Life Skills Preparation for Youth and AdultsPlan of Work

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Casey County CES

Life Skills Preparation for Youth and Adults
Leadership & Personal Development
Agents Involved:
Meagan Klee, Kelsey Woodrum
Communications & Expressive Arts
Civic Engagement

Our lives are ever changing, but learning basic life/living skills is still very important. Acquiring life skills is imperative for community members, especially teens and young adults as they enter the workforce and secondary education. These skills include effective communication skills, interview and job readiness, financial literacy, practicing healthy habits, and basic household/upkeep skills (cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc.). Due to limiting budgets, many schools no longer include family and consumer sciences classes in their curriculum. Because of this, many basic life skills are not consistently taught to youth/teens at school or even at home. Kentucky Cooperative Extension provides resources to help meet the needs of these students.

Long-Term Outcomes:
Intermediate Outcomes:
Initial Outcomes:
Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Casey County Teens and Young Adults/Adults

Project/Activity: #adulting – Life Skills Workshops

Content Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Communications Curriculum, Resume Building, Additional Resources as necessary

Inputs: Focused workshops offered 6 times a year. Life skills education provided as seen necessary by audience, parents, and community members. Casey County Cooperative Extension in collaboration with Casey County Public Library, Campbellsville University – Liberty, Casey County Youth Services Center, Community Members and Local Business Owners.  

Date: All Year

Audience: Casey County Youth (ages 9-19)

Project/Activity: 4-H Country Ham Speech Contest

Content Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Communications Curriculum 

Inputs: Extension Staff, Extension Specialists, local volunteers 

Date: Spring

Audience: Casey County Youth (ages 9-19)

Project/Activity: 4-H Speeches and Demonstration

Content Curriculum: 4-H Public Speaking Curriculum

Inputs: In-School Club Meeting Lessons; 4-H Teen Council Lesson. Participants will learn how to compose and deliver/present a compelling and effective speech and/or demonstration.  

Date: Fall - Spring

Audience: Casey County Youth, Teens, and Adults

Project/Activity: 4-H Camp

Content/Curriculum: Kentucky 4-H Camping Program

Inputs: Participants will prepare and participate in a 5-day summer camp.

Date: Summer

Audience: Casey County Youth/4-H Members interested in Culture Education

Project/Activity: Around the World Culture Club

Content/Curriculum: 4-H Backpack to Adventure: Youth Leaders in a Global World, WeConnect: A Global Youth Citizenship Curriculum

Inputs: Extension Staff, Extension Specialists, Casey County Library

Date: September – August


Audience: 5th Grade Students

Project/Activity: 4-H School Clubs

Content/Curriculum: Civic Engagement, Character Counts

Inputs: Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, Casey County Teachers

Date: September – April

Audience: 3rd Grade Students

Project/Activity: 4-H School Clubs

Content/Curriculum: Global Education Lessons

Inputs: 4-H Agent, Casey County Teachers

Date: September - April 

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