Developing Human CapitalPlan of Work
Trigg County CES
Developing Human Capital
Enhance Life Skills and Build Consumer Awareness
Agents Involved:
Cecelia Hostilo, Graham Cofield, Shelley Crawford
Positive Employability
Farm Management, Economics and Policy
21st Century Skills (Career & Workplace Development)
Home-Based Microprocessor Program
According to the 2019 Kentucky Extension Community Assessment Trigg County Report, one of the priority needs was more qualified employees for existing and new jobs. Another priority need along these same lines was more life skills training for youth. Data reports show that Trigg County had a total of 4,958 jobs in 2016 with the overwhelming majority of these jobs being in establishments with 1-9 employees. The education levels of the population 25 years of age and older is 84% with a high school education or higher and 18% of those with a bachelors degree or higher. Between 2012 and 2016 of the 5,557 workers ages 16 and over, 49.2% worked inside the county, 44.7 worked outside the county, and 6.1% worked outside the state as a whole.
With competition for limited local jobs, it is important for youth and adults to have the skills necessary to obtain and be successful at their jobs.
Long-Term Outcomes:
More effective employees and community leaders.
Improved financial capability for Trigg Countians resulting in better quality of life and stronger families
Intermediate Outcomes:
Practice better employee "soft skills" such as communication,networking, teamwork, time management, problem-solving, etc.
Improve employability through practical living skills and continued education practices.
Initial Outcomes:
Change knowledge, opinions, skills, and aspirations to improve employability through work and practical living skills and continuing education practices.
Outcome:Improved workforce communication
Indicator: Number of individuals who reported the intent to utilize etiquette practices to improve verbal, written, and electronic communication practices (Communicating Effectively)
Method: Pre/post evaluation
Timeline: Following Positive Employability
Outcome: Improve workplace listening skills
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of understanding in utilizing listening cues in conversation (Listening and inquiry)
Method:Pre/post evaluation
Timeline: Following Positive Employability
Outcome: Increase knowledge of career opportunities
Indicator: ability to recognize career requirements
Method: Project clubs
Timeline: Year around
Outcome: Increased understanding of correlation between education and earning potential
Method: Reality Store
Timeline: Spring 2022
Outcome: Networking Skills
Indicator: Number of individuals reporting increased levels of confidence in participating in a productive business conversation (Netwrok for Success)
Method: Pre/Post Evaluation
Timeline: Following Positive Employability
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Working-age adults and youth preparing for the workforce
Project or Activity: 10 soft skills for success
Content or Curriculum: Positive Employability
Inputs: FCS agent, curriculum publications and resources, local employers and community leaders
Date: Scheduled as needed
Audience: Working-age adults and youth preparing for the workforce
Project or Activity: Conveying Your Message
Content or Curriculum: Positive Employability
Inputs: FCS agent, curriculum publications and resources, local employers and community leaders
Date: Scheduled as needed
Audience: Working-age adults and youth preparing for the workforce
Project or Activity: Networking for Success
Content or Curriculum: Positive Employability
Inputs: FCS agent, curriculum publications and resources, local employers and community leaders
Date: Scheduled as needed
Audience: Interested adults
Project or Activity: Homebased Mircroprocessing Workshop
Content or Curriculum: UK video workshop
Inputs: FCS agent, UK specialists
Date: winter, as needed
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: 4-H Teen Leadership Club
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Workforce Development and Career Readiness
Inputs: 4-H agent, other CES agents, community leaders, and volunteers
Date: On-going
Audience: farmers
Project or Activity: Increasing earning potential through better farm practices
Content or Curriculum: Extension curriculum in farm management
Inputs: ANR Agent. Cattlemen's Association, other commodity associations, Master certification groups
Date: On-going
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment