Enhancing Leadership, Volunteerism, and Public Policy AwarenessPlan of Work
Hopkins County CES
Enhancing Leadership, Volunteerism, and Public Policy Awareness
Community Leadership Development
Agents Involved:
Connor Cooper, Katie Mills, and Erika Wood, Jay Stone and Amanda Dame
Community Strategic Planning
Master Gardener
Leadership development, community analysis and a constant need for volunteers continues to be a fundamental issue faced by various agencies and non-profit entities in Hopkins County. According to the Center for Economic Development in Kentucky, in 2021 Hopkins County had 45,044 citizens. Volunteerism is valued at $24.83 per hour in Kentucky according to Independent Sector. With that said, Hopkins County Extension volunteer hours annually account for over $150,000 in donated time. Extension in Hopkins County will continue to provide enhancement opportunities and strive to promote community based programming that encourages leadership candidates and volunteers.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Hopkins County will be equipped with competent, effective leaders.
Community members engage others to initiate projects.
Civic engagement is possible and desirable for community members.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Citizens put skills into practice by becoming more engaged in the community, taking on leadership roles. Graduates in formal leadership roles increase their involvement/action. Graduates of Extension community leadership programs initiate civic engagement.
Initial Outcomes:
Increase knowledge of effective leadership skills.
Develop/enhance the leadership skills of youth and adults.
Citizens: Informed about community systems, better connected to communication networks, more confident and skilled in identifying and implementing strategies for systemic change.
Initial Outcome: Analyze and deliver training and other resources to
build leadership capacity.
Indicator: Trainings and activity involvement
Method: Surveys and assessments
Intermediate Outcome: Increased participation on community boards, civic groups and organizations.
Indicator: Number of people who reported new leadership opportunities
Method: Surveys and community statistics
Long-term Outcome: Leaders initiate projects
Indicator: Numbers of community events and programs increase.
Method: Chamber of Commerce Data and post-assessment surveys.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: New and current leaders; 4-H Club Members
Project or Activity: Parliamentary Procedure Training
Content or Curriculum: Robert's Rules of Order
Inputs: Manuals, Research information, meeting space and extension agents
Time Frame: Fall
Audience: Volunteer, leader and officer trainings.
Project or Activity: Creating reflective learning in leadership classes
Content or Curriculum: Leadership Skills and modules
Inputs: Research information, Partnerships, Materials and Meeting space
Time Frame: Spring and Fall
Audience: Hopkins County Extension Council
Project or Activity: Public Policy and Community Partnerships
Content or Curriculum: KELD curriculum and CEDIK Resources
Inputs: Extension Agents, Specialists, and CEC Members
Time Frame: All Year
Audience: Leadership Hopkins County Group
Project or Activity: Leadership Hopkins County Program Days, Ag Leadership Day
Content or Curriculum: Extension Agriculture curriculum and Specialist presentations
Inputs: Extension Agents, Producers, Specialists and Volunteers
Time Frame: All Year
Audience: Master Gardeners
Project or Activity: Kentucky Extension Master Gardener Program
Content or Curriculum: Kentucky Master Gardener Curriculum
Inputs: Extension Agents, Specialist, and Volunteers
Time Frame: All Year
Audience: 4-H Teens
Project or Activity: 4-H Achievement Program, 4-H Adulting, 4-H Midnight Walkers Community Service Club, 4-H Club Officers
Content or Curriculum: Team Building with Teens, Team Challenges, Character Counts
Inputs: Extension Agents, Volunteers
Time Frame: All Year
Audience: 4-H Councilor in Training, 4-H Teen Leader, and 4-H Adult Volunteer
Project or Activity: 4-H Camp
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Camp Manuel
Inputs: Extension Agents, Specialist
Time Frame: Summer
Success Stories
Marketing Extension and Agricultural Awareness
Author: Jay Stone
Major Program: Community Vitality and Leadership - ANR
Agriculture Awareness ranks as a top priority for the Hopkins County Ag Advisory Council. Among the methods of reaching people, the use of social media rose to the top this year as a means of engaging both Ag and Non-Ag sectors of our population. A social media plan was developed and implemented by the Hopkins County Extension Agent for Agriculture. Social media has been identified as an important delivery method because you must engage people where they are. And most of the 98% of non-farmers a
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4-H Kickoff Event
Author: John (Connor) Cooper
Major Program: Volunteer Development
Like many counties, Hopkins County 4-H had been severely impacted by the lasting impacts of Covid-19. Youth participants along with adult volunteers had decreased. In order to pick numbers back up we knew we had to do something. On August 16th we held a 4-H Kickoff event. The goal of the event was to promote all of our clubs, attract new youth, and gain new volunteers. In order to entice the community to come, we had free T-shirts, free hotdogs, an ice cream truck, and three inflatables for kids
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Master Gardeners Make A Difference
Author: Erika Wood
Major Program: Master Gardener

The Extension Master Gardener program is a volunteer organization dedicated to teaching and training people about horticulture related topics. This program is a part of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service and assists county extension agents in providing education and outreach in the community. Master Gardeners are required to undergo training and complete 40 hours of volunteer service in their first year before becoming certified. After the first year, Master Ga
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Mr. KY 4-H VP
Author: John (Connor) Cooper
Major Program: Leadership
In June of 2022, Kentucky 4-H held the annual 4-H Teen Conference. At this event, Lucas Arnold was named Kentucky 4-H Vice President. He is only the fifth person ever in Hopkins County to hold this title. Lucas has faced some tough challenges in his 4-H and personal life like every teen who lived through Covid-19. With Covid-19 affecting the majority of his high school experience, Lucas wanted to make the most of his last year in the program and put all of his efforts into running for a state of
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Master Gardener Students Complete Training
Author: Erika Wood
Major Program: Master Gardener

In January of 2023, a new master gardener class was conducted at the Hopkins County Extension Office. In order to become a certified master gardener volunteer, gardeners must undergo a minimum 12 week training, which consists of 24 hours of core subject courses including: Cooperative Extension/Volunteerism, Botany, Soils, Plant Pathology, Entomology, and Pesticides/Pesticides Safety/Environmental Issues. Optional classes such as Annuals and Perennials, Home Vegetable Gardening, Compo
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Teen Conference 2023
Author: John (Connor) Cooper
Major Program: Leadership
.Teen Conference 2023 Success Story The 99th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference was held at the University of Kentucky June 13-16, 2023. The objectives of Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference are: develop leadership and teamwork skills, improve communication skills, foster civic engagement, expand knowledge and skills related to 4-H core content areas, gain club, county and state 4-H program skills, have fun, create a sense of belonging, expand social skills through networking, develop
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Teen Summit 2023
Author: John (Connor) Cooper
Major Program: Leadership
According to research, middle school is a time where young people find their place in this world, they are exploring where their strengths and interests align (Fagell. P.L., 2019). Therefore, it is impreative to provide positive experiences where young people may explore the world in a safe environment. Historically, there is a decline in enrollment numbers throughout the middle school years in 4-H programming, Kentucky 4-H hosts the Kentucky 4-H Summit Leadership Conference for middle sch
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment