Leadership and Volunteer DevelopmentPlan of Work

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Woodford County CES

Leadership and Volunteer Development
Community Vitality
Agents Involved:
Ryan Farley, Adam Probst, FCS Agent, Horticulture Agent
Community Leadership Development
Master Clothing Volunteer
Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP)

Building the capacity of volunteer leaders within counties is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long term commitment to strengthen families. Through the efforts of the extension agents and volunteers, local citizens are engaged, educated and empowered to understand community issues and take ownership of implementing local solutions. Woodford County is a community that is maintaining its population with limited amounts of growth. Community volunteers tend to stay involved in the community for long periods of time. Despite this, new volunteers and citizens must be engaged and encouraged to take on leadership roles within their community. An effective Cooperative Extension Service will continue to develop new leadership in order to maintain support and provide input to our programs.

Long-Term Outcomes:

The community will have a diverse mixture of experienced and new volunteer leaders that can effectively determine community needs and assist with the delivery of educational programs to the citizens of Woodford County. Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders.

Intermediate Outcomes:

County advisory councils will be composed of individuals representing all areas of the community. Youth will serve as active members of advisory groups. Certified and master volunteers will help deliver educational programs in 4-H animal science, 4-H shooting sports, sewing, horticulture, and cooking.

Initial Outcomes:

Advisory councils will meet on a regular basis and provide input regarding educational needs. Youth will gain experience in communication skills, parliamentary procedure and community leadership. Citizens will increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership, citizens will increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership.


Long-Term Outcome: Diverse mix of active community volunteers

Indicator: community organizations, advisory councils

Method: review of attendance, minutes, membership rolls

Timeline: Yearly

Intermediate Outcome: Advisory councils with representation from all areas

Indicator: membership, attendance, rotation of officers

Method: review of council minutes, meeting attendance

Timeline: Yearly

Initial Outcome: Youth and volunteers will gain leadership experience

Indicator: 4-H Club officer involvement, meeting activities

Method: evaluation of club/program experiences

Timeline: Yearly

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: Local elected officials

Project or Activity: Legislative Appreciation Dinner

Content or Curriculum: Report to the People

Inputs: Open house, multi-media presentation

Date: Annually

Audience: Extension Homemakers

Project or Activity: Monthly Leader Lessons

Content or Curriculum: CES publications

Inputs: Agent's time, Volunteers, Extension Homemakers, Extension Facilities

Date: September-May

Audience: Advisory Council Members

Project or Activity: Council meetings

Content or Curriculum: SEAL materials

Inputs: Agents time, Volunteer Time

Date: Year-round

Audience: High School Seniors

Project or Activity: Woodford Leadership Tomorrow

Content or Curriculum:

Inputs: Community organizations to host tours

Date: September - May 

Audience: High School/Middle School Youth

Project or Activity: 4-H Teen Leadership Council

Content or Curriculum: Leadership Development/Service Learning

Inputs: Agent time, Volunteer Speakers, Materials, Curriculum

Date: September - May

Audience: Adults and 4-H Youth

Project or Activity: Beginning Sewing Classes

Content or Curriculum: UK Beginning Sewing Publications, 4-H Youth Sewing Curriculum

Inputs: Agent Time, Master Clothing Volunteers

Date: Annually

Audience: Adult Volunteers

Project or Activity: Certified 4-H Volunteer programs

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Animal Science, 4-H Shooting Sports, 4-H Equine, 4-H Sewing

Inputs: Volunteer Leader Workshops

Date: Year-round

Audience: Community Residents

Project or Activity: Leadership Woodford County

Content or Curriculum: KELD, other extension resources

Inputs: Area Agents Time, Specialists, Community and Civic organizations

Date: Every other year

Audience: Homeowners/Landowners

Project or Activity: Master Gardener Training

Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Master Gardener Curriculum

Inputs: Agent Time, U.K. Specialists, CES Publications

Date: Every other year

Success Stories

2023 State Master Gardener Conference

Author: Tyson Gregory

Major Program: Master Gardener

Current research indicates that numerous pollinating insect species are threatened or in decline. The population decline of these insects has a direct impact on numerous fields and from an anthropocentric view the greatest impact will be on our food systems. The USDA states that about one third of global food supplies depend on pollinating insects. Loss of these pollinators will directly impact food stability across the US. From an ecological perspective, the increased decline in insect populati

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Area Teen Retreat Encourages Future 4-H Teen Engagement

Author: Ryan Farley

Major Program: Leadership

The objectives of C1-C4 Area 4-H Teen Retreat are to develop leadership and teamwork skills, foster civic engagement, expand knowledge and skills related to 4-H core content areas, have fun, make new friends, create a sense of belonging, expand social skills, and develop positive youth-adult partnerships. This overnight educational experience is a culminating event for the C1-C4 Area Teen Council, who worked for several months to plan implement, and evaluate this 2-night, 3-day program for their

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Master Gardener Training: Cultivating Knowledge and Growing Leaders

Author: Tyson Gregory

Major Program: Master Gardener

The Woodford County Extension Master Gardener program addressed the need for more volunteers and leadership by re-implementing a 14-week training program co-lead by the Woodford County Horticulture Agent, Tyson Gregory, and the Frankling County Horticulture Agent, Adam Leonberger. This program provided interested residents of central Kentucky with a deep dive into core horticultural principles and related scientific disciplines.Eighteen residents successfully completed the program and became Ext

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Farm Day for Young Leaders

Author: Beau Neal

Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - ANR

The public's connection to agriculture is being lost more and more each year.  The younger generation isn't as "tied" to the land as they once were, and their knowledge of agriculture and our food/fiber supply will continue to regress if we don't educate them. For this reason, we planned a Farm Day for the Young Leadership group from Woodford County High School. Partnering with teachers at WCHS, we planned a farm day consisting of two educational farm stops in the comm

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Woodford County Youth Develop Leadership Skills at 4-H Teen Conference

Author: Ryan Farley

Major Program: Leadership

The 100th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference took place at the University of Kentucky from June 11th to 14th, 2024. The conference aimed to achieve several objectives for its participants, including developing leadership and teamwork skills, improving communication abilities, fostering civic engagement, expanding knowledge in 4-H core content areas, and enhancing social skills through networking. Additionally, the event provided an opportunity for youth to become acquainted with the University

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Youth Connect to Community through Woodford Leadership Tomorrow

Author: Ryan Farley

Major Program: Leadership

Engaging youth within their community is something that many communities know is both an important aspect of developing a vibrant community and a challenge that has to be overcome. According to the U.S. Census data, over 1800 persons between the ages of 15-19 reside in Woodford County. One barrier that faces youth engaging with their community is their limited access to the people and knowledge necessary to make change and impact their county. In response, Woodford County Extension partnered wit

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