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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Youth Communications & Expressive Arts ProgramsPlan of Work

Marshall County CES

Youth Communications & Expressive Arts Programs
Youth Communications & Expressive Arts
Agents Involved:
Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
Arts Engagement
4-H Youth Development Programming

Providing youth with the ability to enhance and develop communication skills is of great importance in Kentucky. The development of communications skills is one of the preeminent skills necessary to grow as an individual, a community member and a leader. Using age appropriate activities selected from the approved Kentucky 4-H Communications & Expressive Arts Curriculum, educators can maximize the ability of youth to develop their writing, reading and personal communication capacities. This in turn creates a solid foundation for positive youth development (Jones, K. R. 2006)

Strong writing, reading and presentation skills present youth with the dexterity of being good communicators as well as allowing them to form receptive relationships with peers and adults. When young people are confident and capable in presenting their thoughts and feelings they are more likely to accept roles of responsibility in their communities and enhance their contribution to society. This development of internal and external assets, as researched by the Search Institutes “The 40 Developmental Assets” helps to develop youth into competent, caring and contributing adults. (Jones, K.R. 2006)

Long-Term Outcomes:

? Youth utilize the skills gained through education and involvement in Extension programs to serve as leaders in 4-H and other organizations.

? Youth share the elements of the music, dance, drama and visual arts with their community.

? Youth become more comfortable sharing their thoughts with others.

? Youth develop into competent, capable, contributing adults as a result of their participation in 4-H Communications & Expressive Arts Programs.

Intermediate Outcomes:

? Youth construct a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing.

? Youth present before their family, a group of their peers (such as at a 4-H club meeting), a school or county qualifying event.

? Youth demonstrate an increased level of confidence when presenting in front of groups.

? Youth use their communication skills to assume a leadership role in 4-H or other organizations.

? Youth apply elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts in creating and performing.

Initial Outcomes:

? Youth research a presentation topic prior to developing a speech or demonstration.

? Youth write an outline, including an introduction, body and conclusion for their speech or demonstration.

? Youth create a formal presentation, speech or outline using the written outline.

? Youth be prepared to present before their family, a group of their peers(such as at a 4-H club meeting) and a school or county qualifying event.

? Youth can identify key elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts.


Initial Outcome: Youth are able to express themselves through the arts. / Youth are more confident speaking in front of groups.

Indicator: Number of youth participating in Arts programs throughout the county increase. / Number of 4-H Arts & Photography entries at county & state fair increase. / Number of youth participating in County 4-H Communications Contest increases.

Method: Entry numbers. / Feedback from other Arts organizations on participation such as Marshall County Arts Commission programs. / Number of County 4-H Communications Contest entries. / Surveys & feedback from youth and families.

Timeline: 2018-19

Intermediate Outcome: Youth will improve their communication and expressive arts skills.

Indicator: Youth performances and art skill sets will show improvement/growth from year-to-year.

Method: Judges score sheets, feedback from Arts/Play instructors and teachers for school presentations.

Timeline: 2018-19

Long-term Outcome: Youth will report feeling more comfortable sharing their thoughts with others.

Indicator: Reporting of growing confidence by youth in ability to express themselves verbally, written, and/or artistic formats.

Method: Surveys, Observations

Timeline: 2018-20

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Marshall County After-School & CFS 4-H Club Members / Marshall County 4th & 5th Grade Students

Project or Activity: 4-H Club Lessons & School Enrichment Programs -- Communications / Speech & Demonstration Contest

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Communications Contest Information & Curriculum

Inputs: Marshall County Extension for 4-H Youth Development Agent & Program Assistant, Marshall County 4-H Teen & Adult Volunteers, community representatives, and elementary school teachers.

Date: January/February 2019

Audience: Marshall County 8th Graders

Project or Activity: 4-H Health Rocks! Group Presentations

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Health Rocks! / Substance abuse presentation rubric.

Inputs: Marshall County Extension Agent for 4-H Youth Development Agent, 8th Grade Health-Life Skills Teachers, Marshall County 4-H Teen Volunteers

Date: 2018-19 School Year

Audience: Marshall County Youth

Project or Activity: Day Camps & School Enrichment Programs -- Expressive Arts including but not limited to topics such as ceramics, basket making, photography, needlework, leather work, etc.

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Expressive Arts Curriculum & State Fair Guidelines / KET Arts Tool Kits / Kentucky 4-H Sewing & Needlework Curriculum / Programs conducted by Marshall County Arts Commission

Inputs: Marshall County Extension Agents for 4-H Youth Development Agent & FCS / 4-H Program Assistant, Marshall County 4-H Teen & Adult Volunteers, Marshall County Arts Commission, Master Clothing Volunteers, members of Marshall County Photography Club, and other local artists.

Date: 2018-19

Audience: Marshall County 4-Hers (4th - 8th Grade)

Project or Activity: Annual 4-H Holiday Workshop

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Expressive Arts & Home Environment Curriculums

Inputs: Marshall County Extension Agents for 4-H Youth Development Agent & Program Assistant, Marshall County 4-H Teen & Adult Volunteers, and community representatives.

Date: November/December 2018