Local Food Systems for ProducersPlan of Work
Butler County CES
Local Food Systems for Producers
Rural and Community Development
Agents Involved:
Drake, Cowles
Local Food Systems
Farmer's Markets
Food Preservation
Local food continues to be in demand from consumers, restaurants, retail outlets and institutions (including schools). However, there is a disconnection between the production, processing, marketing and distribution segments of the local food system, especially for small and minority farmers. With sales from Kentucky food products expected to increase from $14 million (2014) to $24 million in 2020, Extension has resources to educate agricultural producers in production, value added opportunities, business planning, and marketing strategies to expand the local food system for the demand.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Functioning farmers market in the county. Increase economic stability of farms.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Producers produce, process and market food locally. Producers create a budget or marketing plan. Producers earn certifications.
Initial Outcomes:
Producers learn what is required for a farmers market to function. Producers learn about food safety and liability.
Initial Outcome: Producers learn about farmers market.
Indicator: Producers attend classes and gain knowledge.
Method: Paper evaluation
Timeline: January 2018
Intermediate Outcome: Producers produce, process and market locally.
Indicator: Is local food for sale?
Method: Observation
Timeline: 2018
Intermediate Outcome: Producers sell fresh fruits and vegetables to local schools
Indicator: Are schools buying from local farms
Method: Interview school official
Timeline: 2017-2018 Growing Season
Long-term Outcome: Long Term
Indicator: Is market operating? Are farms diversifying?
Method: Observation
Timeline: Growing season 2018
Learning Opportunities:
Audience:Farmers Market Growers
Project or Activity: Farmers market organization meeting
Content or Curriculum: Ky Dept of Ag farmers market manual
Inputs: Manual, agent time, Extension facility, KDA staff
Date: 2018
Audience: Farmers Market Growers
Project or Activity: UK Fruit and Vegetable Conference
Content or Curriculum: Program developed by grower organization
Inputs: UK specialist, grower organization time
Date: January 2018
Audience: Farmers Market Growers
Project or Activity: KY Produce Best Practices Training
Content or Curriculum: KY Produce Best Practices Materials
Inputs: Agent time, radio programs, local media,
Date: July 2018
Audience: Farmers Market Vendors
Project or Activity: Microprocessor workshops and recertifications
Content or Curriculum: UK FCS publication - Microprocessing
Inputs: Agent time, UK specialist
Date: As needed
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment