Leadership and Communication Skills DevelopmentPlan of Work
Pulaski County CES
Leadership and Communication Skills Development
Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Adkins, Harper, Lovett, Lucas, Wilson
Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Youth Development Programming
Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
Pulaski County is projected to have population growth in the next 5 years and has seen growth over the last 7 years. With these trends of rapid growth happening throughout Pulaski County, as well as the conservative economic times we are in; it is imperative that youth develop distinguished skills in leadership and communication to give them the greatest chance to continue their education in college and find fulfilling and well-paying jobs in the future.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth will develop leadership skills that will propel them into successful collegiate and professional careers.
Youth will develop distinguished communication skills that they will utilize in their future leadership roles within Pulaski County, Kentucky and Worldwide.
Youth will learn the importance of volunteering and community service and will become contributing members of society who give back to their communities and serve others.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth will participate in community service projects in which they will serve others and the community of Pulaski County.
Youth will participate in public speaking opportunities where they will be able to develop and discover their personal speaking style and strengths.
Youth will take part in leadership functions within Pulaski County as well as Statewide events that will teach them effective leadership skills and how to apply those skills to their lives.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth will learn how to prepare a speech or demonstration.
Youth will learn the presentation skills necessary to give an effective speech or demonstration to a group.
Youth will learn the definition of leadership and the various styles of leadership that different people possess. They will also identify the style of leadership that they most likely fall under.
Initial Outcome: Youth will develop leadership skills that will propel them into successful collegiate and professional careers.
Indicator: School clubs, APES, Capitol Experience, JR MANRRS
Method: Pre and Post evaluations, Performance evaluations
Intermediate Outcome:Youth will develop distinguished communication skills that they will utilize in their future leadership roles within Pulaski County, Kentucky and Worldwide.
Indicator: School clubs, Talk Meet and Demonstration Program, Area Showcase of Stars, State Communications Day
Method: Performance evaluations
Long-term Outcome: Youth will learn the importance of volunteering and community service and will become contributing members of society who give back to their communities and serve others.
Indicator: School clubs, Teen Council, CleverClovers, Community clubs, Day Camp
Method: Pop Tabs collecting totals, Service projects
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth ages 9-18
Project or Activity: Speech and Demonstration
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Communications Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agent, 4-H Adult Volunteers, Teachers
Date: September 2018- May 2019
Audience: Youth ages 9-18
Project or Activity: School Clubs; school enrichment
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agent, Teachers
Date: September 2018- May 2019
Audience: Middle School Students
Project or Activity: Afterschool, Teen Summit
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Art curriculum, Teen Leadership, 4-H Photography curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agent, 4-H Adult Volunteers
Date: September 2018- May 2019
Audience: High School Juniors/Seniors
Project or Activity: APES, KY Youth Seminar
Content or Curriculum: 4-H APES Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agent, 4-H Adult Volunteers, counselors
Date: September 2018- May 2019
Audience: High School Students (freshmen-Senior)
Project or Activity: Capitol Experience, Teen Council, Teen Conference
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Core Curriculum
Inputs: 4-H Agent, 4-H Adult Volunteers, teachers
Date:September 2018- August 2019
Success Stories
Teen Leadership Boot Camp
Author: Meagan Lucas
Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

High school students are busy working jobs, playing sports, or are involved in school related extracurricular activities. Keeping teens involved in 4-H has been a struggle in Pulaski County because of this. The teens that are currently involved in the Pulaski County Teen Council are deeply committed and have a desire to grow the counties 4-H program. This year three Pulaski County Teen Council members attended the Leadership Boot Camp along with forty-eight other youth. Through this boot camp th
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Pulaski County Extension Homemakers
Author: Edith Lovett
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
With 300 Pulaski County Extension Homemakers actively involved in the Pulaski County Extension Life, the Pulaski County Extension Service gets lots of attention and glory from the community. In Pulaski County you will find the homemakers involved in lots of community activities to improve the living condition of the community. The homemaker participated in the PRIDE project where they served lunch to more than 1200 volunteers and helped clean and pick up litter along the road sides.
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