Nurturing Families, the Aging Populace and Securing Financial StabilityPlan of Work
Metcalfe County CES
Nurturing Families, the Aging Populace and Securing Financial Stability
Personal Growth and Life Skill Development
Agents Involved:
Blankenship, Branstetter
Nurturing Families (general)
Embracing Life as We Age (general)
Securing Financial Stability (general)
Health 4-H Core Curriculum
According to the United States Census bureau the 2015 population of Metcalfe County, KY was 9,909. 96.5 % of the population is Caucasian; 1.4 % Black; 1.1 % Native American; .3% Asian and 1.4 % Hispanic.
15.7 % of all families in Metcalfe Co. have income below poverty levels, 23.1 % of families with related children 18 years of age or younger are living below poverty and 37.8 % of families with related children under 5 years of age, are living below poverty level. These numbers are even more dismal for female headed households with related children under five years of age, 68% have annual income below poverty levels.
17.6% of all residents of Metcalfe County are in the 65 years of age or older age range and of those, 20.1 % have annual incomes below poverty levels,
81.5 % of workers aged 16 and over in Metcalfe Co. commute to work in a vehicle alone.
According to the 2012 Agriculture census for Metcalfe, Co., there were 924 working farms, which was down 4% from 2007. 865 of these farms are principally operated by males with a median age of 56 years.
Long-Term Outcomes:
•Older residents of Metcalfe County KY will be empowered elderly consumers, who demand more and better information, choice and control, thereby resulting in an improved quality of life.
•Residents of Metcalfe County, KY will improve their financial education.
Intermediate Outcomes:
•Though participation in research based, Extension community programs, residents will increase communication and enhance relationships and social support in our community.
•Extended families will work as a family unit, to acknowledge and embrace child development stages and/or elderly aging issues.
Initial Outcomes:
•Residents will gain greater awareness about healthy lifespan behaviors.
•Residents will increase knowledge about reducing safety risks in their homes and on their farms, for both the aging populace and for those with infants and toddler aged children in the home.
•Residents will increase knowledge about financial planning steps appropriate for every stage of life.
Long Term:
Outcome: Older residents of Metcalfe County KY will be empowered elderly consumers, who demand more and better information, choice and control, thereby resulting in an improved quality of life.
Indicator: Number of Homemakers, senior center participants, nursing home residents and community members who are 65 and older, who respond to program evaluations and community surveys that they have a better quality of life as a result of participating in programs offered within our community.
Decreased percentage of citizen residents age 65 and over, living at or below the poverty level.
Method: Data from Program evaluations both pre, post and verbal and written surveys. Metcalfe Co. KY population demographic information related to age and income from the United States Census bureau
Timeline: Ongoing 2017 - 2020
Outcome: Residents of Metcalfe County, KY will improve their financial education.
Indicator: Number of individuals participating in financial education programs in Metcalfe County. Increased number of financial education programs offered and multi - media pieces published locally, by Extension and other organizations in our community.
Method: Track and report on the number financial education programs offered within the community and their participation numbers. Track and report on multi-media efforts and pieces published for local consumption in Metcalfe County.
Timeline: Ongoing 2017 - 2020
Outcome: Though participation in research based, Extension community programs, residents will increase communication and enhance relationships and social support in our community.
Indicator: Number of Homemaker clubs and special interest clubs functioning and number of active Homemaker members in the community. Number of individuals participating the Metcalfe County Cattlemen Association meetings. Number of active participants on the County Extension Council and program area advisory councils. Number of active producers participating in the Metcalfe County Farmer’s Market.
Method: Track participation in on-going, Extension community programs with meeting sign – in sheets and meeting minute records.
Timeline: Ongoing 2017 - 2020
Outcome: Extended families will work as a family unit, to acknowledge and embrace Human development stages and issues in the age ranges that are represented in the family unit and extended family.
Indicator: Number of participants in the annual Baby Open House and other early childhood focused programs offered, number of families receiving child development information through Extension programs at the local WIC and DCBYS offices, Head Start, Preschool, Child Care, Community Early Childhood Council and Library Story Hour programs. Number of participants in Extension offered programs within the Embracing Life as You Age initiative. Young children preparing for entry to preschool, will screen as ready to learn. Program evaluations aimed at estate and retirement planning issues will indicate that family planning for aging plans is occurring.
Method: Program attendance rosters, pre and post program evaluations, annual KY early childhood profile data on school readiness.
Timeline: Ongoing 2017 – 2020
Outcome: Residents will gain greater awareness about healthy lifespan behaviors.
Indicator: Number of participants in Extension offered wellness and self-care programs. Participants indicating increase in knowledge gained from participation in Extension offered wellness and self-care programs
Method: Program attendance rosters, pre and post program evaluation data,
program follow – up survey responses.
Timeline: Ongoing 2017 - 2020
Outcome: Residents will increase knowledge about reducing safety risks in their homes and on their farms, for both the aging populace and for those with infants and toddler aged children in the home.
Indicator: Number of participants in Extension offered safety programs. Participants indicating increase in knowledge gained from participation in Extension offered safety programs
Method: Program attendance rosters, pre and post program evaluation data, program follow – up survey responses.
Timeline: Ongoing 2017 - 2020
Outcome: Residents will increase knowledge about financial planning steps appropriate for every stage of life.
Indicator: Number of participants in Extension programs related to securing financial stability. Participants indicating increase in knowledge gained from participation in Extension programs related to securing financial stability.
Method: Program attendance rosters, pre and post program evaluation data, program follow – up survey responses.
Timeline: Ongoing 2017 - 2020
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Metcalfe Co. Homemakers and residents
Project or Activity: Small Appliances Trending Now
Content or Curriculum: FCS agent compiled resources, KEHA resources
Inputs: FCS Agent, Extension office mail budget and staff time for lesson material preparation and mail - out
Date: July 2018
Audience: Metcalfe County Homemakers and residents
Project or Activity: Cell Phone Photography
Content or Curriculum: FCS agent compiled, research based resources.
Inputs: FCS Agent, Extension office space and resources, Homemaker Volunteers, KEHA materials.
Date: November 2018
Audience: Metcalfe County Homemakers and residents
Project or Activity: Hands-On Cooking
Content or Curriculum: FCS agent compiled, research based resources. Related UK Extension publications, 4 - H Cooking curriculum.
Inputs: FCS Agent, Extension office space and resources, Homemaker Volunteers, KEHA materials.
Date: March 2019
Audience: Metcalfe Co. Homemakers and residents
Project or Activity: Family Time Bridging Generations
Content or Curriculum: FCS agent compiled resources, KEHA resources; 4 - H resources
Inputs: FCS Agent, Extension office space and resources, Homemaker Volunteers, KEHA materials.
Date: June 2019
Audience: Metcalfe Co. youth and their parent/s or guardian
Project/Activity: Adults and Youth Cooking Together Summer Cooking Series
Content/Curriculum: Super Star Chef curriculum, Chop Chop magazine, SNAP & FCS nutrition publications
Inputs: FCS Agent, SNAP - ED, program Assistant; Extension office resources, Library staff and space.
Date: July/August 2018
Audience: Residents of the Mammoth Cave Area Counties covered by Proclaim Broadcasting Network
Project/Activity: Weekly Family Lifestyles TV segments
Content/Curriculum: FCS Agent created resources, Related industry created materials, UK Extension materials
Inputs: MCA FCS Agents time, Guest time, Proclaim Broadcasting staff time, studio time and space and equipment, Allen County Ext. office space
Date: Ongoing weekly segments 2018/19
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Camp Staff
Date: June 2018
Success Stories
Family Lifestyles television show
Author: Lynn Blankenship
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
Family Lifestyles Television ShowThe Extension Agents for Family and Consumer Science Education, in eight counties of the Mammoth Cave Area that can access the Proclaim Broadcasting network, WPBM TV Channel 31 via cable, dish, digital or antenna television have partnered to take over hosting of the 30 minute, weekly Family Lifestyles television show. Fifty five episodes were taped and aired from October 16, 2017 – October 15, 2018.The eight Mammoth Cave Area Counties that currently ha
Full Story
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