Water Conservation / Community EngagementPlan of Work
Greenup County CES
Water Conservation / Community Engagement
Storm Water Education
Agents Involved:
Hieneman, Pullin, Boyd, Stephens
Ag Water Quality Program
Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
Greenup County has been classified by the Environmental Protection Agency as a MS4 Community. (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System) Because the EPA requires that these communities comply with federal regulations, the Greenup Extension Office has been asked by UK Specialists to assist with local education efforts within local government and the community to reduce polluted stormwater runoff.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Each of the eight GC communities that are classified as MS4 will be in compliance with EPA regulations because of their work with Extension efforts.
Intermediate Outcomes:
We will coordinate educational trainings using information from UK Specialists that comply with the EPA standards in order to prepare our communities to properly address stormwater runoff. As a result of these trainings, we expect that our eight communities will prepare a plan for their local stormwater that is in compliance with EPA regulations.
Initial Outcomes:
Partnerships will be formed with local MS4 Coordinators in our county will agree to meet and work in partnership with the Department of Water, GC Extension, and UK Specialists.
Outcome: Initial: Meeting with all MS4 coordinators
Indicator: We will have each local MS4 coordinator in agreement with this program
Method: Make contact and schedule meetings
Timeline: Summer 2016
Outcome: Intermediate: MS4 Communities have prepared a plan
Indicator: MS4 communites can present a plan
Method: The Extension office will have a copy of the MS4 plan for our county
Timeline: Spring 2017
Outcome: Long-term: All MS4 Communities in Greenup County are in compliance with EPA regulations
Indicator: MS4 Communities can be evaluated by the EPA and be recognized as in compliance
Method: The Extension office will have record of MS4 compliance with EPA
Timeline: Ongoing through the 4 year POW
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: MS4 Community Leaders and Families
Project or Activity: Cloverbud Camp
Content or Curriculum: Project Wet, Project Wild
Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Community Guests
Date: Summer 2016, 17, 18, 19
Project or Activity: Rain Barrel Workshop
Content or Curriculum: Master Gardener Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, GC Master Gardeners
Date: Summer/Fall 2016, 2017
Audience: MS4 Community Leaders and Families
Project or Activity: Community Leadership meetings
Content or Curriculum: Provide information from EPA and UK Specialists to local MS4 Coordinators
Inputs: EPA materials from UK Specialists
Date: Summer 2018
Project or Activity: Homemaker meetings
Content or Curriculum: Gardening in Small Spaces and other specialized materials from water conservation education for MS4 communities
Inputs: Homemaker Environmental Chairs
Date: Ongoing throughout current POW
Audience: MS4 Community Leaders and Families
Project or Activity: Summer Music Series
Content or Curriculum: Educational flyers and pamphlets
Inputs: Print materials
Date: Summer 18, 19
Project or Activity: Greenup Beacon
Content or Curriculum: Information from EPA, UK Specialists, and local community leaders
Inputs: Class and event promotion, columns about water conservation
Date: ongoing
Success Stories
Woods and Wildlife For Your Wallet - Four Years in the Making
Author: Linda Hieneman
Major Program: Woodland Education

More than half the state of Kentucky is forested and of that land 78 percent is owned by private land owners. According to Billy Thomas UK Forester, Kentucky Woodlands are some of the most productive woodlands in the world if managed properly. Most landowners are unaware of all the programs that are available.These services can help develop management plans to ensure proper care and management to carry our woodlands to the next generations. In Greenup County both the Cooperativ
Full Story
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