4-H Family and Consumer SciencesPlan of Work
Boone County CES
4-H Family and Consumer Sciences
Life Skills and Diversity
Agents Involved:
Steve Conrad, Cathy Fellows, Rusty Wolf
Family and Consumer Science
As we progress in to the 21st century a number of factors have gained prevalence within Family and Consumer Science driven by the increase of online and mobile shopping, the rise of video based at home tutorials, and the shifting family structures as evident by 17% of stay-at-home parents being fathers. The ever changing landscape of the family and the consumer highlights the need for a responsive and innovative FCS program while also providing the basic needs that all families have as they navigate lives many challenges. Kentucky 4-H Seeks to meet these needs through working with youth and families in a variety of situations to increase their consumer awareness, financial management, nutrition, culinary arts, textiles, housing, and human development.
Long-Term Outcomes:
• Be responsible and contributing individuals and family members
• Gain and maintain employment through life skill development
• Contribute to a safe and healthy home and community.
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Utilize and practice life skills in projects and life situations
- Project a positive image and self-confidence
- Practice responsible consumer and financial decision-making
- Practice healthy eating choices
- Make choices that lead to responsible and beneficial results
- Adopt habits and skills that contribute toward employability in the future
Initial Outcomes:
- Gain knowledge and develop skills in Family & Consumer Sciences projects and programs
- Understand the decision-making process
- Gain skills in setting a goal and developing a plan of action
- Learn to read and follow instructions
- Outcome to be Evaluated
- Youth who engage in FCS project Work
- Knowledge in Consumer & Financial Ed.
- Knowledge in job hunting requirements
- Indicator of Success for Outcome
- Youth complete a FCS Project
- Increase understanding in Consumer & Financial Ed.
- Ability to complete required steps in job hunting
- Method of Evaluation
- Oral or 4-H Common Measures Universal Survey at conclusion of learning activity
Learning Opportunities:
- Consumer & Financial Ed.
- Curriculum: Consumer Savvy, It’s Your reality (September 2023-March 2024)
- Reality Stores (Oct. 2023-April 2024)
- Curriculum: Be the E with High School Seniors (Jan, Feb, March 2024)
- 4-H Food Preparation & Nutrition
- Curriculum: Super Star Chef, Teen Cuisine, 4-H Cooking, Jump into Food and Fitness, Put it up, International Foods, Exploring MyPlate, Wellness in Kentucky, What’s on Your plate, Literacy, Eating, and Activity for Primary (LEAP)
- Homeschool Cooking Group (Jan. 2024-Mar. 2024, monthly)
- Global Gourmet cooking program (Spring 2024, monthly)
- 4-H Home Environment
- Curriculum: Exploring your home, Living with others, Where I live, In my home
- Summer projects (June/July 24)
- 4-H Sewing & Textiles
- Curriculum: Style Engineers, Keeping 4-H in Stitches. Upcycle it, Steam Clothing,
- 4-H Sewing Group for beginners (summer 24, weekly)
- 4-H Sewing Group for Advanced (fall 23, weekly)
- 4-H Sew Unique Design Club (fall 23)
- Employment 101 (September 2023-April 2024)
Success Stories
Author: Stephen Conrad
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science
As a society we have not been very successful in teaching our youth the value of money or passing along the concept of "saving for a rainy day". Because of this, most of our students don’t know how to make financial decisions necessary to survive. Our school systems recognize this trend but has little or no time to spend on money management due to core content obligations. To help them with this need, The Boone County Cooperative Extension Service held a Reality Store at s
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Employment 101
Author: Stephen Conrad
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation – 4-H Youth Development
With the advent of social media and “network” gaming, teens of today have become used to everything being within easy reach. The concept of preparing, working toward, and attaining a goal is becoming a lost concept to most. To help the students realize a job is just not going to be handed to them and that the job hunting process requires preparation and dedication, The Boone County Cooperative Extension Service provides a program called Employment 101. Studen
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4-H Learning the Art of Baking from Scratch
Author: Cathy Fellows
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

Spring Break is well known for schools being closed and many families go on vacation together. However not all families are able to go away during this time, and often parents struggle to entertain their children during this weeklong break from school.Knowing this can be a dilemma for some families, Boone County’s 4-H Agent conducted a Baking 101 program April 2024 during spring break this year at Boone County’s Enrichment Centers Cooking Lab Classroom. The Baking 101 program offered
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment