Improving the Health and Quality of Life for all Taylor County CitizensPlan of Work

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Taylor County CES

Improving the Health and Quality of Life for all Taylor County Citizens
Social and Physical Well Being of Individuals and Families
Agents Involved:
Pat Hardesty, Kara Back, Kimberly Thomas
Nutrition and Food Systems General
Active Living and Health Promotions General

The obesity epidemic threatens the quality and years of life of Taylor County citizens as well as Kentuckians. Obese individuals are at increased risk for many chronic health conditions, including type-2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some types of cancers. According to the CDC’s County Diabetes Atlas, 13.3% of adults in Taylor County have been diagnosed with diabetes, 36.6% of adults 18 years and over are obese and 34.5% of adults reported no leisure time exercise in the past month.

Increased consumption of unhealthy food, stress, and built environments that promote physical inactivity are largely responsible for the obesity epidemic. While there have been many positive changes in the community, there is still a need to do more.

Taylor Countians have a life expectancy of 73.4 years, compared to 76.3 years for Americans. Minorities and individuals residing in Appalachia bear a heavier brunt of the obesity and chronic disease burden.

Long-Term Outcomes:

•Taylor County will decrease in the number of obese and overweight children, youth, adults and elderly.

•Taylor County will increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily.

•Taylor County will improve in the built environment to promote physical activity and healthy eating.

•Taylor County will improve in the mental health and well-being of all our citizens.

•Taylor County will manage and prevent the risk, debilitation, and premature death related to diabetes, cancer, heart disease, stroke and hypertension.

•Taylor County will increase the estimated health savings in dollars for chronic disease.

•Taylor County will increase policies that address obesity, physical inactivity and promotion of poor nutrition.

Intermediate Outcomes:

•Taylor County citizens will practice healthy food choices and strengthen individuals’ ability to build healthy eating plans and patterns.

•Taylor County citizens will maintain appropriate calorie balance during each stage of life: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, pregnancy, breastfeeding and older age.

•Taylor County citizens will practice physical activity in families and communities and decrease time spent on sedentary behaviors.

•Community members will advocate for policy.

•Taylor County citizens will practice changes related to obesity, physical activity and healthy eating.

•Taylor County will strengthen community coalitions and/or partnerships to address obesity, physical inactivity and chronic disease.

•Taylor County citizens will practice healthy lifestyle decision-making that strengthen individual’s ability to cope with normal life stressors.

Initial Outcomes:

•Healthy lifestyle choices

•Childhood and youth obesity

•Adult weight management

•Healthy aging

•Practice and promotion of daily physical activity

•Policies that reduce the level of obesity

•Reduction of chronic disease


Outcome: (Initial Term) Adult weight management

Indicator: Of the total number of families/caregivers reached with information on accessing healthy foods the number of families/caregivers reached that gained knowledge about eating more healthy foods.

Method: Featured Program Questions, Questionnaire on healthy eating habits; Pre and Post evaluation exercises

Timeline: July-June; Beginning and end of program

Outcome: (Intermediate) Taylor County will strengthen community coalitions and/or partnerships to address obesity, physical inactivity and chronic disease.

Indicator: Number of ongoing coalitions with which Extension is involved.

Method: Online survey, # of physical activity opportunities; # of people in attendance

Timeline: July-June, Evaluations throughout the year

Outcome: (Long-Term) Taylor County will increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating daily.

Indicator: Of the total number of families/caregivers reached with information on the importance of a physically active lifestyle the number of families/caregivers reached that reported spending time in physical activity.

Method: Featured Program Questions; Online survey; pre and post evaluation

Timeline: Beginning and end of program

Learning Opportunities:

County Agents, individuals and families, low-income individuals, policy makers, current and potential program users, key stakeholders, health professionals, child care providers, minority groups, faith-based organizations, KEHA, schools, professional organizations, service agencies, businesses, community coalitions and organizations, and government.

Learning Opportunities:

Activity: Weight Loss Management Classes

Content or Curriculum: Weight the Reality Series, Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices Curriculum

Date: January 2025

Activity: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Content or Curriculum: Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices

Date: April 2025

Activity: Truth and Consequences

Content or Curriculum: Truth and Consequences: The Choice is Yours

Date: March 2025

Activity: Literacy, Eating, Activity for Primary Youth Health (LEAP)

Content or Curriculum: LEAP Curriculum

Date: September-April 2024, 2025

Activity: Food Preservation Workshop

Content or Curriculum: Food Preservation Curriculum and Publications

Date: May-July 2024, 2025

Activity: Kentucky 4-H Health Day

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Health Curriculum, JIFF

Date: February 2025


CES agents, specialists, volunteers, KY CES publications and resources, eXension resources, Health Education through Extension Leadership, Local, state and federal health agencies, USDA, public and private health organizations, registered dietitians, medical professionals, chronic disease advocacy organizations, Kentucky Diabetes Network, Non-profit agencies, KEHA, Community and faith-based organizations

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