ANR Local Food SystemsPlan of Work
Kenton County CES
ANR Local Food Systems
Promote Best Management Practices for Agriculture
Agents Involved:
Dan Allen
Local Food Systems
Kenton County is a diverse county and we have people producing food at all levels, from traditional commercial operations to self-sustaining homesteading food production.
Long-Term Outcomes:
Increase the availability of food for Kenton County residents interested in producing their own food.
Intermediate Outcomes:
Implementation of practices needed to produce food.
Initial Outcomes:
Residents learn how to best raise their own food for their consumption.
Initial Outcome: Food raised for a family
Indicator: Increased food is produced
Method: Surveys and conversations
Timeline: Fall 2019, Spring 2020Intermediate Outcome: Less reliance on processed expensive food.
Long-Term Outcome: Economic and better health.
Learning Opportunities:
Audience: Residents or landowners in Kenton County
Project or Activity: Poultry for Meat and Eggs
Content or Curriculum: UK Curriculum
Inputs: Agent and specialists
Date: March 2019
Audience: Beef Cattle Owners
Projects/Activity: Beef Conference
Content or Curriculum: UK Beef Research
Inputs: County Agent and Specialists
Date: September 2019, November 20019, January 2020, March 2020, May 2020Audience Beef Cattle Operator
Project/Activity: BQA and Care
Content: BQA
Inputs: County Agent and Specialist
Date: January 2020, January 2021
Success Stories
Beef Cow Pregnancy Testing Program Offers Solutions
Author: Daniel Allen
Major Program: Beef

Reproductive efficiency is a critical factor in maintaining a profitable cow calf farm operation. Pregnancy testing is one method that can be used to monitor reproductive performance and help make appropriate management decisions. High feed costs coupled with factors like volatile beef markets and droughts, mean open cattle can be identified and sold to reduce input costs. In small herds this is important and Kenton county Agriculture and Natural Resources agent recognized these chall
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NKY Cow Calf School Attracts All Levels of Cattle Producers
Author: Daniel Allen
Major Program: Beef
NKY Cow Calf School Attracts All Levels of Cattle Producers According to the USDA nearly 1 in 4 farmers are new to farming. Recently, the Extension service has noticed there are a significant number of individuals relocating into northern Kentucky that have an interest in sustainable homesteading. Since the topography of northern Kentucky is well suited to produce forage & livestock, many of these individuals seek to add cattle production for their own use.The northern Kentucky Ag
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Successful Backyard Chickens
Author: Daniel Allen
Major Program: Poultry/Small Flocks
According to the American Pet Producers Association 8% of the households in our region of the country have backyard chickens. With this trend growing in urban and suburban areas, and specifically among Millennial and Gen Z populations, the Kenton County Cooperative Extension Service offered a Successful Backyard Poultry program at both of our locations. This program was holistically designed to include breed selection, equipment needs, feed, sanitation practices and flock biosecurity
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© 2024 University of Kentucky, Martin-Gatton College of Agriculture, Food and Environment