4-H VolunteerismPlan of Work

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LaRue County CES

4-H Volunteerism
Community, Economic and Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Misty Wilmoth, Mason Crawford
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD): Developing Core Leadership Skills
Community Engagement

Kentucky Volunteerism Facts:

Volunteering has a significant impact on people and communities. And it’s not just poorer counties that benefit greatly from volunteers, as even affluent counties need assistance.

The measurable impacts of volunteering go well beyond what some volunteers realize. Community service has significant economic and social effects.  Volunteers impact communities in many ways.

Economic Contributions:

Time is money. And as people donate their time to volunteer causes, it has a tremendous economic impact.  The Volunteer Measurement Project (VMP), conducted by Johns Hopkins University, found that approximately 140 million people in 37 nations engage in volunteer work. That equates to about 20.8 million FTEs.  In the U.S., 62.6 million contributed 8 billion hours of work, which equates to $184 billion. 

Enhances Collaboration

Community service projects often involve many resources and different specializations for success. So by nature, these projects require strategic partnerships between community organizations, governments, universities, and private businesses.  About 92 percent of volunteer organizations had some form of collaboration with the government, private sector, or other organizations (UN Volunteers). The Carlisle County 4-H Council partners with Bardwell Masonic Lodge to host a pancake breakfast with Santa.   Money raised sent 12 low-income youth to 4-H camp. The Caverna and Hart County Family Resource Youth Service Centers partnered to host Farm Safety Day, Dollars and Sense, Nutrition Programs, Backpack Program, Truth and Consequences, Reality Store, Students Targeted Against Outside Pressures, and Positive Choices.  Independence Bank of Hopkins County created the Farm to Fork event with proceeds benefitting 4-H, FFA, and Farmer’s Market.  Over the past 10 years, FB has contributed over $42,000 to support leadership programs, project day camps, and 4-H camp.  120 youth have received camp scholarships.   The Council operates annual fundraisers in which 4-H members can earn fees for trips.  Fundraisers allow them to go on trips, to camp, teen conference, and more.

Delivers Public Services

Volunteer service can have a long-lasting impact on communities. Whether it’s the money communities save by the hours volunteers dedicate, the partnerships that bring organizations together, or the much-needed services volunteers provide, community service projects have a measurable impact.  

Specific situation/trend description: According to the Corporation for National & Community Service (CNCS), Kentucky ranks 48th in Teenage Volunteer Rate and 39th in Adult Volunteer Rate.  Kentucky’s Teenage Volunteer Rate was 17.9%, as compared to other states which ranged from 14.1% to 42.2%.  Conversely, 28.1% of adults volunteer.  Meanwhile, volunteer rates among teens, nationwide are increasing.   Finally, teens engaged in service activities during their high school years are twice as likely to serve as volunteers during their 20’s and 30’s.  Clearly, in order to develop the next generation of volunteers in Kentucky, Extension must be more proactive in engaging teens in volunteer service.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Long Term goals/outcomes:  Long term goals, specifically addressing the Social, Economic, and Environmental outcomes. Examples may include:

Social:              Teens will become more active as volunteers; increasing the amount of unpaid service that they provide throughout their communities.   Adults will increase their rate of volunteer involvement in their communities and in Extension.

Economic:        UK CES and non-profit organizations will experience an increased rate of volunteer involvement as more people select community organizations in which to contribute their time, talents and energies.   Additional volunteer involvement reduces the stress on staff and extends the outreach of the non-profit organization to individuals and audiences which would otherwise be unserved.

Environmental:           Teens and adults will make a positive contribution as community volunteers.  This increased level of community involvement will continue throughout their twenties and thirties.  Additionally, communities will experience an increased retention rate as people who are engaged in their communities experience a heightened sense of belonging and are more likely to settle and reside in that community.

Intermediate Outcomes:

·Youth will develop a sense of belonging in their communities, as they become more strongly affiliated with the community through service to a non-profit organization.  

·Youth will master skills related to their specific volunteer role.

·Youth will experience a feeling of generosity as they serve non-profit organizations, their programs and clientele in a volunteer role.

·The number of youth and adults reported to be serving on 4-H Councils and Leadership Boards will increase by 2024.

Initial Outcomes:

·Youth and adults will increase their knowledge of the types of volunteer and service opportunities that are available to them in their communities.

·Youth and adults will increase their knowledge of the non-profit organizations in their communities and the services that they provide.

·Youth and adults will identify non-profit organizations in their communities and the specific types of volunteer roles which they aspire to fulfill and serve.

Learning Opportunities:

Audience:  4-H Club Leaders

Project or Activity:  Leading project club meetings and special activities

Content or Curriculum:  Kentucky 4-H Core Curriculum

Inputs:  Volunteer Training, Volunteer Hours

Date:  ongoing

Project or Activity:  LaRue County Fair including 4-H exhibits, livestock shows, and Kids Day activities

Inputs:  Volunteers Hours and donated funds and resources

Date:  Late July or early August annually

Learning Opportunities / Programs for Agents:

Specialist responsible:           Ken Culp, III



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