Strengthening Families Plan of Work
Grant County CES
Strengthening Families
Enhancing Cohesion among Communities
Agents Involved:
Conkwright, Ammerman, Veach
Family Development General
Faithful Families
Cook Together, Eat Together
Healthy couple and parenting relationships and resulting family stability benefit the well-being of adults and children. Co-habiting, same-sex, divorced, widowed and single households are the new majority. Children who live absent from their biological fathers are two to three times more likely to be poor, to experience educational, health, emotional and behavioral problems than their peers who live with their married, biological (or adoptive) parents. In 2013, 1 in 4 of Kentucky children lived in poverty, ranking Kentucky 40th in the nation. Children who live in poverty are more likely to have learning disabilities and developmental delays. Furthermore, children who start kindergarten with delayed development and fewer assets are by far more likely to repeat grades, get tracked into lower-tier classes and drop out of high school than more advantaged children. More than half of Kentucky’s 56 judicial circuits have some form of mandated divorce education; more such education is needed.
Long-Term Outcomes:
•Care for the physical and mental health and well-being of each individual over the long term
•Embrace people from diverse cultural and ethnic backgrounds
•Reach out with empathy to people dealing with severe stress
•Foster the optimal development of children and youth
•Practice parental leadership skills
•Build personal strengths and self-control, interpersonal communication, life skills including wise decision-making.
•Access community resources when needed
Intermediate Outcomes:
•Set and used family rules, routines and limited screen time
•Eat family meals four or more times a week
•Reduce stress levels, made time for selves, and/or made wise decisions about money, time, etc.
•Played and spent quality time with child daily
•Report child’s developmental progress over time
•Identify realistic expectations for child’s tasks
•Report using preventive and positive discipline techniques in response to misbehavior, and setting and enforcing logical consequences
•Practice skills to strengthen and sustain relationships
Initial Outcomes:
•Commits to set family rules regarding eating together, limiting screen time, active play and exercise, set routines
•Intends to manage stress; make time for self; listen, talk, bond with family members; read with child daily; teach responsibility in use of money, time, etc.
•Describes child’s developmental levels relative to averages
•Verbalizes realistic behavior expectations
•Discusses discipline vs. punishment, and preventive and positive discipline techniques
•Commits to using logical consequences for misbehavior
Initial Outcome: Knowledge Gained
Indicator: Increased knowledge in importance in nurturing parenting and family bonding
Method: Written or Oral Evaluation, Pre and Post Test
Timeline: Immediate
Intermediate Outcome: Behavior Change
Indicator: Apply learned skills to make changes to strengthen family relationships
Method: Oral and Written Evaluations, Pre and Post Tests.
Timeline: 1-3 Years
Long-term Outcome: Changes in the community involvement of Grant County residents
Indicator: Families in Grant County foster the optimal development of children and youth
Method: Noticeable changes in family relationships, and policy changes that promote healthy family relationships.
Timeline: 10 years
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Parents and Children
Project or Activity: Mommy and Me Activities
Content or Curriculum: Keys to Great Parenting, Leap
Inputs: Agent, schools, community partners
Date: Fall 2023
Audience: Guardians and Children
Project or Activity: Cook Together Eat Together
Content or Curriculum: Cook Together Eat Together
Inputs: Agent, schools, community partners
Date: Spring 2024
Audience: Guardians
Project or Activity: Parenting the second time around
Content or Curriculum: Parenting the Second Time Around
Inputs: Agent, assistants, volunteers
Date: Spring 2024
Audience: Grant County Children of all ages
Project or Activity: 4-H
Content or Curriculum: Various programs
Inputs: Agents, Snap Assistant, program assistants, staff, community partners
Date: April 2024
Success Stories
Grant County Takes the Culinary Challenge
Author: Asa Conkwright
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

The career field of Culinary Arts in Kentucky is one that is rapidly expanding, in part because of the continued growth of tourism within the state. Over the next five years, the career growth outlook is between 25-30%. This is about 18,000 openings each year for the rest of the decade (US Department of Labor). As a result, young people with a passion for the culinary arts can reliably look forward to career stability and advancement within the state. The Culinary Challenge is positioned to prep
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Fraud Protection Seminar
Author: Chris Ammerman
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Americans reported losing $10 billion to fraud in 2023, which is a 14% increase from 2022 and the highest amount ever reported to the FTC. Almost everyone with a telephone number experiences a relentless barrage of attempts aimed at extracting personal information, holding electronic devices for ransom, or tricking individuals into compromising situations to extort money from them.In response to this pressing issue, the Grant County Chamber
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment