Parenting program Nurturing ParentingPlan of Work
Rockcastle County CES
Parenting program Nurturing Parenting
Nurturing Families
Agents Involved:
Hazel Jackson, John McQueary
Nurturing Parenting
In Rockcastle County, grandparents are increasingly becoming guardians of their grandchildren when the parents have addiction problems or are incarcerated.
If parents attempt to regain custody of their children, the court looks at parenting class attendance as one aspect being considered.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Parents will practice better decision making skills in regards to proper care and safety of their children. Grandparents will provide support for proper parenting, but will not have to act as the primary guardians for their grandchildren.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Attendance of parenting programs will be required for all parents that go through drug court and for parents that are finishing their term of incarceration.
Initial Outcomes:
Participants in the nurturing parents' workshops will show an increase in their knowledge regarding the development and safety of their children.
Initial Outcome: Increase in proper parenting skills
Indicator: Pre tests and post tests, group activities
Method: Pretest and post tests
Timeline: Year round
Intermediate Outcome: Parenting Classes required by Drug Court
Method: Judges make Parenting classes a part of the court plan
Timeline: Year round
Long-term Outcome:
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Parents who have been a part of drug court, incarcerated parents, parents that have had children removed from their homes due to abuse or neglect.
Project or Activity: 6 session program
Content or Curriculum: Nuturing Parents
Audience: Grandparents as Parents
Project or Activity: Monthly group meetings
Content or Curriculum: special speakers and discussion
Audience: Family Mealtimes Challenge
Project or Activity: Project for 4th Grades
Content or Curriculum: Table Setting and Basic Manners
Inputs: Present to classes and scout groups
Date: Oct - Nov 2017
Success Stories
Holiday Cooking School helps families create positive memories
Author: Hazel Jackson
Major Program: Home is Where the Health Is
Research shows that preparing and eating meals at home can have positive impact on families by strengthening family ties and leading to better physical and mental health. In an effort to encourage more families to make family mealtime a priority, Family & Consumer Science Agents in the Wilderness Trail Area organized and conducted a Wilderness Trail Area Holiday Cooking School focused on family meal preparation. 250 participants from the eight counties from the Wilderness Trail Area attended
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Nurturing Parenting, Family Time Challenge
Author: Hazel Jackson
Major Program: Nurturing Families (general)
In 2010 a Canadian longitudinal study showed a distinct relationship between family meals and lower adolescent delinquency, school problems and substance abuse. In the years since, more studies have shown that family meals are one of the numerous positive interactions and activities related to positive communication between parents and children. During the fall of 2017, the Rockcastle County Extension Service started an conscious effort to offer programs that give familie
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