2024 Horticulture Plan of Work

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Calloway County CES

2024 Horticulture
Thriving Individuals, Strong Families
Agents Involved:
Matt Chadwick
Horticulture, Consumer and Home
Master Gardener
Food Preparation and Preservation

As the population of Calloway County continues to grow, there continues to be a large influx of citizens relocating from larger cities and states across the nation. Both new and existing residents of our community are not aware of the type of horticulture plants that will grow in the region, nor how to grow and manage them. Also, many of Calloway County small scale farmers have found that growing and selling fruit, vegetables, and ornamental crops, as well as, value added products through local farmers markets is an effective way to supplement family income following the decline of tobacco production. Consequently, there is a need to educate growers and vendors on production and marketing techniques and consumers on fresh produce preparation and nutritional characteristics, to make these markets more effective. As both of these people groups continue to grow the need for extension and our resources is reflected.

As the number of growers and vendors of locally grown produce rise, it is important for families and individuals to have a solid foundation of nutrition knowledge, skills and competencies in topics such as food safety, handling and preparation, cooking methods and techniques, and food preservation.

Long-Term Outcomes:

-Home owners will use best management practices to improve landscaping which will lead to more attractive and pleasing, suburbs, communities, and the county as a whole.

-Farmers, small scale farmers, and home owners will know how to best use their land for a supplemental income though farmers' markets or for producing their own food.

-The Calloway County Master Gardener Organization will increase the educational opportunities provided to citizens of Calloway County.

-Individuals and families will routinely employ healthy dietary practices that promote health and wellness (e.g. consume recommended daily fruits and vegetables and improve food management skills using locally grown produce)

Intermediate Outcomes:

-Horticulturist will soil test, utilize proper plant nutrition and variety selection.

-Farmers and small farmers will utilize strategic management techniques and marketing to improve net return.

-Home owners will be able to reap the benefits of growing their own food.

-Master Gardeners will complete the certification process in a timely manner

-Generate positive attitudes toward changing dietary decisions to be more healtful

-Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, and other nutrient-dense foods

-Employ healthful cooking methods, feeding practices and food preservation techiques

-Increase access to healthy food via local farmers market, small farms and/or home gardens

Initial Outcomes:

-Producers, and home owners will obtain knowledge of soil types, soil testing, nutritional needs of specific crops, variety selection, planting, IPM, weed control and the need to have a effective marketing plan.

-Improve food and nutrition-related skills (e.g. gardening, preparation and preservation techniques, safe food handling, food resource management)


Initial Outcome: Producers will obtain knowledge of soil types, soil testing, nutritional needs of specific crops, variety selection, planting, IPM, weed control and the need to have a effective marketing plan.

Indicator: Attractive landscapes, Increase # of home gardens, and increased # of vendors at farmers' market.

Method: Sample survey of those calling upon the agent for resources and consultation.

Timeline: 2024

Intermediate Outcome: Horticulturist will soil test, utilize proper plant nutrition and variety selection.

Farmers and small farmers will utilize strategic management techniques and marketing to improve net return. Home owners will be able to reap the benefits of growing their own food.

Indicator: Number of soil test, publications, and insect Id forms from interested clientele

Method: sample survey of those calling upon the agent for resources and consultation

Timeline: 2024-2026

Long-term Outcome: Home owners will use best management practices to improve landscaping which will lead to more attractive and pleasing, suburbs, communities, and the entire county as a whole. Farmers, small scale farmers, and home owners will know how to best use their land for a supplemental income though farmers' markets or food.

Indicator: amount of publications and education material distributed throughout the county.

Method: analysis of materials being distributed

Timeline: 2024-2026

Outcome: Nutrition knowledge, skills and competencies

Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: use knowledge and skills to improve food-shopping management; utilize the food label to make healthy food choices, choosing smaller portions; increased food preservation knowledge; demonstrated recommended food preservation practices

Method: Self-report surveys; specific curricula or program evaluations

Timeline: Pre-post implementing of the curricula or program

Outcome: Preparing and preserving food

Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: preparing more home-cooked meals; modifying ingredients and/or preparation techniques to improve nutrition

Method: Self-report surveys; specific curricula or program evaluations

Timeline: Pre-post implementing of the curricula or program

Outcome: Availability and access to healthy food

Indicator: Number of individuals who reported: utilizing delivery systems/access points (e.g. farmers' markets, WIC, food pantries) that offer healthy foods; supplementing diets with healthy foods grown or preserved (e.g. community or backyard gardens, farmers markets); number of pints of foods preserved through water bath canning, pressure canning, freezing and drying.

Method: Self-report survey

Timeline: Pre-post implementing of the curricula or program

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Citizens of Calloway County

Project or Activity: Horticulture Tuesday night Talks

Content or Curriculum: Basic Gardening Techniques

Inputs: Agent time, Master Gardner Volunteers publications, basic materials, seed

Date: Monthly, On-Going 

Audience: Purchase/Calloway County Horticulture Producers

Project or Activity: Using High tunnels

Content or Curriculum: Extending your growing season

Date: To be Determined.

Audience: Calloway County Master Gardener Interns

Project or Activity: Master Gardner Course

Content or Curriculum: Master Gardner Curriculum

Inputs: Agent time, basic materials, seed

Date: 2024-2026

Audience: General Public

Project or Activity: Newspaper and Newsletter Articles

Content or Curriculum: University of Kentucky Programming

Inputs: CES Publications, eXtension Resources,

Date: Monthly (Newspaper), Quarterly (Newsletter)

Audience: Citizens of Calloway County

Education: Environmentally Friendly Home Lawn, Garden, and Landscape care.

Content: Soil testing, lawn care, weed ID, and control, Insect ID and control

Date: Summer 2024

Audience: Calloway County Community

Project or Activity: Farmers Market Outreach

Content or Curriculum: Plate it Up! Kentucky Proud resources, Farmers Market Toolkit, cooking programs

Inputs: Nutrition Education Program (NEP), paid staff, grant funds, facilities, Kentucky Department of Agriculture

Date: April - October/Growing seasons 2024-2026

Audience: Families and Individuals of Calloway County

Project or Activity: Food Preservation

Content or Curriculum: Publications, Trainings, Home-Based Micro-Processing Training, Champion Food Volunteers

Inputs: Paid staff, volunteers, facilities, programmatic materials, NEP

Date: July - September for adults and youth 2024-2026


Project or Activity:

Content or Curriculum:



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