Embracing Life As We AgePlan of Work

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Perry County CES

Embracing Life As We Age
Embracing Life As We Age
Agents Involved:
Embracing Life as We Age (general)
According to Suburban Stats, Perry County had a 2015 population of 28,712 with 11,319 age 60 or over. The Kentucky County Health Rankings ranks Perry County at 118. 27% of the county's population is in poor health. Throughout all life stages, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the changes that accompany aging. Extension helps individuals, families, and communities manage the challenges and discover the positive aspects of life transitions and growing older.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Adapt lifestyles to promote healthy aging.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Practice healthy communication and enhance relationships to promote quality aging.
Initial Outcomes:
Learn about aging and how to make changes.
Initial Outcome: live a longer, healthier life
Indicator: Number indicating lifestyle changes
Method: pre and post tests
Timeline: throughout the year

Long-term Outcome:
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Grandparents
Project or Activity: Grandparent hour
Content or Curriculum: UK curriculum
Inputs: specialists, agents
Date: Quarterly throughout the year

Audience: Homemakers
Project or Activity: Homemaker Lessons
Content or Curriculum: KEHA
Inputs: Specialists, agents
Date: Monthly

Audience: General public, Homemakers
Project or Activity: Special Programs on Aging
Content or Curriculum: UK curriculum
Inputs: Community partners, Specialists, Agents
Date: Throughout the year

Audience: Homemakers
Project or Activity: Virtual Aging Tour
Content or Curriculum: UK curriculum
Inputs: HR, specialists, agents
Date: August 2016

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