciences collaborated with the Rowan County Public School Family Resource Coordinators, State and local police, Pathways and Legal Aid to offer a two-day workshop to educate and support relatives raising children, mostly grandparents raising grandchildren. According to Kinship Families Coalition of Kentucky, 6% of children throughout the Commonwealth are in the care of grandparents
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Culinary Students learn to Preserve Salsa
Author: Peggy Jones
Major Program: Food Preservation
Culinary Students learn to Preserve SalsaThe USDA and Department of Health and Human Services, consumption of total fruit and total vegetables are expected to grow roughly 4% respectively in the next 5 years. With the increase on the rise of consuming vegetables the Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Agent provides food preservation classes at the local high school to juniors and seniors in Rowan County. A popular food item such as salsa was picked to demonstrate how quick and easy it i
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment