Local Food Systems DevelopmentPlan of Work
Owen County CES
Local Food Systems Development
Accessing Nutritious Foods
Agents Involved:
Judy Hetterman, Steve Musen, Jessi Williams, FCS Program Assistant, and NEP Assistants
Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Youth Fruit & Vegetable Access
Food Preparation
Accessing Nutritious Foods (general)
In 2003, a farm and craft market was developed by Leadership Owen County 2002 as their community service project. This market has provided an outlet for farmers looking to diversify their operation and crafters who need an additional outlet for their products. In 2015 Owen County Farmer and Craft Market gross over $49,000 for producers and crafters. Nutrition education programs help families gain access to food and stretch food dollars; communities to decrease hunger; and local food assistance programs to educate recipients on healthy and safe food preparation methods. Agents and assistants are pivotal in training consumers and producers to maximize local access to food products from farm to table.
Long-Term Outcomes:
-Increase consumers access to recipes that feature healthy choices focused on locally grown products.
-Increase per person average fruits and vegetables consumption by one or more servings per day.
- Food management skill and nutrition habits will be improved.
-Obesity and burden of chronic disease will decrease.
Intermediate Outcomes:
-Increase purchase of locally grown fruits and vegetables.
-Increase consumption of locally grown fruits and vegetables.
-Improve food preparation skills, food management skills, food safety and nutrition habits.
-Consumers prepare and enjoy more healthy, home cooked family meals.
-Youth and adults are inspired to choose nutritious foods.
-Eligible citizens increase redemption of Farmer's Market Nutrition Program benefits.
Initial Outcomes:
-Conduct educational programs, demonstrations, distribute samples and educational materials.
-Increase nutritional knowledge of adults and youth.
-Impact policies, systems and environmental factors that affect access to nutritious food to children and adults.
-Citizens understand the importance of home cooked family meals to physical health and family health.
-Participants gather cooking knowledge and confidence in ability to prepare healthy meals.
Initial Outcome: Increase nutritional knowledge of adults and youth.
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported increase knowledge on nutrition.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluation. Web-NEERS reports. Market Survey.
Timeline:July thru June
Intermediate Outcome: Improve food preparation skills, food management skills, food safety and nutrition habits.
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported implemented food preparation practices, food safety, and food management skills.
Method:Pre/Post written evaluations. Web-NEERS reports. Market Survey.
Timeline: July thru June
Long-term Outcome: Increase consumers access to recipes that feature healthy choices focused on locally grown products.
Indicator: Food insecurity decreases.
Method: Pre/Post written evaluations. Web-NEERS reports. Market surveys. Change in food security data from the Kentucky County Agriculture and Food Profiles.
Timeline: July thru June
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Farmer's Market Vendors
Project or Activity: Market Management meetings & trainings
Content or Curriculum: GAP Training, Nutrition Education Programs(NEP)
Inputs: Ag & FCS agents and Program Assistant, KDA farmer's market director
Audience: Consumers & vendors at the market
Project or Activity: Weekly demonstrations at the market
Content or Curriculum: Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud & FCS Resources
Inputs: FCS agent, program assistant, NEP Assistants
Date: May-October
Audience: Consumer's & Farmers Market Vendors
Project or Activity: Newsletter using local produce
Content or Curriculum: FCS Resources and Plate It Up! Kentucky Proud
Inputs: FCS & Ag Agents, Program assistant and NEP assistants
Date: Bi-monthly from May thru October
Audience: 5th thru 8th grade students
Project or Activity: Farmer's Market at the School
Content or Curriculum: Plate It Up Kentucky Proud
Inputs: FCS agent, Program Assistant, Farmer's Market Vendors & NEP Assistants
Date: September 2017
Audience: Youth 9-19
Project or Activity: Meet Me at the Market
Content or Curriculum: Superstar Chef Goes to Farmer's Market
Inputs: FCS & 4-H Agents, Program assistant and NEP assistants
Date: July & August 2017 & June 2018
Audience: Local leaders and consumers
Project or Activity: Farm to Table Dinner Downtown Square
Content or Curriculum: Local produce, Plate It Up Kentucky Proud
Inputs: Market vendors, FCS & Ag agents, Program Assistant
Date: June 2018
Audience: Owen County Beef Producers
Project or Activity: Pasture to Plate Program
Content or Curriculum: Research based approved publications and presentations developed by UK Livestock Specialist
Inputs: Publications, UK Animal Science Specialists, guest speakers, live presentations and demonstrations at Eden Shale Farm and U.K. Meat Lam
Date: April-November 2018
Audience: Owen County New and Beginning Producers
Project or Activity: Farm Start Program
Content or Curriculum: UK Center for Crop Diversity's Farm Start
Inputs: Local producers, UK Center of Crop Diversity Specialists
Date: February-June 2018
Audience: General Public
Project or Activity: What's Cooking Wednesday
Content or Curriculum: UK publications, Plate It Up, Kentucky Proud
Inputs: FCS Agent and Program Assistant
Date: September 2017-June 2018
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment