Increase Livestock Production in Green CountyPlan of Work

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Green County CES

Increase Livestock Production in Green County
Agriculture and Natural Resources
Agents Involved:
Ricky Arnett
Small Ruminants (includes sheep, goats) and Exotic animals

Livestock production has always been a large part central Kentucky especially in Green County. Although prices are down there are still over $13 million in gross receipts in the livestock industry in Green County annually. This has a $78 million effect on the overall economy of the rural, central Kentucky County's. Beef cattle is still the number one livestock industry in Green County but small ruminants are growing at a very rapid pace. The sheep and goat industry has almost doubled in the last 2 years. Green County's livestock industry is still in great demand and the Green County Extension Council has identified livestock production as a major concern for the coming years. Forages, marketing, management, and economics were identified as focus areas that could help the future of the livestock industry in Green County.

Long-Term Outcomes:

Due to increased efficiency on the farm and utilizing different marketing strategies, farm families will experience an increase in income, adding to their standard of living.

Intermediate Outcomes:

Producers adopt and implement new technologies in marketing and management of their farming enterprise.

Initial Outcomes:

Knowledge is gained by participants in the areas of management, economics, and the latest in marketing technologies.


Initial Outcome: Producer participation in educational programs

Indicator: Programs and educational materials being distributed

Method: Survey & Analysis

Timeline: Annually 

Intermediate Outcome: Producers implementing new production and marketing strategies

Indicator: Participation in new and alternate market venues

Method: Survey & Analysis

Timeline: Annually 

Long-term Outcome: Increase Production and house hold income

Indicator: Increase lbs of meet sold and decrease operating cost

Method: Survey & Analysis

Timeline: Annually

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Dairy Producers

Project or Activity: Center of KY Dairy Short Course

Content or Curriculum: Reproduction, Dry Cow Mgt, Heifer Mgt, Animal Health

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Sponsors

Date: Winter 2024/25

Audience: Dairy Producers

Project or Activity: Center of KY Dairy Field Day

Content or Curriculum: Reproduction, Dry Cow Mgt, Heifer Mgt, Animal Health

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Sponsors

Date: Fall 2024

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Green County Cattlemen's Meetings

Content or Curriculum: Marketing, Genetics, Retained Ownership, Mineral Programs

Inputs: Agent, Volunteers, Sponsors

Date: Ongoing

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Green County Retained Ownership Program

Content or Curriculum: Ownership until slaughter

Inputs: Agents, Specialists, Feedlots

Date: Ongoing

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Center of KY Beef Conference

Content or Curriculum: Updates on Research and Markets

Inputs: Agents, Specialists

Date: July 2024

Audience: Forage Producers

Project or Activity: Forage Testing

Content or Curriculum: Forage Testing Lab

Inputs: Agent, Staff, KY Dept. of Ag Lab

Date: Summer 2024

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Forage Field Day

Content or Curriculum: Quality Forages

Inputs: Agents, Volunteers, Specialists, Sponsors

Date: Fall 2024

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Soil Testing

Content or Curriculum: Soil Analysis and Fertilizer Recommendations

Inputs: Agent, Staff, UK Regulatory Services

Date: Ongoing

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Phase I Cost Share Program

Content or Curriculum: UK Publications

Inputs: Agent, Staff, Cattlemen's Association

Date: Ongoing

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Pesticide Certification

Content or Curriculum: KY Pesticide Safety Training Program

Inputs: Agents, Specialist, UK Publications

Date: Spring 2025

Audience: Cattle Producers

Project or Activity: Beef Quality Assurance

Content or Curriculum: Herd Health Certification

Inputs: Agent, UK Publications

Date: Ongoing

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Agriculture Development Council

Content or Curriculum: Planning the Investment of Local Phase I Dollars

Inputs: Agent, Ag Development Council

Date: Ongoing

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Silage Plots

Content or Curriculum: Analysis on Corn Varieties

Inputs: Agent, Specialists, Sponsors, Volunteers

Date: Ongoing

Audience: All Producers

Project or Activity: Estate Planning 

Content or Curriculum: Planning for the Future 

Inputs: Agent, Sponsor

Date: Fall 2024

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