5. Substance Use Prevention and RecoveryPlan of Work
Morgan County CES
5. Substance Use Prevention and Recovery
Strengthening Health & Wellness Initiatives for Morgan County
Agents Involved:
Community Gardens and Horticulture Therapy
Substance Use Prevention and Recovery General
Financial Education - General
Situation: The recent statewide needs assessment identified substance use prevention and recovery as the most urgent priority forCooperative Extension. Moreover, substance use was the focal point of the CES Advisory Council Meeting in early 2019. Taken together,youth KIP survey data and data from the CES needs assessment demonstrate the need to address substance use prevention, recovery, stigma, and impact on families and communities. Morgan County survey respondents, advisory council members and stakeholders identified substance abuse as a priority issue to address.
Long-Term Outcomes:
1)The prevention and/or reduction of substance use and its related consequences.
2)Changed public perception of substance use via stigma reduction.
Intermediate Outcomes:
1)Reduced stigma from local community members
2)Increased Opioid Stewardship (fewer prescriptions written by doctors,appropriate Rx disposal, drug take backs, etc.)
3)Delayed age of first use among Kentucky youth
Initial Outcomes:
1)Increased knowledge of substance use prevention, addiction, and recovery (or related subject matter)
2)Increased ability to use destigmatized language
3)Improved social skills and/or self-efficacy in KY youth
Outcome: Increased knowledge of substance use
Indicator: Number of individuals attending programs
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following every addiction 101 training
Outcome: Increased ability to use destigmatized language
Indicator: Number of individuals intend to change behavior
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following any program that includes language training
Outcome: Improved social skills and/or self-efficacy in KY Youth
Indicator: Number of students undergoing Botvin
Indicator: Number of student undergoing Health Rocks
Method: Retroactive pre-post
Timeline: Following Botvin LifeSkill
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: KY Youth
Project or Activity: Prevention Program Content or Curriculum: Botvin LifeSkills, Adolescent Brain HealthInputs: Coordinate with Morgan Co. Middle School Staff, 4-H and FCS agents; Principal, instructors, Superintendent & community partners
Date: Spring semester 2023
Project or Activity: Truth and Consequences
Content or Curriculum: T&C: The Choice is Yours
Inputs: 4-H and FCS Agents Coordinate with Morgan County School Staff & Administrators
Date: Spring 2023
Project or Activity: Health Rocks
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Health Rocks
Inputs: 4-H and FCS agents; 4-H Teen Club
Date: Spring 2023
Audience: Recovery Centers
Project or Activity: Financial EducationContent or Curriculum: Recovering Your Finances
Inputs: FCS Agent, Coordination with community stakeholders
Date: February 2023
Project or Activity: Gardening as Therapy
Content or Curriculum: UK Dept of Horticulture, Recovery garden series
Inputs: ANR agent, extension community and learning gardens
Date: January, 2023
Project or Activity: Substance Abuse Community Issues Gathering
Content or Curriculum: Robert Woods Johnson Foundation curriculum
Inputs: All agents, Extension Specialists, Stakeholders
Date: Winter 2022
Success Stories
Morgan County Farmer Appreciation Campaign Promotes Safety and Mental Health Awareness
Author: Sarah Fannin
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - ANR

According to the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), farming is two times as deadly as serving on law enforcement and five times more deadly than serving as a firefighter. In fact, farming is rated the sixth most dangerous occupation, beating out powerline workers and steelworkers. There is also a high concentration of mental illness among farmers, particularly when it comes to depression. Many of these conditions are stress-induced and can be life-threatening if
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New Vision Recovery Center offers hope for future success
Author: Nellie Buchanan
Major Program: Recovering Your Finances
Rates of substance use and abuse is at an all time high. Recent contacts with a newly established recovery center has opened new doors for non-traditional FCS programming efforts. At the request of recovery center clients, the need for financial training was at the top of the list. Collaborating with the center director, staff, clients and SNAP assistant, extension FCS programming offered food prep, safety and selection while FCS Ed agent conducted "Recovering Your Finance
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Morgan County Recovery Garden Offers Important Benefits
Author: Sarah Fannin
Major Program: Substance Use and Mental Health - ANR
Based on a 2019 community survey, Extension leaders identified substance use disorder as one of the most pressing issues in Morgan County. Families, workplaces, and court services have been negatively impacted by this condition – hampering community and economic growth for the county. Support for recovery efforts is crucial if this trend is to be reversed. Therapeutic horticulture is a proven practice to help persons with substance use disorder achieve their treatme
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment