Best Management Practices in Home HorticulturePlan of Work
Boyd County CES
Best Management Practices in Home Horticulture
Environmental Awareness
Agents Involved:
Bowling, Stahler, Wilson
Home & Consumer Horticulture
Master Gardener
Integrated Plant Pest Management
Pesticide Safety – Plant Pests
With the downturn of local economy due to layoffs by large community stakeholders in the area, many families have a decrease in their monthly incomes. The Horticulture council has identified that there is a major need for educational programming and activities to be offered to clientele in the subjects of home horticulture and food production and preservation. Programming would encompass Best Management Practices (BMP's)and environmentally friendly inputs.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Clientele will adopt gardening practices based on what is best for the environment and begin practicing best management practices throughout all gardening activities. Over use of pesticides, fertilizers and lime will be reduced and the use of native plant materials will be increased in home landscapes.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Clientele will begin to the benefits of best management practices in their gardening activities and will be able to realize the financial savings the will have when selecting the right use for pesticides to help improve the green spaces as well as the roles water conservation and native plants can play in using Best Management Practices.
Initial Outcomes:
Clientele will begin to understand the benefits of Best Management Practices and the role they play in conservation of water and the environment around them as well as the economical savings these practices will mean to them. Clientele will also gain knowledge on proper chemical usage to protect themselves and the environment.
Initial Outcome:
Indicator: educational programs will see an increase in participants. Clientele will become more knowledgeable about the relationship between proper pesticide usage and proper plant selections. Clientele will learn the importance of water conservation and the role it plays in garden situations.
Method: Site Visits, Phone Calls, Soil Tests, Insect ID, Plant Diagnostics, Surveys, Private Applicator Licenses
Timeline: throughout the year
Intermediate Outcome:
Indicator: Best Management Practices will begin to replace some chemical usage. Native plant choices will replace some landscape plants. Soil tests will become more of a yearly practice done at the appropriate time for the crop being produced. Water Conservation will begin to be implemented into garden situations.
Method: number of soil tests, surveys, observations, site visits, phone calls, emails, social media comments
Timeline: throughout the year
Long-term Outcome:
Indicator: Clientele will preform soil tests prior to applying any products to any landscape, lawn or garden area. There will be more native plants incorporated into home landscapes. Regular Best Management Practices will be preformed in home gardening situations. Clientele will use at least one method of water conservation on a regular basis in their garden situations.
Method: Soil test numbers at the right time of year for the target crop, surveys, observations, number of site visits, number of phone calls, social media comments
Timeline: throughout the year
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: homeowners and Federal Prison Inmates
Project or Activity: Master Gardener Program
Content or Curriculum: State Master Gardener Curriculum
Inputs: County Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, OH and WV Extension Agents, Local specialists, county master gardeners
Date: Annually - spring
Audience: Homeowners
Project or Activity: Gardening seminars
Content or Curriculum: Environmental and gardening related topics
Inputs: County Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, OH and WV extension agents, local specialists, county master gardeners
Date: annually
Audience: homeowners
Project or Activity: WSAZ Home and Garden Show
Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications and programs
Inputs: County Extension Agents, Extension Specialists, OH and WV extension agents, local specialists, county master gardeners
Date: annually - spring
Audience: Farmers Market Vendors
Project or Activity: GAP Training
Content or Curriculum: GAP training materials, state farmers market training
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Crop Opportunities, Extension Specialist, Local Producers, USDA
Date: Annually
Audience: Farmers Market Vendors
Project or Activity: Senior and WIC Voucher Training
Content or Curriculum: KDA Voucher training powerrpoint, Farmers Market rules and regulations, State Health Dept information
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, State Health Dept., New Crop Opportunities, Extension Specialist, USDA, Local Producers
Date: Annually
Audience: Farmers Market Vendors
Project or Activity: Farmers Market Meeting
Content or Curriculum: Market Contract of Rules and Regulations, Ky Proud Information
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Crop Opportunities, Local Producers, Extension Specialists, USDA
Date: 2 annual spring meetings and 1 annual fall meeting
Audience: local producers
Project or Activity: Small Farm and Garden Conference
Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications and programs
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Crop Opportunities, Extension Specialist, Local Producers, USDA, NRCS
Date: Annually
Audience: local producers
Project or Activity: Garden Shed Herb Day
Content or Curriculum: Extension Publications, National Herb Society
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Corp Opportunities, Local Producers, Extension Specialists
Date: Annually (spring)
Audience: Farmers Market Producers, Home proudcers
Project or Activity: Vegetable Field Day
Content or Curriculum: Best Management Practices, Production Methods, Marketing Strategies, Food Preservation, Food Safety, Cultivar and Variety Selection
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Crop Opportunities, Local Producers, Extension Specialists, USDA
Date Bi-Annually (summer)
Audience: Adults, Youth
Project or Activity: Heritage Harvest Tour
Content or Curriculum: Agritourism featuring local history and agriculture
Inputs: County Extension Agents, KDA, New Crop Opportunities, local producers, extension specialists, USDA, local communities
Date: Annually (Fall)
Success Stories
Outdoor Beekeeping Classroom
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Bees/Beekeeping
In the spring of 2017 the Northeast Kentucky Beekeepers planned and designed an outdoor classroom areas to teach beekeeping with a hands on aspect. They set up six beehives, with one being a top bar hive and their first class was the installation of the package bees and nucs from a local source. This class allowed for beginning and intermediate beekeepers to see hands on the best way to install bees into a new hive for best results. Of those that participated in this prog
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Holiday Wreaths
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
~~The horticulture Extension program offered a greenery/wreath making program designed to provide the knowledge and skills necessary for individuals to create a holiday wreath for their home or business. During the 2week long event there were over 500 wreaths made with 425 participants from 3 states and 7 Kentucky counties. As a result of this community program over 100 of the participants had never used the Extension Service before and at least 12 were added to current program maili
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Rehabilitation With the Aid of Horticulture
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
Boyd County is approximately 3 miles from the center of the US opioid epidemic. Due to this, there are many outreach services in the area to rehabilitate those individuals seeking treatment for drug addiction. The horticulture agent has partnered with the Pathways Agency to offer gardening programs to aid the participants of these programs in their rehabilitation process. One gentleman in the program has raised plants from seeds to a small garden he cared for throughout the gro
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Farmers Market Location Increasing in Sales and Vendors
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Farmer's Markets
The third year for the Boyd County Farmers Market location at the local hospital has increased 50% in vendors and has total sales increased by 30% from the first year it opened. This locations success is due in part to many local producers finding that this market it thriving with not only customers from the hospital itself but with the number of senior and WIC voucher recipients redeeming their vouchers at this location increasing with each year it is open. At the close of the secon
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Learning More Benefits of Herbs
Author: Lori Bowling
Major Program: Home & Consumer Horticulture
Each year the horticulture program in Boyd County offers a Garden Shed Herb Day educational program targeting the many uses for herbs and how to grow them. The herb of the year is always one of the main topics to be discussed and educational information about that herb is presented to participants. This year the herb was hops and many participants found it interesting to learn the many uses of hops beside just the brewing industry. There was also a presentation on the basics of
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment