Making Healthy Lifestyle ChoicesPlan of Work

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Leslie County CES

Making Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Life Skills Development
Agents Involved:
Vicki R. Boggs, Dawna Jace Peters, Michelle Brock
Active Living and Health Promotions General
Nutrition and Food Systems General
Health & Wellbeing
Family and Consumer Science

Obesity continues to threaten the quality and years of life of many Kentuckians.  The following data was shared by 2022 University of Kentucky Nutrition Education Program Family and Consumer Sciences Extension Annual Report.  Today, six in 10 Americans live with at least one chronic disease. These include heart disease and stroke, cancer, and diabetes.3 These diseases are all associated with obesity and physical inactivity. The most recent data show that the percentage of adults who have obesity in Kentucky is 36%, ranking it in the top five states for high obesity rates in the country.4 The percentage of physically inactive Kentuckians is 32%, ranking it in the top seven most physically inactive states in the nation.4 A large amount of data shows that healthy eating habits and regular physical activity can help people achieve and maintain good health and reduce the risk of chronic disease throughout life.3 The County Health Rankings and Roadmaps Kentucky report shows that 41% of Leslie County’s adult population have obesity and 42% were physically inactive.4

Increased consumption of unhealthy food, stress, and built environments that promote physical inactivity are largely responsible for the obesity epidemic. According to the Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky, Leslie County ranks 111th out of Kentucky’s 120 counties in regard to overall health. Substance abuse also continues to be a leading problem in Southeastern Kentucky including Leslie County.  Substance abuse and prevention is listed as one of the top needs in Leslie County as identified by our most current Needs Assessment published by University of Kentucky for Leslie County. Additionally, Kentucky’s population of seniors (65 and older) is expected to double in the next 40 years due to the aging Baby Boomers. Therefore, it is important to acknowledge the changes that accompany aging, regarding health, independence and life quality throughout all stages of life. The Leslie County Extension Councils have identified healthy living during all stages of life as a major area of programming for our community.


  1. U.S. Census Bureau Small Area and Income Poverty Estimates 2. United States Department of Agriculture Economic Research Service 3. CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion 4. County Health Rankings and Roadmap
Long-Term Outcomes:

-Increase in the practice and promotion of physical activity and healthy eating.

-Improvement in the physical and mental well-being of Leslie County residents of all ages including substance use prevention  and recovery from addictions

-Improve food management skills and healthy eating habits

-Become volunteers to make community a better place to live for everyone

Intermediate Outcomes:

-Practice healthy food choices through out each stage of life and strengthen individuals’ abilities to build healthy eating plans and patterns.

-Practice of physical activity in families and communities and decrease time spent on sedentary behaviors.

-Strengthen community coalitions or partnerships to address obesity, physical inactivity, substance abuse, and chronic disease.

Initial Outcomes:

-Learn to grow, prepare and preserve food

-Increase knowledge and understanding of healthy eating, food safety and food resource management

-Encourage family rules regarding eating together, limiting screen time, active play and exercise, set routines

-Change in awareness, knowledge, opinions, skills, and attitudes needed to make informed choices regarding: healthy lifestyle choices, childhood and youth obesity, adult weight management, healthy aging, practice and promotion of daily physical activity, and reduction of chronic diseases


Initial Outcome: Healthier lifestyle choices are made as participants gain knowledge.

Indicator: Individual(s) acquire knowledge, skills, opinions, and aspirations.

Method: Observation; Written and verbal evaluations; Individual reports; NEP reports

Timeline: July 2024-June 2025

Intermediate Outcome: Participants will make healthier lifestyle choices.

Indicator: Number of individual(s) that show positive changes in personal and nutritional choices.

Method: Observation; Written and verbal evaluations; Individual reports; NEP reports

Timeline: July 2024-June 2025

Long-term Outcome: The health and well being of Leslie County is strengthened.

Indicator: Positive change in statistics regarding healthy eating, physical activity, and substance abuse.

Method: Data analysis

Timeline: Ongoing

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Youth (Ages 9-14)

Project or Activity: NEP Super Star Chef

Content or Curriculum: FCS Curriculum

Inputs: FCS Agent; 4-H Agent; Extension Staff and volunteers;  NEP office

Date: July 2024 and 2025

Audience: Adults/Families

Project or Activity:  Cooking Workshops, Cooking Through the Calendar

Content or Curriculum: Plate It Up Kentucky Proud; NEP calendar recipes and resources, Plan Eat Move

Inputs: FCS Agent; Extension volunteers, Community Partners

Date: August 2024-June 2025

Audience: Adults, Families and Community

Project or Activity: Get Moving, Leslie County/Wednesday Walking

Content or Curriculum: FitBlue KY, FCS Curriculum and publications 

Inputs: FCS Agent; Extension staff and volunteers

Date: September 2024-June 2025

Audience: Adults, Families and Community

Project or Activity: Drop It Like Its Hot Challenge, Activity and Goal Setting Program

Content or Curriculum: FitBlue KY, FCS Curriculum and publications 

Inputs: FCS Agent; Extension staff, volunteers and partners

Date: July 2024-June 2025

Audience: Adults, Families, Community with a focus on  Diabetic and Aging population

Project or Activity: Diabetes Support Group

Content or Curriculum: FCS Curriculum, Plan Eat Move recipes, 

Inputs: FCS Agent; UK Specialists, Extension staff, volunteers and partners

Date: July 2024-June 2025  ( held monthly)

Audience: Adults, Homemakers, Community, Families and Youth

Project or Activity: Container Gardening/ Community Gardening

Content or Curriculum: NEP, FCS and ANR current materials and resources

Inputs:  FCS Agent; ANR Agent 4-H Agent; Program Assistant, Extension staff  and volunteers

Date: Spring/Summer/Fall 2024-2025

Audience: Adults, Youth, Families

Project or Activity: Cook Together Eat Together

Content or Curriculum: Cook Together Eat Together

Inputs: FCS Agent, Extension Staff; Volunteers

Date: Summer/Fall 2024-2025

Audience: Adults, Homemakers, Youth and Community

Project or Activity: Food Preservation series 

Content or Curriculum: FCS  and 4-H curriculums

Inputs: FCS Agent; 4-H Agent, Extension Staff, and Volunteers

Date: Summer/Fall 2024-2025

Audience: Youth, Schools, Community Partners, Volunteers

Project or Activity: Backpack program: Feeding Leslie County Youth

Content or Curriculum: NEP, FCS, 4-H and related curriculum

Inputs: FCS Agent; 4-H Agent; ANR Agent; Program Assistant, Extension and Community Volunteers; 4-H Teens

Date: July 2024-June 2025; Ongoing

Audience: Youth (Grades 1-2)

Project or Activity: Exploring MyPlate with Professor Popcorn Program

Content or Curriculum: Exploring MyPlate with Professor Popcorn; Serving Up MyPlate: A Yummy Curriculum

Inputs:  FCS Agent, Program Assistant; Extension and Teacher/School Volunteers

Date: September 2024-May 2025

Audience: Low Income Families

Project or Activity: Leslie County Food Pantry

Content or Curriculum: Accessing Nutritious Foods, NEP Resources/ Plate it Up Recipes and Plan Eat Move recipes

Inputs:  FCS Agent; 4-H Agent, ANR Agent, Program Assistant, Extension Staff; 4-H Teens; Churches; Fiscal Court; Schools; Homemakers; Community Partners and Volunteers

Date: July 2024-June 2025; Ongoing

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