Envronmental EducationPlan of Work
Calloway County CES
Envronmental Education
Agents Involved:
M. Chadwick, V. Harper
Urban Environments (water issues)
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Master Gardener
Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum
We, as humans, are dependent on earth’s natural resources. Everything from the air we breathe, to the water we drink, to the soil we use for food production – these resources are vital to our existence. Therefore, it’s important that we care for and respect these resources. Understanding how our daily choices affect the environment is key. By making a few simple changes in our day-to-day routine, we can conserve natural resources and protect our environment for present and future generations.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Creeks and streams of Calloway County will be cleaner and healthier
-Homeowners will contiunally work to minimize their individual impact on the local streams and watershed.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Youth and adults of Calloway County will become more aware of their personal impact on local streams
-More families will adopt a stream and evaluate their community together throughout the year.
-Homeowners implement one or more of the practaces described in the educational trainings.
Initial Outcomes:
-4-8 streams will be evaluated by youth and adults of the county.
-Youth and adults will understand the value of protecting our streams and watersheds.
Initial Outcome:-4-8 streams will be evaluated by youth and adults of the county.
Indicator: Stream health will be documented
Method: Visual observation
Timeline: 2016-2017
Intermediate Outcome:Youth and adults of Calloway County will become more aware of their personal impact on local streams
Indicator: Personal Awareness
Method:One-on-one interaction
Timeline: 2017
Long-term Outcome:-Creeks and streams of Calloway county will be cleaner and healthier.
Indicator: Improvement of visual appearance, and testable components
Method: Testing and observation
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Homeowner Pesticide Applicators
Project or Activity: Certified private pesticide applicators training
Content or Curriculum: UK Videos and Publications,
Inputs: examples of labels, KDA record keeping books, Agent time
Date: As needed, 3-5 times annually
Audience: 4-H Students
Project or Activity: Hands-on stream side activities
Content or Curriculum: UK publications
Inputs: Testing materials, and supplies
Date: Annually each summer
Audience:Youth and Homeowners
Project or Activity: Rain Garden Workshop
Content or Curriculum: Rain Garden Construction and revatlzation
Inputs: Agents, Murray City Employees, Specilist
Date: Fall 2017
Audience: Soggy Bottom Water Tester Club
Project or Activity: Water testing of local streams
Content or Curriculum: Water testing
Inputs: Local Conservation district, volunteers, agents, water testing supplies
Date:3 to 5 times yearly 2016-2020
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Success Stories
4-H Camp
Author: Virginia Harper
Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Calloway County 4-H has a wonderful group of camp volunteers and youth that return to camp each summer. Some youth only participate in 4-H Camping. Others are beginning to get involved in the year round 4-H adventures in Calloway County 4-H. Calloway County three year average is 119. In the last three years Calloway County 4-H has taken 358 people to camp. The 4-H Residential Camping program is an important aspect of the total Calloway County 4-H experience. Y
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment