Beef Production - Beef Quality AssurancePlan of Work
Bracken County CES
Beef Production - Beef Quality Assurance
Agents Involved:
The administration of medication and vaccines is vital to the health of livestock and their profitability. Anything that is done to the live animal ultimately affects the quality and safety of the food that animal produces. This includes handling of animals and proper treatment of animals that cannot enter the food chain. BQA education is also needed to maintain certification ever 3 years for producers.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Build the reputation and value of KY cattle
Improved end product quality and food safety
Enhanced consumer confidence
Intermediate Outcomes:
Appraise management practice changes; employ record systems to track drug use, vaccines, chemicals, feed additives, and the movement of cattle on and off operations.
Have access to premium markets
Initial Outcomes:
Gain knowledge of best management practices to reduce end product defects by learning about:
-proper injection techniques and locations
-proper recordkeeping to ensure adequate withdrawal time
-proper handling techniques
Initial Outcome: Participants will learn about proper injection methods and locations
Indicator: Ask if all participants if they are giving shots in the neck
Method: Survey of class participants
Timeline: Fall and Spring of each year.
Intermediate Outcome: Keep records of all cattle treatments
Indicator: Report of records kept
Method: Survey
Timeline: Six months after each class
Long-term Outcome:
Indicator: Cattle retained for slaughter will have no lesions or blemishes from injections, cattle are healthier through vaccinations. Local image of beef producers is positive
Method: Reports
Timeline: Fall of 2018
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Beef Producers
Project or Activity: BQA class
Content or Curriculum: Beef Quality Assurance Video
Inputs: Extension Offices, BQA Manuals and extension publications
Date: Winter and Spring of each year
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
Project or Activity:
Content or Curriculum:
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment