Career Readiness, Job Sustainability and Financial EducationPlan of Work

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Metcalfe County CES

Career Readiness, Job Sustainability and Financial Education
Income and Workforce Development
Agents Involved:
Bell, Blankenship, Branstetter
Local Food Systems
Business Retention and Expansion
Financial Education - General
Economic Development

  The Kentucky Extension Community Assessment Statewide Report 2019 indicates that money management for families and youth and employee “soft/essential skills” training continue to be important issues statewide. Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Center indicates 85% of job success comes from having well developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills).  Employers are often prepared to teach technical job skills; however, the intangible skills of being a team player, time management, and positive attitude are difficult to teach on-sight but critical to success.  

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:

Outcome:  Improved workforce communication 

Indicator:  Number of individuals who reported the intent to utilize etiquette practices to improve verbal, written, and electronic communication practices (Communicating Effectively)                           

Indicator:  Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: demonstrate strong verbal and nonverbal communications (Conveying Your Message)                       

Method:   Pre/Post Evaluation 

Timeline:  Following Positive Employability 

Outcome:  Improved workplace listening skills 

Indicator:  Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: how to utilize listening cues (nonverbal, quasi-verbal, and verbal) in conversation (Listening and Inquiry)       

Method:  Pre/Post Evaluation                                                                                    

Outcome: Farmers Mkt vendor product marketing success

Indicator: Increasing # of annually paid vendor members and number of vendors who pay per set – up at the MCFM, increased market day vendor income

Method: # annually paid member and pay per set up vendor data, daily vendor income report data, customer and vendor market survey data.  

Timeline: Annually, April – October.

Outcome: Increased knowledge, opinions, skills, and aspirations in school age youth, with regard to their ability to understand basic financial concepts and manage money

Indicator: # youth reporting increased levels of understanding with regard to budgeting, planning for living costs, credit concepts and other money matters.

Method: Pre and/or post session evaluations, during and post session guided discussion and verbal surveying.

Timeline: Annually as requested and conducted during the school year.

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Homemaker Members 

Activity: Leader trainings - Making a Will

Content/curriculum: FCS Agent led leader training, using UK Extension personal financial responsibility and planning UK Extension curriculum resources

Inputs: KSU West Region FCS and Personal Finance Agents will develop lesson and all MCAFCS Agents will teach in their own counties

Date: Taught August 2024 for the September 2024 lesson.

Project or Activity: Metcalfe County Farmer’s Market

Content/curriculum: Farmers Market Tool Kit, Marketing your products at Farmers Markets, CFA training materials, Publications, K - State Small Farms Agent provided training, WIC and SRFMNP training.

Inputs: FCS Agent, ANR Agent, NEP program assistant, MCFM Board/volunteers, Extension office resources

Date: February – December annually.

Project or activity: Managing in tough times, financial recordkeeping for individuals and farm businesses, retirement/estate planning

Content or curriculum: related publications, managing in Tough Times, Recovering your finances, 

Inputs: ANR Agent, FCS Agent, Extension office resources, CASOKY CSBG office staff, local AG Development Board volunteers, local drug court staff, local Alcoholics and Narcotics Anonymous program coordinators

Date: Ongoing, scheduled as requested/needed


Audience: School age youth

Project/Activity: Activities that build money management skills and financial awareness in school aged youth.

Content or Curriculum: Mini Society The Bean Budget Game, The Good Credit Game, Reality Store, Dollars and Sense, 4 – H YD/ FCS curriculum

Inputs: FCS Agent, 4 – H YD Agent, 21st Century After school staff, Metcalfe County Middle and High School Staff and learning space, curriculum publications and resources

Date: Annually during the school year, as requested/scheduled.

Audience: 4-H Youth 4th and 5th grade

Project or Activity: Mini Society

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Mini Society Curriculum

Inputs: Agents, Staff Support and Teachers

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