Sustainable Economic DevelopmentPlan of Work
Cumberland County CES
Sustainable Economic Development
Community Development
Agents Involved:
Elijah Wilson
Economic Development
Trail Design
Community Engagement
Community Strategic Planning
Key to the success of any community is the active involvement and collaboration of agencies, civic organizations, businesses and citizens. This networking and collaboration is of outmost importance in a community such as Cumberland County, which has limited resources, both privately and publicly due to a small population (6,789)and tax base, and relatively no change in population since the early 1900's.
In 2013, the Extension Service in partnership with the Burkesville Cumberland County Industrial Authority, Cumberland County Fiscal Court, City Council of Burkesville, and the Cumberland Chamber of Commerce hosted a series of community forums focused on how to improve the quality of life of local residents. The information collected from the forums plus data from an online questionnaire was used in the development of a community strategic plan that established 5 priorities for sustainable community development. One of the 5 priorities is focused on facilitating and promoting communication and collaboration among community organizations, government agencies, and all citizens to maximize the impact of available resources.
The Extension Service has a strong history of collaboration with many agencies and the business community. Extension Agents are informed leaders in the community and are able to add value to planning efforts on wide range of diverse topics. The active community involvement of Extension Agents in a diverse range of groups coupled with ongoing and Extension leadership programs will help to increase the social capitol of a community that is intended to result in sustainable economic development.
Long-Term Outcomes:
•Increased sustainable economic development
Increased community capacity to address future community challenges that emerge as a result of fluctuations and changes in the economy.
•Community assets are leveraged and problems are solved through active and engaged local leaders
Intermediate Outcomes:
•Agencies, businesses and community groups work together to address pertinent issues
•Practice personal leadership skills in clubs, schools and outreach
•Improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs
•Apply skills to address needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems
Initial Outcomes:
•Coalitions and partnerships are formed
•Adults and youth become more aware of community needs and the process for addressing those needs
•Adults and youth increase leadership capacity
Youth and Adults participate in programs that use the inquiry based method of instruction
Initial Outcome: Cumberland County citizens increase knowledge in personal and community leadership.
Indicator: Data retrieved from pre and post tests, follow-up evaluations and observation of hands-on activities.
Method: Pre and post tests, follow-up evaluations testimonials and hands-on activities.
Timeline: Evaluations will take place at the end of programs conducted with adults and youth.
Intermediate Outcome: Apply skills to address needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems
Indicator: Data retrieved from pre and post tests, follow-up evaluations
Method: Pre and post tests, follow-up evaluations testimonials and hands-on activities.
Timeline: Evaluations will take place at the end of programs conducted with adults and youth.
Long term Outcome: Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders.
Indicator: Data retrieved from pre and post tests, follow-up evaluations and observation of hands-on activities.
Method: Pre and post tests, follow-up evaluations testimonials and hands-on activities.
Timeline: Evaluations will take place at the end of programs conducted with groups and individuals.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Extension Council Members and Extension Program Participants
Project or Activity: Extension Office Site Development: Planning Meetings, Community Forums, and Community Events
Content or Curriculum: CEDIK Landscape Architecture Resources
Inputs: CEDIK, Cumberland County Tourism Commission, Partners with Pride
Date: Ongoing committee work
Audience: Entrepreneurs and Innovators Facebook Group
Content or Curriculum: Small Business Development Training
Inputs: Small Business Administration, Chamber of Commerce, CEDIK, SOAR, Center for Rural Development
Date: Weekly Webinars, Resource Awareness, and Support
Audience: Tourism and Community Leaders
Project or Activity: Operation Trail Town: Planning Meetings, Community Forums, and Community Events
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Trail Town Program Guide, CEDIK
Inputs: Kentucky Office of Adventure Tourism, Cumberland County Tourism Commission
Date: Ongoing committee work
Audience: Business Owners and Operators
Project or Activity: Community Strategic Planning - Main Street Development
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Main Street Program
Inputs: Cumberland County Fiscal Court, City of Burkesville, Burkesville - Cumberland County IDA., Chamber of Commerce, Partners With Pride
Date: Monthly - Ongoing committee work, activities and events
Audience: Economic Development, Tourism, Industrial Development Community Leaders, Business Owners and Operators
Project or Activity: Marketing and Communication Alliance - Increase Community Web Presence
Content or Curriculum: Community Strategic Planning - Communication and Collaboration
Inputs: Cumberland County Fiscal Court, City of Burkesville, Burkesville, Cumberland County IDA., Chamber of Commerce, Partners With Pride, and Tennessee Valley Authority
Date: Monthly - Ongoing committee work, activities and events
Success Stories
Hatching Success: From Classroom to Community—4-H Poultry Programs Inspire Future Agricultural Leaders
Author: Elijah Wilson
Major Program: Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
Issue or SituationPoultry is Kentucky’s leading agricultural industry and a major economic driver in Cumberland County, where large-scale poultry farms, along with businesses in trucking, feed production, and processing, provide significant employment opportunities. According to the 2022 U.S. Census of Agriculture, Cumberland County is home to 409 farms, underscoring the region’s deep agricultural roots. However, as the number of farms declines and the average age of producers rises,
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment