Making Healthy Lifestyle choicesPlan of Work
Union County CES
Making Healthy Lifestyle choices
Health & Wellness
Agents Involved:
FCS Agent, 4-H Agent, ANR Agent
Master Gardener
Active Living and Health Promotions General
Reducing chronic diseases is one of the top priorities in Union County as stated in the 2019 Community Assessment. Union County Health data from Kentucky Health Facts shows that 34% of adults within the county are obese, 68% are overweight, 14% are with diabetes, 30% have high blood pressure which leads to an increase in the risk of a stroke. Research shows that eating the recommended servings of fruits and vegetables along with being physically active for 30 minutes, 3 days a week would increase overall health.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Youth and adults adopt healthy lifestyle practices to reduce the risk of chronic disease and reduce health care expenses. Implement a sustainable and active lifestyle.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Apply healthy lifestyle choices. Use Extension information to make informed decisions about lifestyle choices.
Initial Outcomes:
Discuss behaviors that are risky for chronic diseases. Learn food safety, selections, storage, and preparation skills. Match foods to My Plate food groups. Name three or more ways to be physically active.
Initial Outcome: Identify changes necessary to improve overall health.
Indicator: 2027.1, 2015.1, 2066.2, 2011.3
Method: Survey
Timeline: 6 months
Intermediate Outcome: Implementation of positive changes in lifestyle and health.
Indicator: 2027.1, 2027.4, 2027.5, 2011.4, 2027.3
Method: Observation, survey
Timeline: 1 year
Long-term Outcome: Lowered health risk rates countywide.
Indicator: 2021.3, 2029.5
Method: NASS
Timeline: 4 years
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: 4-H Members, Union County School System
Project or Activity: School programs
Content or Curriculum: Healthy Living curriculum
Inputs: UK publications, Union County School System
Date: Fall/ Winter/Spring
Audience: Adults, Community Members
Project or Activity: Newsletter/Social media
Content or Curriculum: UK publications
Inputs: UK publications
Date: Monthly/as needed
Project or Activity:Diabetes Group
Content or Curriculum: UK publications
Inputs: Health First, community members
Date: Spring
Project or Activity: Master Gardner's
Content or Curriculum: UK publications, Master Gardner curriculum
Inputs: UK publications and specialists
Date: On-going
Audience: Adult Women
Project or Activity: Heart Healthy Luncheon
Content or Curriculum: UK publications
Inputs: Union County Health Coalition, Union County Methodist Hospital, UK publications
Date: February
Audience: 4-H Members
Project or Activity: 4-H clubs
Content or Curriculum: Core curriculum
Inputs: UK publications and specialists, industry experts
Date: Fall/Winter/Spring
Adience: Community Members
Project or Activity: Farmers Market
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications
Inputs: 4-H, ANR, & FCS Agents
Date: May - Sept
Success Stories
Union County 4-H Offers CPR to Teens
Author: Annette Buckman
Major Program: Health

Union County now has 28 teens who are certified in CPR. CPR or Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation is a lifesaving procedure that is performed if a persons heart stops beating. If CPR is performed it can double or triple chances of survival. According to the American Heart Association in one year alone, 436,000 Americans die from a cardiac arrest. Bystander CPR improves survival. Most often out of hospital cardiac arrests will occur in homes at 73.4%, public settings 16.3
Full Story
© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment