Agriculture Sustainability and Marketing 2020-24Plan of Work
Lincoln County CES
Agriculture Sustainability and Marketing 2020-24
Agriculture Profitability and Longevity
Agents Involved:
Courtney Brock, Tyler Miller, Rita Stewart
Farm Management, Economics and Policy
Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development
Hay testing
As we have entered into a new decade of farming, farmers have been experiencing very volatile markets paired withhigh input cost. It is imperative that we educate our local farmers of the importance of farm enterprise diversity, farm markets, and farm sustainability. I will continue to provide free testing of soil, forages, and silages for producers of the county and help them make required changes to their crops in striving for the best possible yeild. Best management practices on the farm will help landowners secure the success of the family farm. Not only protecting and improving the acres that are farmed, we must look to those other acres for a potential revenue source. The location, weather, and growing seasons of Lincoln County gives producers a wide range of crops and livestock in diversifying their farms. Within the county there are multiple facilities that a producer can take advantage of such as the produce auction market, farmers market, goat/sheep market, livestock market, and log yards. With such tight farm budgets and the average age of the farmer ever increasing, the need for succession planning is great and Extension will be present in educating those individuals in how to keep that family farm in the hands of their children for generations to come. As we advance into the future, Extension will be there every step of the way with continued support for our landowners with the ever changing needs of our farms and community. Extension will continue to serve the general public with all of the diagnostic testing services of soil testing, disease identification, bug identification, and water quality. Our 4-H Youth Development Program will continue to support the youth in their interest in agriculture.
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Our long term outcome is focused towards educating the area farmers to make informed decisions and improvements to their operations’ success and longevity.
- Extension is focused on reaching the needs of the community via relatable programming to the county's needs in the ever changing environment of agriculture.
- New styles of farm management may be adapted by local farmers
Intermediate Outcomes:
- Farmers will adopt Extension recommendations.
- Farmers will utilize best management practices enhancing production, marketing and profitability.
- General public and youth will use Extension recommendations to improve their landscape and gardens and gain a better appreciation of the natural environment.
Initial Outcomes:
- Farmers will recognize the steps needed in order to insure their on-farm profit; ultimately leading to continued success.
- Area farmers, homeowners, and other clientele will further their education from information received by the Extension office.
- Hopfully, farmers will see improvments on farm by following UK Extension information
Initial Outcome: Farmers will recognize the steps needed in order to insure their on-farm profit; ultimately leading to continued success.
Indicator: Increased profitability for Lincoln County Farmers
Method: Survey
Timeline: Continuously
Intermediate Outcome: Farmers will adopt Extension recommendations.
Indicator: Survey results
Method: Survey
Timeline: Every 2+ years
Long-term Outcome: Extension is focused on reaching the needs of the community via relatable programming to the county's needs in the ever changing environment of agriculture.
Indicator: Evaluation results
Method: Surveys
Timeline: Every 4+ years
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Farmers and agribusiness
Project or Activity: Produce Growers Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Small fruits and vegetable presentations by U.K. Specialists and agent.
Inputs: Financial resources from Extension and Lincoln County Produce Auction Association. Educational materials and programs from Extension professionals.
Date: January and February
Audience: Farmers and agribusiness
Project or Activity: Test plots, demos and field visits
Content or Curriculum: U.K. specialists, the agent and farmer leaders doing test plots, field walks and demos on soils, forages, and horticultural crops.
Inputs: Educational, service and financial assistance from Extension and Produce Auction Board
Date: Seasonal
Audience: Farmers and Consumers
Project or Activity: Farmers Market Activities
Content or Curriculum: Production and marketing help to growers and awareness of quality of locally grown produce to consumers.
Inputs: Educational, service and financial assistance from Extension and Farmers Market Board
Date: seasonal
Audience: General Public
Activity: Diagnostic & Informational Services
Content: Extension assistance with identification and control recommendations for insects, disease, pests, weeds and etc. as well as production information on lawn care, home care, landscaping, gardening, etc.
Inputs: Extension service and informational assistance.
Date: Contiuosly
Audience: Farmers
Activity: Hay/Silage Testing Program
Content or Curriculum: Dairy One Forage Testing Services
Inputs: Financial assistance from the Lincoln County Extension office. Hay testing equipment, Staff involvement with paperwork.
Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, livestock leaders, volunteer leaders, local schools, Lincoln County Fair Board, Vo-Ag Program, Farm Bureau, local businesses.
Date: Summer, Fall, Winter
Audience: Landowners
Activity: Farm Succession Planning Series
Content or Curriculum: What types of discussions you need to have with family, Creating a Will, Legal Documents, What happens if Nothing is in place and their is a death, etc.
Inputs: University Specialist, Local Extension office staff and materials, landowners, businesses, underprivileged population.
Date: Winter
Audience: Youth
Activity: 4-H and BG GreenSource Environmental Day
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum and BG GreenSource Resources
Inputs: Lincoln County Cattleman’s Association, livestock leaders, volunteer leaders, local schools, Lincoln County Fair Board, Vo-Ag Program, Farm Bureau, Early Childhood and Head Start Programs, physical therapy offices, Family Resource Centers, Youth Service Center, local businesses, hospitals.
Facilities used will include the Lincoln County Extension Office, Logan-Hubble Park
Date: Fall or Spring
Audience: *Landowners
Activity: Managing and Profitability of our Wooded Acres
Content or Curriculum: *Forestry Department Specialist
Inputs: *Newsletters, Specialist, Site Visits, Publications, Extension office staff and materials
Facilities used will include the Lincoln County Extension Office, local hiking spots, Canoe KY, etc.
Date: Annually
Audience: 4-H members and leaders
Activity: Incubation and Embryology Programs
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Demonstration supplies, UK Poultry Farm fertilized eggs, and financial support from the Lincoln County Extension District Board.
Facilities used: Lincoln County Extension Office for meeting facilities; Lincoln County Schools, UK Poultry Farm
Date: Spring
Audience: 4-H members, leaders, and parents
Activity: 4-H AG Field Day
Content or Curriculum: The Annual 4-H Adventures in Agriculture Field Day helps provide agriculture education to all county 3rd grade students
Inputs: Community Partners include 4-H Council Members, local business owners, county banks, Lincoln County Schools, Lincoln County Cattlemen’s Association, Lincoln County Fairgrounds, and others
Facilities used: Lincoln County Extension Office, Lincoln County Fairgrounds, Lincoln County Schools, etc.
Date: Spring
Audience: 4-H members, leaders and parents
Activity: 4-H County/District Beef, Lamb, Goat, Poultry, Rabbit, Horse, and Dairy Shows
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum & KDA Materials
Inputs: Financial resources include GOAP cost share programs, demonstration supplies from participating companies. Lincoln County Farm Bureau and commodity organization grants, banks and lending institution grants. Farm supply and agribusiness grants and support finances from the Lincoln County Extension District Board.
Facilities used:
Local farms for demonstrations, tours and field days; Lincoln County Extension Office for meeting facilities; Lincoln County Fairgrounds for meetings, shows and other activities; Cedar Creek Sportsman Club for activities and meetings; Produce Auction facilities for demonstrations and meetings; Farmers Market Station and local church facilities.
Date: Spring and Summer
Audience: 4-H members, leaders and parents
Activity: 4-H Judging and Quiz Bowl Teams
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Financial resources include GOAP cost share programs, demonstration supplies from participating companies. Lincoln County Farm Bureau and commodity organization grants, banks and lending institution grants. Farm supply and agribusiness grants and support finances from the Lincoln County Extension District Board.
Facilities used:
Local farms for demonstrations, tours and field days; Lincoln County Extension Office for meeting facilities; Lincoln County Fairgrounds for meetings, shows and other activities; Cedar Creek Sportsman Club for activities and meetings; Produce Auction facilities for demonstrations and meetings; Farmers Market Station and local church facilities.
Date: Spring and Summer
Audience: 4-H members, leaders and parents
Activity: 4-H Country Ham Project
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Curriculum
Inputs: Financial resources include GOAP cost share programs, demonstration supplies from participating companies. Lincoln County Farm Bureau and commodity organization grants, banks and lending institution grants. Farm supply and agribusiness grants and support finances from the Lincoln County Extension District Board.
Facilities used:
Local farms for demonstrations, tours and field days; Lincoln County Extension Office for meeting facilities; Lincoln County Fairgrounds for meetings, shows and other activities; Cedar Creek Sportsman Club for activities and meetings; Produce Auction facilities for demonstrations and meetings; Farmers Market Station and local church facilities.
Date: January-August
Audience-Farmers, Agribusinesses
Activity: Farmer Educational Conferences
Content or Curriculum: Dairy and Forage Topics
Inputs: Financial resources include GOAP cost share programs, demonstration supplies from participating companies. Lincoln County Farm Bureau and commodity organization grants, banks and lending institution grants. Farm supply and agribusiness grants and support finances from the Lincoln County Extension District Board.
Facilities used:
Local farms for demonstrations, tours and field days; Lincoln County Extension Office for meeting facilities; Lincoln County Fairgrounds for meetings, shows and other activities; Cedar Creek Sportsman Club for activities and meetings; Produce Auction facilities for demonstrations and meetings; Farmers Market Station and local church facilities.
Date: Annually
Audience: Farmers and agribusiness
Activity: Farmer-Lender-Extension Field Day
Content: Farming updates and management information on crops and livestock
Inputs: Agent and specialist presentations, on farm demo supplies and funding from Extension and agribusiness, operational funding from agricultural lenders, farm families providing host farm and demo and event labor and facilities.
Facilities: host farm for demos, tours, and meal
Date: Summer, Fall
Audience: Farmers and Agribusinesses representatives in area counties
Activity: Area Crop Conferences
Content or Curriculum: Forage and Grain Topics
Inputs: Financial resources include GOAP cost share programs, demonstration supplies from participating companies. Lincoln County Farm Bureau and commodity organization grants, banks and lending institution grants. Farm supply and agribusiness grants and support finances from the Lincoln County Extension District Board.
Facilities used:
Local farms for demonstrations, tours and field days; Extension Offices for meeting facilities; Lincoln County Fairgrounds for meetings, shows and other activities.
Date: Winter
Audience-Farmers and Agribusiness representatives in Lincoln, Boyle, Garrard, Rockcastle, Pulaski, Casey, Madison and Mercer County
Activity: Tobacco Updates
Content or Curriculum: Tobacco Topics
Inputs: Financial resources include GOAP cost share programs, demonstration supplies from participating companies. Lincoln County Farm Bureau and commodity organization grants, banks and lending institution grants. Farm supply and agribusiness grants and support finances from the Lincoln County Extension District Board.
Facilities used:
Local farms for demonstrations, tours and field days;Extension Offices for meeting facilities.
Date: Winter
Audience: Farmers and Agribusinesses
Activity: Beef Update Meetings
Content or Curriculum: Cow Calf Management and Backgrounding Management & Marketing
Inputs: Financial resources include GOAP cost share programs, demonstration supplies from participating companies. Lincoln County Farm Bureau and commodity organization grants, banks and lending institution grants. Farm supply and agribusiness grants and support finances from the Lincoln County Extension District Board.
Facilities used:
Local farms for demonstrations, tours and field days;Extension Offices for meeting facilities; Lincoln County Fairgrounds for meetings, shows and other activities.
Date: Winter
Audience: Farmers and agribusiness
Activity: Lincoln County Beef Expo
Content: beef educational demos and updates on production, marketing and promotion, Cattlemen's Annual Meeting, agribusiness trade show.
Facilities: Lincoln County Fairgrounds, agribusiness equipment, Cattlemen's materials and equipment.
Date: Fall
Audience: Cattlemen's Board and Ag Development Board
Activity: Beef production spring educational tour for LCCA Board and LCADB; fall educational tour for LCCA Board; Pastor to Pasture Event
Content: Spring-1 day tour to Kentucky county with agent and producers showing improved practices. Fall-2 day out of state tour with agents, specialists and producers showing improved practices. Pastor to Pasture Event
Inputs: Finances provided by Extension Lincoln County Ag Development Board and LCCA and participants, local churches, area agribusinesses
Facilities: Extension vans, host farms, Extension facilities, agri business facilities.
Date: Spring & Fall
Audience: Farmers, agribusiness, general public, youth
Activity: Fairs (county, state, NAILE)
Content: Livestock shows and floral hall exhibits
Inputs: Financing from fair association and KDA. Agents, assistants and leaders operating the activities.
Facilities: fairgrounds, Extension facilities
Date: July, August, November
Success Stories
Beef Expo
Author: Tyler Miller
Major Program: Beef
I have been working within Extension for 2.5 years and because of COVID-19 i am still attending and hosting new-to-me events. The Lincoln County Beef Expo was held at the fairgrounds after two years of being canceled. This was my first Beef Expo as an Extension Agent and i was thrilled with how it turned out. I helped to organize, plan, and execute the event. With over 150 people in attendance that night and speakers from both the University and the Beef Industry, there was a great opportunity f
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4-H AG Day Returns
Author: Courtney Brock
Major Program: Agriculture

Although agriculture is big business in Lincoln County, only 35% of 4-H members live on a farm. This number is even lower for non-members. Even though nearly one-third of the economy is agriculture-based, many youth do not realize the importance of agriculture in our everyday lives. The Annual 4-H Adventures in Agriculture Field Day helps provide agriculture education to more than 300 third graders in the county with over $2,500 in funding from various agriculture-related community businesses an
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A New One For Me!
Author: Tyler Miller
Major Program: Beef
Being a COVID-19 hire, i am just now getting to be involved in some of the regular events that happen throughout Lincoln County. Our Cattleman's Chapter had held a Pastor to Pasture Tour just a few months before i started. Since then, we have felt like it was a good idea to cancel the event. In late October, i was involved with planning and helping bring back the Pastor to Pasture Tour. With around 30 people in attendance, we stopped at five different farms showcasing local agriculture. Than
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KY Cattleman's Convention 2023
Author: Tyler Miller
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
I had the honor of taking some of the best cattleman in Lincoln County to the State Cattleman's Convention in Lexington. At the convention we had the opportunity to vote for leadership that represented our area. there was much networking among our members and the leadership that selected to serve on the KY cattleman's board of directors. We got to view a wonderful trade show where many companies in the cattle industry were represented. Our cattleman members got to talk
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Cow/Calf meeting
Author: Tyler Miller
Major Program: Farm Management, Economics and Policy
This meeting had a wonderful turnout. With recent years, some people were relucant to gather in a meeting room, eat a meal, and listen to a speaker. but this meeting is one that many come to and learn practical information they can take home with them. The attendees learned how to deliver a backwards calf, and heard about the upcoming protocol for vet meds. Out next speaker talked about shortening the breeding season and how econamical that is for a producer. we all shared a big meal and had a w
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Cut Flowers
Author: Tyler Miller
Major Program: Horticulture, Consumer and Home
The problem:A cliente came in the office one day looking for some help with starting a cut flowers operation. Just something small scale for now and didn't want it to be a big job. When talking with the cliente i first guaged the level of education this person had with growing any type of flowers. They seemed to understand the basics and have done some homework about growing cut flowers.The educational program responseI had first mention the general "must do's" for growing cut
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment