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Metcalfe County CES

Ag Awareness, Production and Marketing
Agents Involved:
Bell, Blankenship, Branstetter

Although tobacco production had declined in recent years, it is still a major source of income for many farm families. With its decline, many producers have increased forage production.  It is marketed through local sales and the Tri County Hay and Straw Auction.   Many forage producers utilize their products to feed their own livestock herds as well.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Tobacco and Forage producers will be able to sustain their operations because of increased profitability. This profitability is a result of increased yields, decreased input costs and successful marketing.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Tobacco and Forage producers will implement practices that will allow them to increase yields, manage input costs and market their product in a manner that will allow them to remain profitable.

Initial Outcomes:

Tobacco and Forage producers will increase their knowledge about production, cost management and marketing that will allow them to implement changes that will lead to long term profitability.


Outcome:  Initial

Indicator:  Knowledge Gained

Method:  Survey

Timeline: Winter/Spring   

Outcome: Intermediate 

Indicator: Practices Changed

Method:  Survey

Timeline: Spring Summer

Outcome:  Long Term

Indicator:  Sales and Profitability

Method:  Survey

Timeline:  Winter

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Tobacco Producers

Project or Activity:  Tobacco Gap Trainings 

Content or Curriculum: UK, GAP Connections

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, GAP Connections

Date: Winter/Spring

Audience: Livestock and Forage Producers

Project or Activity:  Tri County Hay and Straw Auction

Content or Curriculum: UK Pubs, KDA Hay Testing

Inputs: ANR and 4-H Agents, KDA Employees, Volunteers

Date: January

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