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Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302


Contact Information

Craig Wood, Ph.D
Acting Associate Dean & Director
UK Cooperative Extension Service

S-107 Ag. Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546-0091

+1 (859) 257-4302

Fiscal Year:
Jul 1, 2023 - Jun 30, 2024

Enhancing Youth Skills through CommunicaitonPlan of Work

Morgan County CES

Enhancing Youth Skills through Communicaiton
Agents Involved:
Kim Cox
Communications and Expressive Arts 4-H Core Curriculum
4-H Youth Development Programming
Morgan County leaders have expressed the importance of investing in today’s youth to build leaders for the future. By providing these youth with a solid foundation with communication skills we are creating a positive opportunity for youth in the development process. Speaking in public is one of the most important skills one can learn in school before entering higher education and the workforce. The Morgan County 4-H Council, teachers and 4-H volunteers recognize the need to provide youth with the opportunities to organize their ideas, prepare a speech or demonstration and speak in public.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth utilize the skills gained through education and involvement in Extension programs to serve as leaders in 4-H and other organizations.

Youth share the elements of the music, dance, drama and visual arts with their community.

Youth become more comfortable sharing their thoughts with others.

Youth develop into competent, capable, contributing adults as
a result of their participation in 4-H Communications & Expressive Arts Programs.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Youth construct a speech that has a clear introduction, body and closing.

Youth present before their family, a group of their peers (such as at a 4-H club meeting), a school or county qualifying event.

Youth demonstrate an increased level of confidence when presenting in front of groups.
Youth create a formal presentation, speech using a written outline as a tool in preparation.

Youth use their communication skills to assume a leadership role in 4-H or other organizations.

Youth apply elements of music, dance,drama and visual arts in creating and performing.
Initial Outcomes:
Youth research a presentation topic prior to developing a speech or demonstration.

Youth write an outline, including an introduction, body and conclusion for their speech or demonstration.

Youth be prepared to present before their family, a group of their peers(such as at a 4-H club meeting) and a school or county qualifying event.

Youth can identify key elements of music, dance, drama and visual arts.

Initial Outcome: Youth will gain skill and knowledge about communication development

Indicator: # of speeches/demonstrations presented

Method: Agent observation/record

Timeline: 2017-2018

Intermediate Outcome: Youth demonstrate their learned communication skills by assuming leadership roles in the 4-H Teen Club, 4-H Council and other Extension groups, plus other civic groups.

Indicator: # of youth taking on new leadership roles


Timeline: 2017-2018

Long-term Outcome: Youth will develop into competent, capable, contributing adults as they develop these skills through their participation in the Communication program

Indicator:: # of youth/adults participating in 4-H Communication program

Method: agent Survey

Timeline: During the four year plan

Learning Opportunities:

Audience: 4th-8th

Project or Activity: 4-H Speeches and Demonstrations

Content or Curriculum: 4-H Speech/4-H Demonstration Curriculum

Inputs: Teachers, Extension Staff,

Date: 2017-2018

Audience: 8th-11th

Project or Activity: Performing Arts Troup

Content or Curriculum: Performing Arts

Inputs: State Specialist Leadership, Agent

Date: 2017-2018


Project or Activity:

Content or Curriculum:



Success Stories

Environmental Education Overnight Camp

Author: Kimberly Lane

Major Program: Natural Resources 4-H Core Curriculum

Morgan County 4-H Council has partnered with the Family Resource Center Directors, and four Elementary school staff for the past eight years to provide an educational environmental overnight camping program for all 4th graders in Morgan County. This partnership was developed to provide hands on applicable learning experiences for all 4th graders. This has been done by providing an overnight experience at a local youth camping facility. The overnight event in September was for all the 4th graders

Full Story

2018 Summit

Author: Kimberly Lane

Major Program: Leadership 4-H Core Curriculum

Research suggests distinctive characteristics of young adolescents (middle school aged youth) regarding their physical, cognitive, moral, psychological, and social-emotional development, as well as spiritual development (Scales, 2010). Young adolescents (middle school aged youth) warrant educational experiences and schools that are organized to address their physical, intellectual, emotional/psychological, moral/ethical, spiritual, and social developmental characteristics (Caskey & Anfara, 2

Full Story