4-H Youth DevelopmentPlan of Work
Edmonson County CES
4-H Youth Development
4-H Youth Development
Agents Involved:
David Embrey and Bridgett Poteet (KSU 4-H Agent)
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Family and Consumer Science
Agriculture & Natural Resources
4-H Youth Development is part of Kentucky Cooperative Extension. Extension’s mission is to make a positive difference in the lives of Kentucky citizens through non-formal education for the entire family. Extension agents and volunteers take the results of university research and explain it in such a way that different age groups can learn and apply the information to their own lives. 4-H is a youth organization committed to building outstanding leaders with marketable skills to succeed in today’s global society. 4-H empowers youth to reach their full potential, working and learning in partnership with caring adults. According to 2014 population data from Kentucky Youth Advocates there are 1774 youth living in households in Edmonson County in the recommended 4-H age range. Edmonson County lacks youth organizations and facilities that surrounding counties have. According to After School Alliance there are approximately 20 to 25 hours per week that children are out of school while most parents are at work, creating an “after-school gap.” In return Self-care and boredom can increase the likelihood that a young person will experiment with drugs and alcohol by as much as 50 percent. Youth tend to develop patterns of alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use - or nonuse – from ages 12 to 15. Research also shows us developing a strong sense of personal identity, responsibility, caring, compassion, and tolerance are essential first steps toward being engaged at the community level (National 4-H Council, 2014).
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth will contribute to self, family, community and to the institutions of our society.
Youth will have reduced risky behavior in the future.
4-H alumni will participate and 4-H leader and volunteers in Edmonson County.
4-H youth will successfully enter the workplace and/or institution of higher learning.
Youth utilize the skills gained through education and involvement in Extension programs to serve as leaders in 4-H and other organizations.
Gain and maintain employment through life skill development.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth will use scientific decision making techniques to make decisions on a daily basis.
Youth will express themselves to others in group settings and on an individual bases.
Youth apply the skills learned in 4-H in other activities at home, school and in the community.
Youth set and achieve goals through a 4-H program.
Youth construct a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing.
Practice healthy eating choices
Initial Outcomes:
Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the decision making process
Youth learn skills need to communicate with others.
Youth learn and develop life skills through 4-H.
Youth learn steps in goal setting and developing a plan of action.
Youth write an outline, including an introduction, body and conclusion for their speech or demonstration.
Youth understand risky behaviors and their consequences.
Initial Outcome: Youth will gain knowledge and skills in the decision making process, learn skills need to communicate with others,learn and develop life skills through 4-H, learn steps in goal setting and developing a plan of action,write an outline, including an introduction, body and conclusion for their speech or demonstration,and understand risky behaviors and their consequences.
Indicator: Youth demonstrate an understanding of problem solving, goal setting, and communication skills.
Method: Written and verbal evaluations after the program.
Timeline: Up to 6 months after the educational program.
Intermediate Outcome: Youth will use scientific decision making techniques to make decisions on a daily basis, will express themselves to others in group settings and on an individual bases, apply the skills learned in 4-H in other activities at home, school and in the community, set and achieve goals through a 4-H program, construct a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing, and practice healthy eating choices.
Indicator: Youth apply skills gained in 4-H in other activities at home, school and in the community, achieve goals they have set, and improve their eating habits by making at least one healthy choice a day.
Method: Written and verbal evaluations
Timeline: 6 months -5 years.
Long-term Outcome: Youth will contribute to self, family, community and to the institutions of our society,will have reduced risky behavior, 4-H alumni will participate and 4-H leader and volunteers in Edmonson County, and 4-H youth will successfully enter the workplace and/or institution of higher learning.
Indicator: The number of youth and young adults serving in community volunteer roles will increase, reported negative youth behavior issues in the school will decrease, 4-H alumni will start new 4-H Clubs or volunteer,and successfully hold employment or attend college/higher education.
Method: Written and verbal evaluations, school surveys.
Timeline: 6 years+
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Summer Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Summer Camp
Inputs: Agents, Camp Staff, UK Cooperative Extension, 4-H Volunteers
Date: Summer 2024
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Horse Club
Content or Curriculum: Horse Leader Curriculum, Horse Achievement Level 1,2,3,4
Inputs: Certified Horse Leaders, Agents, UK Publications
Date: Monthly
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Speech & Communications Contest
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Speech & Communications Publications
Inputs: Agents, 4-H Volunteers, UK Publications
Date: Spring 2024
Audience: Edmonson County Middle School
Project or Activity: Reality Store
Content or Curriculum: Reality Store
Inputs: Agents, Family Resource Center, Youth Service Center, Community Volunteers
Date: Spring 2024
Audience: 4-H Youth
Project or Activity: Livestock Club
Content or Curriculum: Agriculture
Inputs: Agents, 4-H and Community Volunteers
Date: Spring 2024
Success Stories
2023 NEP Super Star Chef Camp
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Major Program: Family and Consumer Science

According to 2017 data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website, the obesity rate for children ages 9 to 12 in Kentucky was 20.2%. To help our community develop better educated youth in making healthy choices, KSU 4-H agent Bridgett Poteet presented the NEP Super Star Chef Camp on July 26-28. In attendance were 9 youths ages 9 through 12. The Super Star Chef camp introduces youths to new recipes and ways to prepare fruits and vegetables. “When students have the opp
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Another Record Year for Edmonson County at 4-H Camp
Author: David Embrey
Major Program: Camping
4-H Camp gives youth the opportunity to spend time meeting new people and learning life skills by participating in activities that focus on physical activity, teamwork, and personal development.Edmonson County youth and volunteers were excited to attend summer 4-H Camp again after a record breaking year last year. An understaffed office at Edmonson County started advertising early and was completely taken aback with how quickly spots filled up with kids eager to go to camp, even the week of July
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Progressive Ag Safety Day
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Major Program: Health

Progressive Ag Foundation Safety Day was such a great experience! All 4th graders from Kyrock and South Edmonson Elementary came to learn all about safety today at the Edmonson County Fairgrounds! We are so thankful for all of our presenters and the wonderful day they provided! The Progressive Ag Safety Day hadn't been hosted in Edmonson County for almost a decade. Our 4th graders were transported to a regional Safety Day at WKU Ag Expo Center with Warren and Simpson countie
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Edmonson County Fair Makes History
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Major Program: Civic Engagement

The Edmonson County 4-H for the first time in county's history, had 4-H events during the county fair. The Edmonson County fair is unique in that it occurs a couple weeks after the state fair when the new 4-H year is beginning. This year, one of my goals as well as the 4-H council was to get 4-H contests and events during this year's county fair. I joined the Lions Club and the Fair Board as the 4-H representative to advocate for these events. What started out as
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County Backpack Program Resources
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Major Program: Health

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the estimated percent of related children age 5-17 in families in poverty for Edmonson County was 27% with the state average being 22%. According to the Community Assessment for Edmonson County, in 2017, there was a population of 12,226 with 3,729 of those being on either SNAP food stamps or considered food insecure. That equates to be around 31% of the county.Backpack food programs offer families free groceries for weekends and school breaks. Foo
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ECMS Reality Store
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Major Program: 21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)

The Reality Store program is a great experience for 8th graders in Edmonson County to gain knowledge, skills, and confidence in financial literacy. With the partnership of Edmonson County 4-H, Edmonson County Schools Youth Service Center, and the Edmonson County School district, the Reality Store program was administered to 125 8th grade students. An article published on youth.gov stated that “a survey of 15-year-olds in the United States found that 18 percent of respondents did not learn
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EC Volunteers Take KVF
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Major Program: Leadership

The Kentucky Volunteer Forum is a developmental and educational conference geared towards 4-H and Extension volunteers from all program areas. The forum offers 220 workshops in 25 content tracks, professional development sessions, seminars on wheels, networking opportunities, a trade show, and three recognition events. Volunteers work to complete requirements necessary for accreditation in Agriculture, Camping, Cloverbuds, Communications & Expressive Arts, Family & Consumer S
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All About KY Pawpaws
Author: Laura-Grace Vincent
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources
The problemTo increase awareness of KY native Pawpaw tree, experience the unique flavor of the Pawpaw fruit, gain knowledge in cooking and the nutrition of Pawpaws, and learn best practices on growing Pawpaw trees. We also wanted to involve our EC Homemaker Clubs as a partner as a way to promote the Homemaker mission in our community and to try to increase membership.The educational program responseOverwhelming positive response to this program. It was fun, educational and hands-on and a great v
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Traveling the World with EC Extension
Author: Laura-Grace Vincent
Major Program: Family Development General
The problem Learn the cultural history and origins of the craft. Inspire global exploration. Develop fine motor skills in carving and painting. Increase cultural awareness, recycling, and creativity. Learning experience with family members to promote togetherness and bonding.The educational program response Introduce youth to some simple cultural traditional crafts/recipes from around the world. Journey around the continents, learning how to make simple crafts/recipes and having fun creati
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4-H Camp Fun For All
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Major Program: Camping
On June 11-14, the agents from the Edmonson County Extension office embarked for the West Kentucky 4-H Camp grounds to meet with 4 other counties for several days of fun-filled activities, games, and opportunities to learn new skills.From Edmonson County there were 78 youth (campers and teens) plus 10 adults (leaders and agents) that attended camp. Last year, Edmonson County brought 64 campers and 7 adults to camp. Keeping the streak alive, this was the third year in a row for Edmons
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Rally Days
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership – 4-H Youth Development
The Edmonson County 4-H held its 3rd Annual Rally Days in conjunction with the Big Brownsville Bash this year May 30-June 1st at the Heritage Center in Brownsville, KY. 4-H age youth from all over the county and multiple clubs entered projects in hopes of making it to the Kentucky State Fair in August. Over 120 different projects were entered into the Rally Days project categories which was a large increase from the 80 that were entered last year. Out of those, a
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Third Record Setting Year in a Row for Edmonson County 4-H Camp
Author: David Embrey
Major Program: Camping
4-H Camp gives youth the opportunity to spend time meeting new people and learning life skills by participating in activities that focus on physical activity, teamwork, and personal development.Edmonson County youth and volunteers were excited to attend summer 4-H Camp again after another record breaking year last year. Last years camp dates were during 4th of July week, and this year during the second week of June, so technically Edmonson County camped twice in the same fiscal year, but that in
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First Ever YAIP Program in Edmonson County
Author: Bridgett Poteet
Major Program: Agriculture & Natural Resources

Due to a lack of resources in a low-income county, most 4-Hers and youth in Edmonson County struggle with the costs associated with projects, whether they be large or small. As the 4-H agent in the county, I began looking in to ways to help provide opportunities for our youth to have assistance in project fees, donations from the communities, grants, etc. One of the programs that I found was the Youth Agricultural Incentives Program. As an annual applicant of the CAIP program i
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment