Effective Resource ManagementPlan of Work

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Whitley County CES

Effective Resource Management
Family and Agricultural Economics
Agents Involved:
Moses (Community Arts), Burgard (FCS), Jones (4-H), Prewitt (Horticulture)
Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Recovering Your Finances
Financial Education - General

Whitley County has an unemployment rate of 4.4% according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2023. The median income for individuals were $18,444 a year according to the 2020 US Census Data. 27.6% of households are living in poverty in Whitley County.

The 2017 Census of Agriculture data reports that 165 Farm Operators reported net gains and 383 Farm Operators had net losses. Keeping good records and having good farm, family, and personal management systems in place can increase quality of life. The Whitley County Cooperative Extension will use the Managing in Tough Times Curriculum and MoneyWise publications to help awareness on how to use resources better. Radio Ads and newsletter articles will include information about saving money in both the family and on the farm.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Families and Farmers will use resources more efficiently.

Families and Farmers will save time and money as a result of changed behaviors.

Families, Farmers, and individuals improve their quality of life by changing attitudes.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Families and Farmers adopt recommended practices to help them save time and money relating to household and farm management.

Households and farmers practice techniques to help them improve quality of family life.

Individuals adopt attitudes that foster healthy communication skills among family members.

Initial Outcomes:

Families and Farmers identify techniques to improve money management.

Families and Farmers locate spending leaks in their current budget.


Long-Term Outcome:

Indicator: Families and Farmers create better consumer habits and savings

Method: CEDIK Economical Surveys, Pre/Post Evaluations

Timeline: 2025

Intermediate Outcome:

Indicator: Families and Farmers apply education about budgets into daily life.

Method: Pre/Post Evaluations

Timeline: 2021-2025

Initial Outcome:

Indicator: Families and Farmers recognize areas to improve savings.

Method: Pre/Post Evaluations

Timeline: 2021-2025

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Whitley County Homemakers

Project or Activity: Homemakers leaders present Special Interest lessons to teach skills that help individuals make better use of resources 

Content or Curriculum: Lessons include Planning Thrifty and Holiday Meals, Clutter-Free Living, Holiday Ideas
Inputs: FCS Agent, Homemaker Leaders

Date: Monthly

Audience: Whitley County Residents

Project or Activity: Budgeting programs (Couponing; Food Spending) to help families on limited incomes and others interested to save money and reduce debt.

Content or Curriculum: UK Programs; NEP Food Spending

Inputs: FCS Agent, UK Specialists

Date: Quarterly throughout year

Audience: Whitley County residents in substance use recovery

Project or Activity: Recovering Your Finances workshops developing money management and resource skills for those in recovering from substance use addiction.  

Content or Curriculum: Recovering Your Finances

Inputs: FCS Agent

Date: Spring/Fall 2024, Winter/Summer 2025

Audience: Whitley County Residents

Project or Activity: Budgeting Classes 

Content or Curriculum: MoneyWi$e, MoneyHabitudes, Where Did the Money Go?, UK Finance Publications

Inputs: FCS Agent, Moses, 4H

Date: Quarterly throughout year

Audience: Middle and High School Aged Youth

Project or Activity: Budgeting (online curriculum and school fair)

Content or Curriculum: It's Your Reality

Inputs: 4H, Community Partners, FRYSCs

Date: March

Audience: Teens

Project or Activity: Teen Club

Content or Curriculum: Build Your Future

Inputs: 4H

Date: Monthly Club Meetings

Audience: Whitley County Residents

Project or Activity: Holiday Budgeting

Content or Curriculum: Stretching Your Holiday Dollar, Holiday Ideas

Inputs: FCS Agent

Date: November-December

Audience: Whitley County Residents

Project of Activity: Estate Planning Series/Workshop

Content or Curriculum: Transferring Cherished Possessions

Inputs: FCS Agent, UK Specialists

Date: November/February

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