County LeadershipPlan of Work
Mason County CES
County Leadership
Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Tad Campbell, Macy Fawns, Heather Cheek, Mary Jane Little
Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Youth Development Programming
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Mason County has traditionally had strong leadership on the local, area, district and state levels. But with the dynamics of families changing in today's world; many young people and young families are not volunteering as much as in the past.
Long-Term Outcomes:
More clients becoming better trained as Extension volunteers on many levels.
Extension volunteers more involved in the community decision making process.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Participants develop and use more leadership skills such as decision making, public speaking.
Initial Outcomes:
Both youth and adult volunteers will learn the importance and need for leadership on the local level; either in their club, group or community. New volunteers, trained stepping up to take leadership roles.
Initial Outcome: Participants, new & younger learn what a good leader is and various leadership styles.
Indicator: Number involed
Method: observation
Timeline: Annual
Intermediate Outcome: Clients learn to speak up at meetings, serve on committees and get involved in the community.
Indicator: Number of clients
Method: Observation and surveys
Timeline: annual
Long-term Outcome: Extension volunteers serve in many roles on the county, district & state level.
Indicator: # of volunteers taking leadership roles both in and outside of Extension programs.
Method: observation
Timeline: Annual
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Youth & Adults
Project or Activity: Step Up to Leadership
Content or Curriculum: Step Up to Leadership
Inputs: Staff & Curriculum
Date: Annual
Audience: Volunteers
Project or Activity: REcognition
Content or Curriculum: receptions, luncheons, annual events
Inputs: reception, service awards
Date: Annual
Audience: District Board
Project or Activity: Guideline/Operational Program
Content or Curriculum: UK Programming Standards
Inputs: agents, leaders, UK programs
Date: Winter
Audience: Young Farmers
Project or Activity: ALOT- Ag Leaders of Tomorrow
Content or Curriculum: UK based materials/ Leadership Trainings
Inputs: Extension Office, materials, volunteer leaders, UK Specialists
Date: Monthly Programs for Year
Success Stories
Mason County Extension Homemakers Scholarships
Author: Heather Cheek
Major Program: Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
According to America’s Debt Help Organization, the average college graduate in 2016 had $37,172 of debt. This comes from massive amounts of student loans, but there are other ways to pay for college like scholarships and grants. In fact, they covered 34% of college costs in 2015-16. As a way to help offset some of the costs of secondary education for local members of Mason County, the Mason County Extension Homemakers, under the supervision of the Mason County Family and Consumer Sciences
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4-H Horse Club
Author: Mary Jane Little
Major Program: Agriculture 4-H Core Curriculum

The Mason County 4-H Horse Club welcomed a new certified leader in 2018. Since her arrival, the number of participants has shown growth and sustained participation throughout the program year. The certified volunteer has recruited more volunteer parents/guardians to assist her with club tasks such as providing snacks, crafts, etc. Due to her diligence and commitment to the club, the group has been able to attend multiple field trips including the Kentucky Horse Park, Old Friends Thoroughbred ret
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4-H Babysitting- Updated
Author: Mary Jane Little
Major Program: Family and Consumer Sciences 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H childcare education teaches life skills, home safety, and personal safety that are not available to all youth in middle schools and high schools. This program was implemented November 6th, 2018 at the First Presbyterian Church in Maysville. Mason County 4-H conducted a 6-hour interactive workshop using the National 4-H Babysitter Clinic Curriculum. We had 6 youth registered for the program, ages 12 to 18 years old. The participants learned about infant care then practiced using a &ldqu
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Author: Mary Jane Little
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Just like the 4-H program for older youth, the purpose of the 4-H Cloverbuds is to help young children learn life skills to become competent, caring and contributing citizens. Specifically, Cloverbuds are youth who are five to eight years old or in kindergarten through the second grade.Cloverbuds help young people:Learn more about themselves and the world around themDevelop positive attitudes about learning new things by hands-on involvementDevelop a relationship with a caring adult or older you
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Volunteer Administration Academy
Author: Mary Jane Little
Major Program: 4-H Youth Development Programming
Extension faculty, in their role as administrators of volunteers, often lack the competencies to fully manage and utilize this tremendous resource. Research reports the findings of a nation-wide Delphi study that identified 33 competencies required by persons leading volunteers. These competencies included skills in the broad constructs of organizational and systems leadership, developing a positive organizational culture, personal skills that will help them in developing effective teams and man
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment