2024 2025 21st Century Life Skills/Developing Human CapitalPlan of Work

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Kenton County CES

2024 2025 21st Century Life Skills/Developing Human Capital
Economic and Workplace Development 2024 2025
Agents Involved:
Denise Donahue, Dan Allen, Diane Kelley, Joan Bowling, Brandon George, Lori Clark, Anna Meyers
Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
Community Vitality and Leadership -FCS
Economic Development

The Kentucky Extension Community Assessment Statewide Report 2019 indicates that money management for families and youth and employee “soft/essential skills” training continue to be important issues statewide. Research conducted by Harvard University, the Carnegie Foundation, and Stanford Research Center indicates 85% of job success comes from having well developed soft and people skills, and only 15% of job success comes from technical skills and knowledge (hard skills). Studies show in the United States, only 1/3 of high school seniors are college ready. Only 1/3 of high school graduates are work-ready. 

Employers are often prepared to teach technical job skills; however, the intangible skills of being a team player, time management, and positive attitude are difficult to teach on-sight but critical to success.   

Long-Term Outcomes:

Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:

Outcome: Improved workforce communication 

Indicator: Number of individuals who reported the intent to utilize etiquette practices to improve verbal, written, and electronic communication practices (Communicating Effectively)

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: demonstrate strong verbal and nonverbal communications (Conveying Your Message)

Method: Pre/Post Evaluation 

Timeline: Following Positive Employability 

Outcome: Improved workplace listening skills 

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in the area: how to utilize listening cues (nonverbal, quasi-verbal, and verbal) in conversation (Listening and Inquiry)

Method: Pre/Post Evaluation 

Timeline: Following Positive Employability 

Outcome: Networking Skills 

Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of confidence in the area: participate in a productive business conversation (Networking for Success)

Method: Pre/Post Evaluation 

Timeline: Following Positive Employability 

Learning Opportunities:


Audience  4-H Members (ages 9-18) ,4-H Member’s & Families
Project:  Leverage partnerships to enhance existing initiatives around college & career readiness
Content:  KY 4-H Agent-written Workforce Preparation curriculum pieces are currently on the 4-H Agent Resource Guide: Resource Guide > Family & Consumer Science > Workforce Preparation; National 4-H Career Readiness Framework; Kentucky Career Clusters (there are actually 16,  https://education.ky.gov/CTE/kytech/Documents/Career%20Clusters%20Update.pdf
 Input:  4-H Agent, curriculum publications and resources, local employers and community leaders
Date:  8/2024 to 5/2025

Project: Expand exploration, development, and practical application of academic learning and 21st Century Skills for Success
Content KY 4-H Agent-written Workforce Preparation curriculum pieces are currently on the 4-H Agent Resource Guide: Resource Guide > Family & Consumer Science > Workforce Preparation;  National 4-H Career Readiness Framework;  Kentucky Career Clusters (there are actually 16, https://education.ky.gov/CTE/kytech/Documents/Career%20Clusters%20Update.pdf
Input:  4-H Agent, curriculum publications and resources, local employers and community leaders
Date: 8/2024 to 5/2025

Audience: Kenton County 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Record Books
Content or Curriculum: Corresponding 4-H Record Books
Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Club leaders, and Families
Date: June 2025

 Audience:  Homeowners
 Activity:  Ins and Outs of Downsizing your Home
 Content or Curriculum: UK publications
 Inputs: FCS agent
 Date March 2025


Audience: General Public

Activity: Consumer Fraud Protection

Content: UK Publication, Sec of State

Date: October 2024

 Audience:  General public
 Activity: Savvy Sellers and Bargain Hunters
 Content: UK curriculum
 Inputs: FCS agent, thrift store personnel, antique professional
 Date:  April 2024

Audience: Kenton 4-H Youth Middle and High School 

Activity: 4-H “It’s Your Reality”
Content or Curriculum: UK Copyrighted Inputs
Inputs: Agents, County Middle and High Schools, FYRSC Coordinators, teachers, parents, program funds, guidance counselors
Date: School Year 2024 – 2025

Audience: Youth Grade School 

Activity: “Dollars & Sense”
Content or Curriculum: UK Copyrighted
Inputs:  Agents, County wide Grade Schools, FYRSC Coordinators, teachers, parents, program funds
Date: School Year 2024—2025

 Activity: 4-H School Clubs, Communication Events
Content or Curriculum: Speech and Demo lesson is part of every curriculum
Inputs: Agent, Volunteers, Schools, Assistants
Date: September 2024 – July 2025

Activity: 4-H Achievement Forms and Recognition
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Leadership Achievement Curriculum
Inputs: Agents, Assistants, Volunteers, Parents
Date: September 2024– June 2025

 Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Expressive Art
Content or Curriculum: National 4-H Art Curriculum
Inputs: Agents & assistants
Date: July 2024-June 2025

Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Livestock Judging and Skill-a-thon
Content or Curriculum: Ohio State Livestock Kits, University of Kentucky’s Livestock Discovery
Inputs: Volunteer team coach, JudgingPro.com, parent volunteers, local farms, county van, Marshall Rd. Office, program support funds, 4-H agent
Date: November 2024- June 2025


Audience: Agriculture community

 Project or Activity: My Farm is a Business

 Content or Curriculum: UK Publications, Annie’s Project

 Inputs: Agents, local professionals

 Date: September, October, November 2024


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