Community LeadershipPlan of Work
Laurel County CES
Community Leadership
Community Vitality
Agents Involved:
Davidson, Easley, Williams
Agriculture and Extension Leadership Development
Kentucky Extension Homemaker Association
Kentucky Extension Leadership Development (KELD)
Youth Engagement Leadership Program (YELP)
Key to the success of any community is the active involvement and collaboration of agencies, civic organizations, businesses and citizens. Educational programs and organizations which offer theoretical and practical experiences at community problem solving and building the capacity of volunteer leaders within counties is critical for the sustainability of a community infrastructure that supports long term commitment to strengthen families and communities. Through the efforts of Extension Agents, paraprofessionals, and volunteers local citizens are engaged, educated and empowered to understand community issues and take ownership of implementing local solutions.
Long-Term Outcomes:
- Kentucky communities’ health and economy are strengthened through strong local organizational leadership
- Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders.
- Youth will be engaged in leadership roles within their communities
- Extension leadership development efforts will translate into improved leadership efforts in the community at large with leaders addressing public issues and running for public office.
- Participants will serve as mentors for future leaders.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Number of people who:
- Youth and adults will practice personal leadership skills in clubs, schools and community outreach.
- Youth and adults will exhibit Improved skills in communication, problem solving, or group process in addressing organizational issues and needs.
- Youth and adults will apply skills to assess needs, develop programs and implement solutions for community problems
- People will participate in any leadership training opportunity that presents itself locally
- People will engage in public debate on local issues as well as regional and nationally.
- Participants will take on formal community leadership roles.
Initial Outcomes:
- Kentuckians increase knowledge and skills in personal leadership.
- KEHA and FCS Advisory Council members increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership.
- 4-H Council members form youth/adult partnerships and increase knowledge and skills in organizational leadership
- Kentuckians increase knowledge and skills in community leadership.
- Participants in Extension programs will learn how and be encouraged to seek officer positions in extension related organizations.
- Extension leaders will increase their knowledge about how to be an effective leader, build their team leadership abilities and learn how to be better at leading a group or an effort to fruition.
- Participants in Agriculture Development Council, Cattleman's Association, Farmers Market Council and Program councils will increase knowledge, skills and become advocates for KY agriculture.
Initial Outcome: There will be an increase in knowledge and skills in personal leadership, organizational leadership and community leadership
Indicator: increase attendance at new workshops and trainings being offering
Method: surveys
Timeline: July - June
Intermediate Outcome: Participants improve skills by practicing and applying these skills in the community
Indicator: There will be an increase in the number of people who volunteer in leadership roles in clubs, communities and with outreach programs
Method: pre and post test evaluation
Timeline: July - June
Long-term Outcome: Community is strengthened through strong local organizational leadership.
Indicator: Community problems are solved through active engaged local leaders
Method: an increase in community and extension volunteers
Timeline: July - June
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: general public
Project or Activity: Southeastern KY Beekeepers Association
Content or Curriculum:UK and KSU matererials
Inputs: volunteers, school systems, KSU Agents, UK personnel, local volunteers
Date: March-October
Audience: local schools and parents
Project or Activity: Laurel County School Advisory Councils
Content or Curriculum: Advisory role to Family Resource Directors
Inputs: school system, extension agents, community volunteers
Date: August -May
Audience: African American community members
Project or Activity: African American Heritage Center Gardening Program
Content or Curriculum: gardening
Inputs: Master Gardeners, local volunteers
Date: March - October
Audience: Youth
Project or Activity: Lend a Hand Volunteer Program
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Gems materials, VAA materials, 4-H Resources
Inputs: local businesses, local volunteers, 4-H council, 4-H volunteers, 4-H extension agents
Date: ongoing 2017-2018
Audience: general public
Project or Activity: Extension Homemakers
Content or Curriculum: FCS programming
Inputs: Extension Homemakers, local businesses
Date: August - May
Audience: 4-H members and volunteers
Project or Activity: Laurel County 4-H Council
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Councils and committees
Inputs: 4-H volunteers, local businesses
Date: Ongoing 2017-2018
Audience: 4-H members and volunteers
Project or Activity: 4-H Expansion and Review Committee
Content or Curriculum: 4-H Council materials
Inputs: local school system staff, community members, parents, extension agents
Date: semi-annually
Audience: teens
Project or Activity: Laurel County Teen Council and Advisory Group
Content or Curriculum: Unlock Your Leadership Potential
Inputs: teens, adult volunteers, extension agents
Date: yearly September - August
Audience: teens
Project or Activity: 4-H Teen Leadership Club
Content or Curriculum: 4-H multi-county curriculum
Inputs: extension agents, adult volunteers, teens
Date: September - December
Audience: 4-H volunteers
Project or Activity: Client Protection Committee
Content or Curriculum: UK materials
Inputs: adult program volunteers, extension agents
Date: ongoing as needed
Audience: general public
Project or Activity: ASAP Board (Agency for Substance Abuse Policy)
Content or Curriculum: ASAP, local school system
Inputs: ASAP board members (community agency representatives), 4-H extension agent
Date: monthly
Audience: general public
Project or Activity: Laurel County Health in Motion Coalition
Content or Curriculum: county health improvement plan; strategic planning guide
Inputs: extension agent, LC Health Department, community health directors from various agencies.
Date: monthly
Audience: producers
Project or Activity: Agricultural Development Council
Content or Curriculum: Governor's Office of Agricultural Policy
Inputs: volunteers
Date: monthly
Audience: agricultural community
Project or Activity: Laurel County Ag Fair Committee
Content or Curriculum: 4-H, Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Inputs: Ag teachers, 4-H Youth, volunteers
Date: monthly
Audience: general public
Project or Activity: Wood Creek Water and Sewer Board
Content or Curriculum:
Inputs:volunteers, water officials
Date: monthly
Audience: beef producers
Project or Activity: Wilderness Trail Area Beef Marketing Alliance Board
Content or Curriculum: UK publications
Inputs: volunteers, producers
Date: quarterly
Audience: farmers
Project or Activity: Farmers Market Board
Content or Curriculum: UK publications, Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Inputs: farmers, city and county officials, Extension staff, volunteers
Date: quarterly
Audience: general public
Project or Activity: Horticulture Advisory Council
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications
Inputs: volunteers, school officials, city officials
Date: quarterly
Audience: general public
Project or Activity: FCS Advisory Council
Content or Curriculum: UK publications
Inputs: local volunteers
Date: annually
Audience: FFA students and alumni
Project or Activity: FFA Alumni
Content or Curriculum: FFA and UK publications
Inputs: volunteers, parents,
Date: monthly
Audience: London Downtown
Project or Activity: London Tree Board
Content or Curriculum: UK publications and specialists
Inputs: city officials,volunteers, Ky forestry
Date: ongoing
Audience: beef producers
Project or Activity: Laurel County Cattlemen's Association Annual Heifer Sale
Content or Curriculum: UK publications and specialists
Inputs: Massey Limousin, Animal House, volunteers, FFA Alumni
Date: spring
Audience: farmers
Project or Activity: London Laurel County Farmers Market Expansion Committee
Content or Curriculum: UK publications, Kentucky Department of Agriculture
Inputs: farmers, local city and county officials, Extension
Date: quarterly
Audience: Master Clothing volunteers
Project or Activity: Master Clothing volunteers
Content or Curriculum: UK MCV curriculum
Inputs: volunteers, MCV, Extension
Date: ongoing
Audience: general public
Project or Activity: C.L.A.S.S. (Continuous Learning Assures a Successful Society) Community Education
Content or Curriculum: UK Publications
Inputs: Extension Agent, Extension program assistant, volunteers
Date: ongoing
Audience: SNAP eligible families
Project or Activity: Southeastern Kentucky God's Food Pantry Board of Directors
Content or Curriculum: food security
Inputs: local businesses, volunteers, Extension
Date: ongoing
Audience: social service agencies
Project or Activity: Interagency Council
Content or Curriculum: social service networking
Inputs: local social service agencies, Extension
Date: quarterly
Audience: County Extension Council members, Extension District Board members, FCS council, 4-H Council
Project or Activity: Initial training meetings for new members, regular meetings of the different Extension groups
Content or Curriculum: State Extension Council training materials, FCS/KEHA materials
Inputs: Agents and Extension Specialist
Date: Year round
Success Stories
Sigmons Farmers Feast
Author: Lora Davidson
Major Program: Economic Development and Workforce Preparation - FCS
Food insecurity describes a household’s inability to supply enough food for each member to live an active, healthy life. In Eastern Kentucky 1 out of every 6 individuals are unsure where their next meal will come from, and Laurel County has a 16.4% insecurity rate in the entire county. The God’s Pantry Food Bank serves over 50 counties in Central and Eastern Kentucky. With donations that are made to the pantry, they can supply more meals to families who have food insecuri
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Sigmon Farmers Feast
Author: Victor Williams
Major Program: Community Engagement
Food insecurity describes a household’s inability to supply enough food for each member to live an active, healthy life. In Eastern Kentucky, one out of every six individuals are unsure where their next meal will come from, and Laurel County has a 16.4% insecurity rate in the entire county. The God’s Pantry Food Bank serves over 50 counties in Central and Eastern Kentucky. Through the donations that are made to the pantry, meals are supplied to families who have food inse
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2023 4-H Capitol Experience
Author: Elizabeth Easley
Major Program: Civic Engagement

In a 2016 survey by the Annenberg Public Policy Center, one in four youth were unable to name the three branches of government. In addition, in July 2018 the Kentucky Revised Statute (KRS) 158.141 stated a student must pass a civics test at a rate of 60% or higher, composed of 100 questions to graduate from a public high school with a regular diploma. To address this need, Kentucky 4-H Capitol Experience was established with the objectives of: Developing a positive relationship between
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2023 Teen Conference
Author: Elizabeth Easley
Major Program: Leadership
The 99th Annual Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference was held at the University of Kentucky June 13-16, 2023. The objectives of the Kentucky 4-H Teen Conference are: to develop leadership and teamwork skills, improve communication skills, foster civic engagement, expand knowledge and skills related to 4-H core content areas, gain club, county and state 4-H program skills, have fun, create a sense of belonging, expand social skills through networking, develop youth-adult partnerships, and become acquaint
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment